Chapter Five- A raven's suspicions

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    I awoke early the next day, January 1st, New Year's Day was the day that the rest of the Hogwarts students would be arriving back. Although I had enjoyed my first Christmas holiday at Hogwarts I was excited to welcome back my friends and begin my lessons again. I had received a few letters from my closest friends including Wiglaf and Lazarus over the break but nothing was like catching up in person.

I had just finished putting on my robes for the first time this year when, Juniper my barn owl made me jump, making me drop my satchel as she tapped against the window. Confused I walked over to the window and let her in, she shoved her leg towards me angrily, obviously agitated that she had been expected to deliver not only a letter but a small package also so early in the morning. 

I quickly freed her of her load, thanked her and offered her a dead white mouse out of her treat chest, which she gulped down hastily, before squawking in gratitude before flying off back through the open window.
I held the delivery in my hands cautiously, who would be sending me something today? My Father? I had still not heard from him over the break.
No, it was defiantly not my Father's hand, I traced the silver lettering with my finger, 'The Heir of Gryffindor,'. I recognised that hand, but no it wouldn't be...
I pealed open the black envelope to find a plain black card inside, which I flipped open, inside in silver cursive read,
"The Heir of Gryffindor, a belated Christmas gift. The Heir of Slytherin" My breath hitched in my throat, as I slowly placed the card upon my bed, and collapsed down beside it, still holding the small package in my shaking hands. I opened the wrappings and realised a breath I did not realise I had been holding as I saw what was sat upon the paper, it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Shimmering in the early morning light was an elegant golden chain with an ornate lion's head pendant with sparkling deep rubies for eyes. I held it up gently and my breathing heavy carefully clasped it around my neck, I walked towards the dresser mirror to admire it glistening on my chest.

"Grisha!" I heard my name being called out across the Great Hall, as a lanky boy pulled me into a tight hug.    
"Hi Lazarus," I smiled, pulling my friend into a hug. "How was your Christmas break? Thank you for the goggles by the way, they will make sure I certainly beat Hufflepuff this season," I winked, Lazarus beamed,
"It will take more than Goggles! Thank you for the traveling guide I can't wait to be able to use it! My break was ok... you know the usual large family debacle. How was your first holiday at Hogwarts?" He replied cheerfully.
"Really enjoyable actually," I replied, I could tell that Lazarus was continuing to have some disagreements with his family, but I could sense that he did not want to discuss it any further right now,
"Wiglaf, get over here!" Lazarus called across the hall, a tall Ravenclaw with his brunette hair pulled back into a small bun, looked over and rolling his eyes came walking towards them.
"I think the rest of the hall also heard you Lazarus," Wiglaf drawled sarcastically.
Lazarus merely rolled his eyes, still smiling serenely.
"How are you Grisha?" Wiglaf smiled, as he addressed me,
"I'm well thanks, you? Thank you for the book, I will be able to beat you soon when I have studied it." I smiled playfully,
"That is the intention, you certainly have the potential. I'm also well thank you," he replied smiling, nodding his head "Thank you also for my thoughtful gift, a new planner is exactly what I need for the New Year." He continued, I smiled in return.
"Hey, where is Riddle? I haven't seen him since returning yet." Lazarus asked questionably,
"I'm not sure," my hand instinctively reaching up to finger the new pendant hanging around my neck.
"That's a handsome necklace," Wiglaf commented questionably, making me grab it tighter, before quickly withdrawing my hand back to my side.
"Bloody hell talk of the devil. How do you do that!?" Lazarus exclaimed, bringing everyone's attention to Riddle, who had just seemed to simply materialise beside them.
"It's a pleasure to see you again too Lazarus," Tom smirked,
"I thought you might have died, you know not hearing from you all holiday," Lazarus snipped, a smirk playing at his lips,
"You're not that lucky Laz," Tom simply replied,
Wiglaf eyed Tom carefully, before fleeting his gaze towards me, I dropped my eyes as I realised I had been staring at Tom. I realised Tom's eyes continue to stall upon me as we continued our brief reunion.
"Tom," I breathed, calling him back to me as we began to split off towards are respective house tables. He turned back towards me,
"Thank you," I whispered, Tom merely inclined his head before turning back and continuing to approach the Slytherin table and the elite Slytherin housemates who were as usual congregated together waiting for him.

For the second day in January although still cold, the sun was trying desperately to poke out through the dense grey cloud. Wanting to take advantage of any exposure to the sun that I could, I sat at the edge of the bridge my feet dangling down below, reading my duelling techniques book which Wiglaf had gifted to me.
"Good to see you studying," a scholarly voice addressed me;
I looked up to see Wiglaf looking down on me.
"Of course, you have a good influence on me," I smiled, gesturing to the book. He looked up and down the bridge before deciding we were indeed alone before seating himself beside me.
"I've been thinking," He started,
"What's new," I laughed, but his face told me that this was no laughing matter.
"What is it?" I asked tentatively,
"That necklace," He said, pointing towards the golden jewellery around my neck and eyeing it as if it were about to curse us both.
Again my hand instinctively reached up to hold it protectively.
"Yes?" I asked cautiously,
"It's new? A Christmas gift perhaps?" He added,
"Perhaps," I replied elusively. Wiglaf pursed his lips in agitation,
"Your Father?" he asked,
"Pfft," I scoffed unintentionally, leading Wiglaf to raise his eyebrows,
"No? Then who? Can I take a look at it?" He outstretched his hand,
"No!" I blurted out. "Why? It's just a necklace. I know what you're like! There is nothing suspicious about my necklace, thank you very much for your concern," I continued, intending this to put an end to the discussion. Wiglaf however was more determined to get information than I had originally anticipated.
"Why are you so secretive about it?" He asked increduasly,
"Why are you so insistent about it? It's just a gift from a friend."
Wiglaf sighed, "I'm just trying to protect you,"
"From what!?" I asked, getting a little frustrated, "I'm not a little girl Wiglaf,"
"I know that. I just... I don't know. I felt something about that necklace that's all. It gave me a strange feeling..." he continued.
A cold shiver came over me as I held onto my necklace. I didn't feel anything, nothing but awe at its detail and beauty. Why would Tom do anything to the necklace that could hurt me?
"Well it's a gift from a friend. They wouldn't want to hurt me, I trust them." I huffed, refusing to look at Wiglaf.
"Ok. Well I am sorry." He stood up, brushing off his robes. "I'll see you when we arrange the next meeting,"
A feeling of guilt suddenly came over me as I also took to my feet,
"Look Wiglaf," I called to him, causing him to turn back around, "I'm sorry for being short with you, I know you're just trying to look out for me but trust me not everything is ill fated,"
He nodded to me and walked off across the bridge back towards the school grounds. I fingered the necklace gently and decided that it may be best to slip it beneath my shirt should Lazarus also get wind of Wiglaf's suspicions. I don't know why but I felt the desire to keep the necklace's origins so guarded. There was something about it that made me want to keep it a secret between me and Tom. Perhaps I thought that Tom would want to keep it a secret too? Or perhaps that the other boys would read too much into it. It was just a friendly gesture in return for my own right? There was nothing untoward about the necklace and that was that.

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