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Jungkook had finally brought himself out of his room, the whole week he stayed isolated in there, not even checking his phone to see any updates from the outside world. His hair was an absolute mess, the ends of his hair flying up in all directions, but he honestly couldn't care less about anything.

He hadn't had to go anywhere lately so there was no need to do anything for himself besides like eating and sleeping.

Today he decided to do something he hasn't done in a few days and that was to get back in touch with reality, turning his phone on, he was met with notifications after notifications, he then curiously grabbed his personal phone to which he was surprised to see one of his childhood friends had reached out to him.

iMessage - 2 days ago
k.yg — heard you're working with cypher, do you think you can introduce me to them?

Jungkook sighed as he ignored the message and tossed his personal phone back on the table, grabbing his 'work' phone instead. The boy went into his twitter scrolling through his feed, but eventually found himself scrolling through Taehyung's account.

kim taehyung💜
i feel so bad about everything. i'll figure out what happened, i promise.

💬 39 ↱ ↲ 12 ♡ 45

. . . .

kim taehyung💜
please come back already, i actually miss you. #ComeBack

💬 79 ↱ ↲ 24 ♡ 105

. . . .

He didn't notice it, but slowly, his lips started to curl up and form into a smile as he kept reading Taehyung's tweets. For once in his life, he felt wanted.

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