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The man looks at his son with discontent, he watches as he takes Taehyung's hands in his, and the old man just snapped, "What do you mean you're not extending it?" He asks raising his tone, "What do you plan on doing, going?"

Jungkook guides himself and the model to the seat in front of his dad, "Cypher is starting their own company and they want to sign me." He glances over to his yet-to-be-boyfriend and smiles, "Us."

His fathers face turns an unimaginable shade of dark red, but Jungkook was unfazed by his actions, like he had seen this before one too many times.

To Taehyung, the atmosphere in the room felt worse than sitting under the scorching sun in winter clothing, which he did experience once, but that was a different story.

"Then why am I just hearing about this now?!" His Dad exasperated breathlessly, as he hurriedly looked up any information he could find on Cypher starting up their own company, he knew for a fact that his company could go under if they really were planning something.

Lo and behold there it was, articles all from today plastering his screen, he hurriedly scrolls through all the articles looking for a reliable one, hoping there wasn't one, but he found instead found something that he dreaded.

An official statement from Cypher themselves announcing their departure from their company and starting up their own in about a years time.

"Jungkook, son, please don't do this." He pleaded, begging for his son to stay, Jungkook leaned himself on against the huge desk in front of him and grinned, "Maybe I'd reconsider if you let me be with Taehyung." He spoke proudly, not once letting go of the older boy's hand.

His father was desperate, but stupidly, not that desperate, "Don't come running back to me if it fails." His father says strictly as he turns off his monitor. Jungkook scoffs, rolling his eyes in the process, he honestly was not at all surprised.

"I don't plan on it." Jungkook spoke rising from his seat, "Come on Tae let's go." He ushers him out of the uncomfortable room.

Once they exit the room, Jungkook was left fuming as he walked, Taehyung still being dragged from behind, "That old man never gets a damn clue!" He stresses, not even noticing the boy's tears, "He never lets me live or love!"

Taehyung stopped in his tracks abruptly, looking down at his shoes to hide the fact that he was really crying. As much as he cried in front of Jungkook before, he still hated crying in front of people, it made him feel so weak, so pathetic, in his opinion.

"What's wrong, Tae?"

The older boy sucks in a sharp breath, making sure there were no tears present on his face when he smiled dearly at Jungkook, "Nothing." He told, "I just realized that I really love you."

The boy's heart did the thing again, not catching Taehyung's infamous tell-offs that Jaebum can sense so easily, the lip biting and not being able to look someone in the eyes, but Jungkook happily replied with, "I really love you too." And continued walking down the hall again.

They just prayed these last 10 months would come by sooner, so they could finally be free.

this story never had a plot, lmao. i'm kinda just playing with it.

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