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i'll do anything

i love you.

and besides...

what's another year? we've done it before.

the second our contracts are up, i never want you to let me go again.

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Direct Message

i hope you're okay.

thought it'd be easier this way

you know? sometimes i find
myself reading older messages.

because i miss talking to you.

i did that a lot in japan too.

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Taehyung kept his eyes fixed on the unsent messages, all that was in his mind was how much he wanted to have Jungkook with him again, freely.

It was a year, just 365 days to go until he could wrap Jungkook in his arms, without the company breathing down his neck.

He had done this before though, he figured it was no different than the first time they'd done it... besides the fact that they know that they had developed feelings for each other.

Taehyung padded over to his bed, he had longed the feeling of the warm, homely blanket his mother had gotten him against his skin while he was gone. He steadily placed a knee on the edge of the bed, crawling towards the middle so he could curl up nicely in his blankets.

As he became drowsier, one thought couldn't help but creep into his head as he closed his eyes, he really loves him.

He really really loves Jungkook. It was kind of gross, how love shot he is.

He could only imagine what'd it feel like to hold Jungkook against his chest as they fell asleep together or how adorable Jungkook would look in the morning after just waking up.

Would Jungkook wake up late enough so that he'd be able to make the younger boy a great breakfast? Would they lazily look into each other's eyes and share a kiss? He just wanted to know, but it would be a while until he finds out.

slight nsfw ahead

Within the very first week, any time Jungkook and Taehyung passed each other in the halls they'd give each other a warm smile, knowing that once this was all over, they'd have each other to themselves.

They were doing well, until the second week when they happened to be in the bathroom at the same time.

The empty bathroom.

Taehyung was staying strong, but fell into the temptation when Jungkook locked the door and jumped up onto Taehyung, wrapping his legs around the older boy's waist and arms loosely around his neck. Loose enough so he could leave longing kissed alongside it.

"Jungkook-ah" his deep voice caused Jungkook to pause and look into Taehyung's eyes, "We shouldn't be doing this, you know how much I want to, but-"

Jungkook cuts him off by kissing him and Taehyung grips the younger boy tighter so he wouldn't drop him. "Tae please~ I miss you."

The boy whines, "Touch me~" and needless to say, Taehyung was on top of that demand.

the album is called Love Yourself 'Answer' not Love Yourself 'Tear' but tell me why i'm crying???

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