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"Oh shi-!" Namjoon's mouth was forced shut by Jin's hand, they both looked at each other again before moving their heads back slowly to the phone just in front of them.

With one hand still covering Namjoon's mouth, not wanting to face reality, he used the free one to wave at the viewers and immediately ended the live.

As soon as he did so, Namjoon pushed Jin's hand away from his face and leaned in to kiss him again, which Jin happily accepted. He wrapped his arms around Namjoon's neck to bring him in closer.

"Mm- Jin... wait." The rapper pulls away slowly from Jin and looks him in the eyes while his hands were placed firmly on each side of the older boy's face, cupping his cheeks.

"What're we going to do about the situation?" He asks with nothing more than full concern which makes Jin frown when he sees the nervous look on Namjoon's face.

After a moment, Jin could only think of one solution that wouldn't get at least one of them to lose their careers, "I don't want you to lose your career because of my dumb mistake. I shouldn't have kissed you." He sighed and Namjoon quirked a brow waiting to see where this was headed.

"I'll tweet or something that I forced myself on you and I'll sincerely apologize."

Hearing that made Namjoon not only a little bit mad, but upset. He didn't want to ruin Jin's career just because he was afraid of the backlash and the amount of hate he'd receive or stories that would be covered on this very topic.

He didn't want Jin to go through all the bad things himself, especially when anybody with eyes could see that Namjoon enjoyed the kiss, like really enjoyed it. Maybe it was time for people to finally get over it and have them accept their growing love for each other. 

Whatever it was, he didn't want to hide anymore. He wanted to be himself, Kim Namjoon. He also wanted to stay true to his stage name, RM, Real Me. With all that he was hiding he felt anything but real, maybe it really was time.

"Absolutely not." Namjoon brings them closer and kisses Jin's lips gently, the action making the older boy's eyes flutter shut softly. After their lips separated from each other's again, their foreheads rest against each other's.

"I would never let you do that. Ever. If you're going down, I'm going down with you. There's no other direction I'd ever go if you aren't going there too."

Jin tilted his head just enough and brought Namjoon in for yet another kiss.

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. . . .

"Jungkook, please." Yoongi begs over the phone, "We have to release the song now." He tries to reason with the younger boy who just doesn't know what to do. He wasn't that happy with it yet and he wanted to work on it some more before releasing it to the public which could take weeks, but Yoongi reckons that they didn't have weeks to wait.

"Look Yoongi hyung, you should know better than anyone what I'm saying. You're a producer for crying out loud, what isn't done shouldn't be released." Jungkook frustratedly tries to get his point across and Yoongi can only huff out in anger.

"Jungkook, we need it out now. We're getting so much backlash, we need something positive right now." The younger boy can't help but feel sorry about their whole situation, knowing how complex it could be, but he needed to talk some sense into Yoongi who just wasn't getting it.

"Okay and what if people think the song is absolute trash? How poorly would that reflect on you guys? On me?" Jungkook sighs, "I understand why you're doing this Yoongi hyung, but you're being selfish. So, I'm sorry, but no. I'm not releasing the song yet."

With that said the boy hangs up his phone leaving the older boy on the other side of the line distraught.

He just wanted to scream. Why was this life so complicated?

"Jungkook-ah? Can I come in?" A voice from the other side asks, "No, go away." He mindlessly directs, not even knowing who he said that to, in all honesty he was just tired of all this, he hated the world he was forced into for so many reasons.

Why are their lives in the hands of people they had never met? Why couldn't he just do what he wanted without being judged?

It wasn't fair. Life wasn't fair.

"Jungkook-ah." Taehyung voiced as he placed his hand on the youngers shoulder, the older swore he could feel all the pain Jungkook was feeling right in his chest. It hurt so bad to see that the usually so perfect boy with the perfect image was breaking down right before his very eyes. "What's wrong?"

Jungkook dove right into Taehyung's chest making the both of them topple over onto the ground, "I'm so sick of this. It's all fake, Tae, all of it." Jungkook tears up as he squeezes onto the still caught off guard Taehyung.

"Si-sick of what, Kookie?" He asks, letting the boy continue to stay on him, Taehyung doesn't touch him at all, "This l-life Tae, I really didn't want you to have to b-become a part of it. It sucks." Jungkook admits while salty tears continue to stream out of his eyes, "The m-moment you do something for yourself, it's like the whole world is against you."

The younger boy takes in a sharp breath, "I've been trapped for too long. I can't do this anymore, Tae." Jungkook continues to tell his true feelings and Taehyung finally hugs him back after realizing something, the younger boy only crying more from the sudden embrace.

Taehyung finally knew why Jungkook was so oblivious to love. He never knew the difference between what was fake and what was real.

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