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"Taehyung! Wake up!" 

His sight was so blurry, but he could see someone hovering over him and holding onto his shoulders so tightly. 

"Taehyung?" the voice repeated, he couldn't say a single word. Instead, he was suddenly being embraced and held like he had never been before. The other person was shaking, and drenched from what he could tell.

Jungkook had run into the water right before Taehyung went into the water. He saw everything happen and ran in as soon as he saw Taehyung fall back. The older boy had passed out from all the drinking.

Jungkook sighed a breath of relief when the boy coughed up some water. Though the boy in his arms was still completely out of it as he started sobbing, pushing away to look at Jungkook's wet face, "J-J-J,"

Taehyung didn't want to cry, but it was inevitable seeing as he was face to face with him again, "J-Jaewon-ah, why d-didn't you just let me go?" He continued to cry as Jungkook tried his hardest to seem unfazed.

Who the hell was Jaewon?

"Taehyung!" Jimin yelled as he and Jin came running up to the pair, they can't help but want to cry when looking down at the still sobbing boy as he repeatedly kept calling out Jaewon's name.

It hurt them, a lot more than it should've, but they knew how much that boy had hurt him. As Jin puts the boy on his back, he starts heading back over to his car in a hurry to get Taehyung somewhere warm, his lips were becoming pale.

Jimin stayed just a few minutes longer to clean up the mess and take Taehyung's belongings. "Jimin? Who's Jaewon?" Jungkook asks and the older boy takes a second to look at the boys worn down appearance and how clearly worried he was for Taehyung's well-being.

The blonde haired boy knew that it wasn't for him to tell, so as he let out a fake side smile, he patted Jungkook's back with his empty hand, "It's not my story to tell, but let's get you out of here." Jimin suggests and the younger boy nods respectfully.

As they walk away from the pitch black ocean, Jungkook couldn't stop himself from thinking about what exactly this Jaewon guy did to make Taehyung go through such drastic measures.

He needed to know who Jaewon was.

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