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"Hellloooo fishies!" Taehyung laughs and spins around in the water trying his best to wave at all the cute little fish that swim around his feet. He giggled when he ended up hiccuping again.

So there he was in the awfully cold water, but the ice cube like water didn't stop his determination to get into the moonlit sea. He actually felt happy and free when he was out here, all his worries just seemed to wash away with each wave.

The cool nighttime breeze blew lightly through Taehyung's silver hair, the waves just below his ribs were moving past him calmly, the fish moving around freely. Everything just seemed to be moving, except for him.

He looked back down at the fish. His eyes were only half open as he asked them something, "Can I join you, fishies? I'm r-really tired of," He hiccuped making himself laugh again, "t-tired of being there." He confessed as he pointed towards the land, the fish continuing to mind their own business. "I-I think I wanna swim, I want to swim now."

Taehyung took one last look at the land before he submerged himself into the ice cold water, he felt as though he could cry now, where nobody could see, and where nobody could tell he was, for his salty tears were exactly like the salty ocean water.

Still underwater, his back towards the sandy sea floor, his eyes opened to face the bright moon above him. He didn't want to get out, not even once because everything down there was quiet, peaceful, and beautiful.

He smiled as a tear finally escaped his eyes, though no one besides him could tell, not even the fishes around him could tell, and that made him happy. There was finally no one around to tell him how pathetic it is for him to cry.

He felt like he finally belonged somewhere, a place with no expectations, responsibilities, not even love. For the first time in a long time, he was happy to know that maybe there was a place for him after all.

He was finally free.

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