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"So, who'd you decide on?" Taehyung poked at Jimin's cheek repeatedly while the older boy tries not to crack, but he failed, "Stop it!" He laughed, "I chose Yoongi." The boy admits and Taehyung stopped poking at him.

"Really you-..." "You didn't let me finish." Jimin cut him off, "I also chose Hoseok." He told nonchalantly before laughing his ass off at Taehyung's and Jin's priceless reaction, which just consisted of their mouth hanging open in confusion.

"Once you go polyamorous, you never go back." Jimin laughs again, "I mean, have you ever done it with three people?" He questioned Taehyung and Jin who looked at him oddly. "They're such daddies." Taehyung shakes his head trying to forget everything he just heard.

"Forget I ever asked. Do what makes you happy." Taehyung smiled at him, while Jin pretends like he didn't just imagine his friend having a threesome with the other two members in Namjoon's group.

They continued talking for an hour before Jungkook came back into Taehyung's room at the company, "Taehyung, PD-nim wants to see you." He informed him calmly, the boy stood up and waved to his friends prior to leaving hand in hand with Jungkook.

The pair unavoidably smiled as they walked down the halls, Jungkook being a little more clingy than he had ever been, not that Taehyung was complaining though. For the younger boy, it made his heart feel good, it was something he never felt when he was in a relationship with Jieun.

He now understood what it meant, it wasn't a bad pain that he was experiencing all those months ago, it was love, and he felt extremely stupid for not realizing it. He wasn't to blame though, he had a rough start in life, being pushed to do something he didn't want to do.

He was just exposed to this lifestyle too early and didn't get to experience what everyone else had the chance to get, hence why he was so slow when it came to feelings, especially love.

"Ah, Jungkook? You're coming to the meeting too?" The silver haired boy whispered as they stepped inside PD-nim's office, "Yea, I have something I need to discuss with him." Jungkook whispered back, squeezing Taehyung's hands slightly before saying, "I'm quitting."

jungkook's quitting? wonder why 🤔

oh right! i realized that not everyone likes horror and creepy stories, so i decided i'd start instinct after this story ends. (hybrid namjin story)

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