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Jungkook cried and laughed in Taehyung's arms, the older boy couldn't resist the urge to laugh with him, "You have no idea how much I missed this." He suddenly revealed making Jungkook's heart do that thing it hasn't done in a whole year.

Not even with Ji-Eun.

Taehyung managed to feel it this time since their chests were pressed up against each other's. He could literally feel Jungkook's heart racing against his.

He smiled happily, holding Jungkook closer because he was afraid of losing him again.

Jungkook didn't mind that at all, he just let himself sink deeper into the comfort of Taehyung's hold.

When the model finally had the heart to back away from Jungkook, he just stared at the younger boy intently, "Taehyung, s-stop staring at me like that." He mumbled quietly, letting out small gasp when his back hit against the wall.

Taehyung leaned one hand against the wall, Jungkook was currently sandwiched between the wall and the older boy. Not knowing what to do or where to look, he looked down at his shoes.

"Taehyung-ah." The brown haired boy whined out suddenly when he felt kisses along the side of his neck, between each kiss Taehyung mumbled out an "I. Missed. You. So. Much."

He smoothly made his way up to Jungkook's lips that quite honestly deserved all the attention. The boy finally captured his hyungs lip into a deep kiss.

Their kiss had elements of sadness, happiness, desperation, and love. It was as if this action alone was doing all the talking for them, none of them had to worry about explaining their bottled up feelings, because of this, it was like their truth had finally became told.

"Jump." The older boy instructed, Jungkook followed his command without any question and jumped up softly. Taehyung caught him instantly as he gripped his arms around the younger's legs for support to keep him up.

Meanwhile, Jungkook wraps his long legs around Taehyung's waist and his arms loosely around the boys shoulders. They giggled at each other before continuing their fiery kiss.

It wasn't until a minute later when the door literally flew open, exposing an all too familiar boy, "Taehyung! You're finally-... about to fuck Jungkook!" He screamed as he covered his eyes, "Wait! I meant to say you're finally back! Not that you're about to fuck him." He cried embarrassingly, his cheeks turning beet red.

"Jimin!" He gasped and let Jungkook jump out of his arms, "I missed you so much!" Taehyung ran over to his smaller friend, forcing him into a hug which Jimin happily accepted and returned. "What about me?" Jin huffed from behind, Taehyung stretched out an arm bringing the three of them into a group hug.

Jungkook who felt left out all of a sudden, decided to join in proudly.

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welcome back, taehyung
4:45 PM

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