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"Just leave me alone, Jungkook." Taehyung looks away from the boy, not being able to look him in the eyes, it was safe to say that Jungkook felt defeated.

Jungkook tried his hardest to make Taehyung open up to him about what was wrong, but it ended up making things worse and dampening his mood even more.

There was really nothing more he could do if he didn't want to further piss off Taehyung, so he left the room, leaving the older boy alone in his workspace again.

While in there all by himself, he started drifting back into a memory, one he wishes he couldn't remember, but as much as he wanted to forget, he could still remember that day by heart.


2 years ago

It was 9 in the morning when Taehyung woke up from his sleep, a smile stretching across his face as he read the small note left for him on the bedside table.

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

have fun with jin and jimin today!
see you tomorrow, taehyung

— j.w

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Taehyung's heart fluttered as he got up from his bed to put on some clothes and start his day. It had been a few months since he moved in with this guy and he felt so in-love.

This was what love must be, always waking up with a smile, a breakfast already made and ready to be eaten, a totally caring person to take care of every need, and always keeping his heart fluttering.

He found himself often in a constant state of happiness, a euphoria. Everything was perfect and it had been like this for the whole year he was with him. Maybe it was finally time for Taehyung to tell the guy he's in love with him.

Taehyung was so excited finally being able to say that to his boyfriend.

Right when he finished getting ready and done eating the delicious breakfast made by none other than his boyfriend he cleaned up the plates and basically dashed out his house, excited to tell his friends what he has in mind for tonight.

It was special after all, saying your first 'I love you' to someone other than your friends and family. It meant that you were fully ready to give them everything, and Taehyung was more than sure he was ready to do just that.

His smile never once seemed to fade from his face today, Jimin and Jin were quick to realize that, "Woah! Why are you so happy today?" Jin laughs petting down Taehyung's brown hair that managed to fly up in all directions as he ran down there as quickly as possible.

Taehyung failed to hold back a cute giggle as he hugged himself in his warm winter jacket, "I'm going to tell him that I love him today." He informed his best friends who couldn't be more ecstatic for him, they knew it was a big deal for the boy who believed in such cheesy romantic things such as this.

"I don't think I can stay the night at your house though, Jimin." He frowned making the then black haired Jimin to laugh, "It's fine, Jin hyung and I get it. Let's just make it special hm?" He asked.

Judging by the way Taehyung smiled, they knew that their movie day was canceled and replaced with Taehyung's search for the best card and gifts he could give his boyfriend.

"Are you going to tell him you're coming back home tonight?" Jin asked curiously having Taehyung think about briefly before making his decision, "I want to surprise him."


He was surprised all right, but it wasn't his boyfriend who was, it was Taehyung.

He came back 60 minutes after he knew the guy he loved would be coming back home and he wasn't wrong, except the only thing he hadn't been expecting was for someone else to be there with him, in their bedroom.

As the boy he loved dearly looked directly at him, he smirked making Taehyung's heart sink, "W-what is this?" He asks out shakily, glancing at the pair who lay side by side in the bed. He tries to suppress any tears that try to escape his eyes.

"You told me you'd be at Jimin's house today." His boyfriend spoke, sighing out as if he was the one the victim in all of this, "I-I was, but I wanted to tell you s-something important tonight." Taehyung mumbled quietly keeping his eyes fixed on the card he worked so hard on to make his boyfriend happy.

The boy on the bed rolled his eyes, "Well?" He deadpans, the nameless male beside his boyfriend snuggling himself closer as Taehyung speaks, "I-I wanted to say t-that, I love you."

He looked up at his boyfriends face, a tear streaming down his face watching the boy laugh at him darkly, "Are you actually crying? You're so fucking pathetic." He laughed again looking at Taehyung who wipes away his tear quickly, "Oh, that's so cute, you love me." He coos.

At this point Taehyung can feel his heart breaking, it didn't feel good, at all. His boyfriend nudges his probably one night stand who laughs with him, the pang in chest makes him want to hide and cry somewhere where nobody could find him.

"Y-you're my boyfriend, y-you said you love me. W-why are doing this?" His shaky voice returns when his body recognizes he's trying to stay as strong as he possibly could.

Taehyung looked back down again when he felt a tear slide down his cheek, making a stain on the white envelope of the card. "Oh poor Taehyungie," The boy laughs as he's now highly amused, "Who ever said that you were my boyfriend?"

Taehyung's eyes widen in realization, it was true, they had never once confirmed their relationship with each other. The boy just safely assumed that since he was living with him and they did coupley things all the time that they were one.

"T-then why'd you tell me t-that you love me?" He asked as if there was still any hope for this relationship, but his expectations were set too high, "To get into your pants, baby."

The boy had never felt more humiliated his entire life, as the pair on the bed gave one last cruel laugh, Taehyung ran out of the bedroom before he could cry in front of him again. He sobbed as he ran out of the place he called his home, not forgetting to slam the door as he exited.

Looking at the card he still had in his hands, Taehyung ripped it up into pieces, devastated over the fact that he had wasted his first 'I love you' on someone who had lied to him only to use his body.

As he threw the remainder of what was a heartfelt love letter on the ground, he ran away as fast as he could, he just wanted his friends. He just wanted to be surrounded by people he knew loved him, because he just couldn't handle being alone tonight.

hi, i've been gone hehe. i didn't edit this because i'm not sure how to. if you're a rereader, the plot is about to change a little. if you're new, welcome to the ride.

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