
6.9K 490 156

[update 1] — this just hit 100k so,, jajsjsksk

The pair laid there on the bed comfortably in each other's arms, though both of their hearts were beating out of their chests. "I don't know" Taehyung sighed breaking the silence and Jungkook's face fell almost immediately.

He gnawed at his bottom lip awkwardly, but not letting go of the boy in his arms anyways, because no matter how hurt he was, it still felt good to be in Taehyung's arms.

It was only a second later when the silver haired boy nuzzled into him more, "—why you think I'd say no. I'd love to be yours." He mumbles while pressing kisses on Jungkook's jawline.

The boy laughs and moves so he hovers over the older to take a good look at his face, seeing the perfection before him made his heart go boom boom. To say that he loves Taehyung was not enough, he's head over heels, madly in love with Kim Taehyung.

Running one hand through Taehyung's hair, he trails it down to cup the boy's right cheek, moving his thumb to caress him further. The older boy leaned into Jungkook's hand, his eyes closing when the singer places a soft kiss upon his pink lips.

Jungkook moves down to press their foreheads against each other's, "I love you, I love you so so much." With that he brushed his lips against Taehyung's again.

"Taehyung! Jungkook! Are you guys hungry?" Jimin asks loudly as he bursts through the door, Jungkook throws himself off Taehyung's body the second the little black haired boy screams at the doorway.

"F-fuck, I'm so sorry!" He exasperates and the couple on the bed could only laugh, at how perfect Jimin's timing always was. "It's fine my Kookie and I weren't doing anything." The boy told emphasizing the my, trying to make it clear that he and Jungkook were official.

Jimin nearly lost it, he ran out of the room dragging the unsuspecting Jin into the bedroom with him as he jumped around happily, "Jimin, what the fu-..." "They're dating! They're actually dating!" Jimin beamed while the oldest tried to process everything.

Taehyung and Jungkook had their hand entangled, playing with the grip of it with huge smiles present on their faces. "Alright Jimin, I think we should leave them." Jin decided almost instantaneously, "Let's go." He instructs and Jimin literally winks at the pair in bed. Leaving the two of them flustered.

Just a few moments later when they heard the two other boys leave the house, Jungkook turned to face Taehyung. They briefly tugged their lips to form a smile before the older moved himself closer to the younger boy. "I love you too, I love you so so much."

Just like that the two of them spent the night in each other's arms and Taehyung had never felt more love than this his whole life. He finally felt wanted, so did Jungkook.

unrevised —
omg omg omg! my 20 something drafts came back! i'm so happy, but ew because i still have some drafts from my xReader writing days.

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