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"So Joon-... I mean, RM has so kindly agreed to be on my livestream today!" Jin exclaimed lightly clinging on Namjoon's arm, in a friendly manner, the younger boy smiled and looks straight in to the camera giving a simple wave as the amount of hearts double.

"What's up guys?" He talks cooly to the audience on the other side of the screen, he watches as the comments roll in from people all around the world. "So RM brought some food for us to eat," Jin picked up a few bags of the greasy fast food, "He claimed that McDonalds was the only place near here."

He chuckled, clinging onto Namjoon, again. "At least I bought fries." The younger boy cutely retaliated, letting himself lean into Jin, the comment section was going crazy.

Meanwhile, Yoongi was going crazy watching Namjoon being all clingy with Jin. All he could see was all the negative attention they'd get if this went any further. He could see it now, the news articles all over the internet reading, "RM of Cypher is gay."

What would happen after that?

Hoseok took his time to text Namjoon to not do anything stupid, but he obviously wasn't aware of any of the messages he was getting. Jin told him to put it away for the time being. Namjoon happily obliged.

Taehyung was starting to feel his heart explode, this was so cute and he couldn't handle it, they boys on the screen laughed and played around with each other and the food, giggling about stories they were telling as they kept eating, just like their first date.

Even Hoseok and Yoongi had to admit that all was going well, there wasn't really any huge giveaways that showed they were nothing more than close friends.

Eventually, the pair on the livestream got to talking about things that were a bit more touchy, like their first loves and whatnot. Jimin could sense something was going to happen, it just didn't sit well with him, but he decided to keep watching anyways.

When Namjoon got done telling his story about an anonymous past girlfriend, Jin looked up at him with glossy eyes and gave him a peck on the lips. Namjoon blushed for a second before realizing what just happened and that was when he freaked out.

Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook all sat there, in various locations, mouth open in complete shock.

Namjoon and Jin had kissed live in front of 500,000+ people.

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