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when, where, & how?
11:51 AM✓

i didn't get to planning that part yet.
11:52 AM

okay, while you do that
i'll make sure jin's okay.
11:52 AM✓

. . . .

"Jin? You've been in there for an hour, are you okay?" Taehyung asked knocking on his own bedroom door quietly, he silently prayed that his friend wasn't breaking down in tears over the news of his date being caught with someone else just this earlier this morning.

The younger boy heard a couple of choked up sobs from the other side alarming him to just go inside and see if Jin was fine. The image of his best friend laying on the bed cuddling a pillow all while crying his eyes out was enough to make himself want to cry along with him.

Taehyung joined his hyung on his bed, inching closer and closer to him until he was finally close enough to cuddle with him from behind. He wrapped his arms around Jin's waist to bring him closer.

"Jinnie, shhh, you'll be okay. I promise." He told as he closed his eyes, shushing the poor boy.

"T-Taehyung, was it my fa-fault?" The boy asked shaking from his own breath, he didn't want to be affected by it, but he really enjoyed his time with Namjoon. The adorable boy made him feel happier than he's been in a long time, little did he know that Namjoon would also be the cause of one his biggest heartaches.

Taehyung held him closer to his chest, before letting out an airy chuckle, "Of course it's not your fault, Namjoon's just so fucking stupid." He informed the boy wrapped in his arms, Jin cried harder as Taehyung kissed him on the back of his head.

"You're perfect, hyung." Taehyung literates as he moves away from Jin, "You can stay here as long as you want, okay? I need to do some stuff." The younger boy gets up from the bed, as he heads towards the door he can't help but smile when he hears a quiet "Th-Thank you."

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did you figure it out yet?
12:07 PM✓

come over to my house.
12:07 PM

on my way.
12:07 PM✓

He was definitely killing Namjoon.

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