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Namjoon was in a small meeting with his group when he had suddenly gotten a notification that made him want to question everything he knew about life.

Twitter - 3 seconds ago
@/eatjin followed you!

He blinked a couple times before picking up his phone to read the @ name again, completely blanking out of his surroundings. "Namjoon, what did you think about it?" Hoseok asked as he stopped playing his track for their new and upcoming album.

When Namjoon didn't answer, he pouted at Yoongi who snatched Namjoon's phone out of his hands, reading over what was so exciting that he couldn't even pay attention to a 2 minute demo.

"Hey! Give that back!" He yelled as Yoongi kept scrolling only to find something rather interesting in the heaps of notifications he gets, Namjoon's 'celebrity' crush had followed him.

Then his phone buzzed in Yoongi's hands, "Oh, looks like you got a message from Jin." Yoongi laughed as he tried to open it, all before a panicked but excited Namjoon threw himself on Yoongi in hopes of getting his phone back.

He succeeded, fully smooshing Yoongi's face in the process, but all was good though of course, he could finally talk to his crush.

He took himself out of the room, excusing himself from the small meeting reading Jin's message with a smile on his face, but also biting the tip of his thumb in thought.

Direct Message

hi namjoon ☺️
11:50 AM

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