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"Alright, this is your stop." Jaebum told patting Taehyung's back, "Good luck in there, don't think you'll need it though." He laughed delicately, pushing the brunette closer towards the door.

"Wait, I won't need it?" Taehyung's eyebrow shoots up in confusion, he had been thinking he was definitely under qualified for this job, he is under qualified for such a position like this, "Jungkook-ssi has been talking you up for a week, there's no way you won't get this job."

Jaebum gave him another smile and a good luck before turning around to get back to work. Yet the boy in front of the door didn't know what to do, he definitely needs a job, but he absolutely doesn't want one that hires him only because they were basically told to do so. It was like cheating, no, it is cheating.

Taehyung felt a rush of guilt throughout his body, he knew it was wrong, so he had to do the right thing and tell them that he couldn't work here. At least not under this condition, he wanted a job fair and square.

Deep down he knew an opportunity like this probably wouldn't come again, but he always wants to do the right thing. So he knocked on the door three times, hearing a "Come in." from the inside, to which he executed slowly.

Upon stepping in, the man turned around to face the door, "You must be Taehyung, take a seat." The old man gestured towards the chair facing him, as Taehyung takes a seat he clears his throat, cutting the man off his words before he even begins.

"Before you start, I would just like to say thank you for an opportunity like this," The boy started as the man listened intently, "—but I can't work here if Jungkook just told you to hire me. Don't think that's fair to other people." He told from the bottom of his heart.

The man in front of him sighed as he took a good look at Taehyung, "Then I won't hire you for this position, because you're clearly not qualified anyways." leaning back in his chair he continued to watch Taehyung closely.

"I understand, sir." He replied back, keeping his game face on as he stood up. "Thank you anyways." Taehyung smiled, barely evident that he was upset. It was when he started walking towards the door when the man spoke again.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked sternly making Taehyung stand completely frozen in his spot, turning around slowly to look in that direction. The man stood up from his own seat, "Come back, I have something else I want to discuss with you."

The old man gestured his hands towards the seat where Taehyung was sitting in only a few seconds ago and smirks. "Excuse me?" The boy asked while the man smiled, "You want a job right?" He inquired, slightly intriguing the brunette.

"Yes?" The answer he gave came out in a question like tone which made the man laugh a little bit, "Have you ever thought of becoming a model?"

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