Chapter Seventy Three- Scared Riddle?

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October was now in full swing, the sun was retiring earlier and earlier as the days went by. The leaves had all but fallen from their branches covering the floor in a thick sea of oranges, yellows, reds and browns. The temperature had dropped to carrying a sudden chill upon the air causing you to be able to see your own breath when working out in the greenhouses. I was certainly happy to return to the cosy Gryffindor common room each night with its roaring fire and piles of freshly washed tartan blankets.

 These past few weeks had flashed by in a blur of essays and training sessions in our 'new' arena. I had continued to master wordless magic and Tom was certain that I would soon be able to do some wandless spells and incantations to, he did say that he would teach me one day soon but that we would have to stick to simple charms for now and work on using the skill during combat later, he of course had already begun to master the skill.  In fact as a team we had grown closer over the past few weeks, we were focused, determined, strong. Tom had not acted in anyway suspicious (as far as we were aware) and so had stunted Lazarus and Wiglaf's manhunt for the time being at least. 

Prefect duties had mainly consisted of patrol duty, we had not had a meeting now for some time. I was not complaining however the less I had to see of Celia the better. She still clung onto Tom like a soul sucking leech. I scoffed out loud accidently at the mere thought of her causing Tom, Wiglaf apart from Lazarus who was lying back on the couch with his book flat against his chest. Covering my blunder with a cough I smiled, 
"Is Lazarus asleep again?" I chuckled. 
"I think he's training to die." Tom drawled flicking over a page in his book with one long finger. 
"I heard that," Lazarus grumbled. "I'm resting my eyes." 
"Another rest? I think your eyes must have narcolepsy," Tom stated without even looking up from his book as Lazarus mimed throwing his book at Riddle's head. Tom smirked and raised an eyebrow. 
"I dare you to do it Laz as Head Boy I'll even give Hufflepuff 10 points." he smirked. 
"That's enough." Wiglaf said closing his book lightly. "He doesn't need any encouragement." 
"Spoil sport," Lazarus smirked, Wiglaf smirked in returned and nodded his head in agreement.
"For a Head Boy you haven't held many Prefect meetings," Lazarus smirked. 
"Oh you must be deversated about that Lazarus as you and your narcoleptic eyeballs are always so involved in the discussions." I was unable to stifle laughter with a cough this time causing Lazarus to look a little flustered. 
"Go to hell Riddle," he muttered.

"They won't have me back," Tom smirked. "In response to your enquiry about a prefects meeting it has been purposefully... suspended." 
"Suspended?" I asked, 
"Purposefully?" Wiglaf asked at the same time. 
"This room seems to echo," Tom smirked. "Yes 'purposefully suspended' due to a change of tradition." 
"Oh here we go Master Riddle is above tradition." Lazarus scoffed.
" I don't know where your perception of me as a difficult person has arisen from I am a constant delight." Tom grinned from ear to ear. 
"Wait... what tradition is changing?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him. 
"I have cancelled the Halloween ball." Tom smirked. 
"What!?" Lazarus breathed outraged. "You can't do that! Not without having the prefects vote on it." 
"Relax Laz you will get your chance to go to a ball alone just at Christmas year instead... I'm afraid I could not convince my fellow head girl or the professors of cancelling balls altogether." he looked slightly bitter at this. 
"So what is being planned instead?" Wiglaf asked tapping his finger upon the arm of the leather chair. 
"A Halloween feast." Tom replied. 
"But what about after the feast?" Lazarus asked looking disappointed. 
"I'm sorry Lazarus did you want to go trick or treating?" Tom smirked. 
"I know who I would be tricking," Lazarus muttered. 
"I'm afraid would take quite a great deal of cunning, something I am afraid you lack considerably." Tom replied. 
"I have an idea." I interrupted as I inspected my nails intently waiting for one of the boys to reply but I decided to continue when neither of them spoke but instead looked to me curiously. 
"We could conduct a seance... a summoning of sorts." I suggested my heart beating fast in my chest as I wondered what they responses would be... I would be lying if I had not thought of having the opportunity to reach to my Father one last time.
I looked up to see Wiglaf staring at me dumbfounded, while Tom had risen his eyebrows almost up to his slick dark hairline, Lazarus expression had frozen eyes wide as he looked between us all. 
"A summoning? Are you quite alright Grisha?" He asked looking concerned. 
"What is it you are wanting to summon?" Tom asked leaning back in his chair and observing me curiously. 
"A gateway to the other world" I replied. 
"We have ghosts! Why don't you just go and talk to Nearly Headless Nick or something! I don't fancy us summoning a demon from the depth! I have enough bad omens lurking as it is one of them is sat right there." Lazarus replied gesturing to Tom. 
"Wiglaf?" I prompted. 
"I have to admit that I do not like the sound of it, ghosts are one thing but to summon souls is another." 
"Tom?" I was literally begging for support at this point. 
"Wiglaf has a point, summoning can be dangerous... it's certainly not 'Hogwarts approved' magic." Tom stated looking thoughtful, frustrated I sighed I thought out of any of them Tom would have supported me on this. 
"Scared Riddle?" I jeered, Tom chuckled. 
"It's not the dead you need be afraid of," He grinned. 
"It's those that were never alive to begin with that bother me! Besides none of us know how to correctly summon souls!" Lazarus exclaimed which was followed by awkward silence as Tom tapped his wand against the arm of his chair and smirk playing upon his lips. 
"You have got to be kidding me!" Lazarus breathed. 
"With or without your help I'm going to attempt it." I smirked. 
"You heard her Lazarus, Wiglaf... now would you let our dear Grisha tackle this alone?" Tom smirked, I looked at him shocked that he was playing along. 

Lazarus shook his head and dropped back into his chair, while Wiglaf let out a sigh of defeat. 
"Upon your orders McLaggen we shall let the games commence this Halloween." Tom smirked.
"You have done this before haven't you?" I asked tentatively, feeling now a little overwhelmed that I had actually convinced them to take part. 
"I know the theory." Tom replied, "I can't say contacting the other world has ever been an interest of mine..." 
"Grisha." Wiglaf looked at me with a serious expression upon his face. "You know you can not guarantee with who you will summon?" he asked a look of knowing pity upon his face as he realised why it was I wanted to do this. 
"I know." I nodded curtly. 
"Sometimes I wonder how we get into the situations that we do and then I remember times like these." Lazarus sighed running his hand through his hair. 

"You know Wiglaf is right," I stopped as I walked stepped upon the bottom step on the staircase back up to Gryffindor tower I turned around to face him stood under the arch leaning nonchalantly against it.

"And yet you agreed," I replied simply. 
"Let's just say I have a certain fascination for all areas of magic." He smirked.
"What is that supposed  to mean?" I asked raising my eyebrow. 
"And so do you," He continued.
"Excuse me?" I had now placed my hands upon my hips.
"This was your idea Grisha clearly you are as fascinated with the... other potentials of magic as I." He smirked.
"Fascinated perhaps... but only when I have need of it and only if it will not harm anyone or anything." I replied my blue eyes boring into Tom's searching for any flicker but nothing they were shielded like impenetrable ice upon an frozen lake. 
"There is no light and dark Grisha only power and those too weak to seek it." He smirked and turned his back on me, he stopped and turned his head.
"But I think you know that." he added with a smirk before his black cloak disappeared in a flourish down the dark corridor behind. 

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