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3:47 PM

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3:47 PM

just so happened
to catch you both.
3:47 PM

wtf, that's at the office
3:48 PM✓

that was almost 2 years ago.
3:48 PM✓

who are you?
3:48 PM✓

oh taehyung, ouch
3:49 PM

we know each other.
3:49 PM

i helped you become
the person you are today.
3:50 PM

don't tell me
3:50 PM✓

surprise! it's me
3:50 PM

what do you want now?
3:51 PM✓

i need money again
3:51 PM

or what?
3:52 PM✓

the world will be seeing
some interesting pictures.
3:52 PM

how much this time?
3:53 PM✓

"This time?" Jungkook asks curiously only have Taehyung shush him as soon as he received another message.

3:53 PM

for one picture?
3:54 PM✓

seems like a lot.
3:54 PM✓

i have more where
that came from btw
3:55 PM

you have 24 hours.

. . . .

"What a bitch!" Jungkook yells as he scrolls through the messages between Taehyung and this y.seokkie person. "Why is this person doing this to you?" He asks as he continuously scrolls back up to see where it all started.

Taehyung's eyes widened as he realized that the very first messages were about Jungkook's and Ji-eun's relationship. He tried to take his phone back from the younger boy, but he was too late. Jungkook was already reading it.

"You paid this person before?" Taehyung nodded, "Tae, why didn't you tell me?" He asks the silver haired boy, his heart hurting because he didn't know that his boyfriend had to go through this for him and his image.

"I did tell you," Taehyung sighs running his hand through his hair, "It was the day I came back from Japan, and you-..." "I told you to not come back." Jungkook finished and took Taehyung's hand in his, "Tae Tae, I really am so sorry about that."

Taehyung sincerely smiles and kisses his boyfriends cheek, "It's fine, it's behind us now." Jungkook's cheeks blush a light pink before kissing him back, "—but what should we do? Should I just pay this person?"

Jungkook pops his tongue on the roof of his mouth, still angry over the fact that this person had been using Taehyung as their personal ATM, and why this person didn't just come right to him instead of his boyfriend. It was his drama anyways.

Not to mention the fact that Taehyung is being blackmailed for being in love was something the boy just couldn't ignore. It made him bubble up in anger, seeing the sad face that seemed to stay on Taehyung's pretty face.

He knew what he wanted to do, though it'd be just about the riskiest things he'd ever do, "Taehyung, do you want to go public?"

hsjsjsjsjs .... who's y.seokkie?

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