Chapter Forty Nine- The prefects bathroom

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I reshuffled my towel under my arm as I walked down the fifth corridor towards the state of Boris the Bewildered. The welcoming feast for the new school term was within an hour and I wanted to freshen up, I would usually use the dormitory bathroom but I felt like I would take advantage of the prefects bathroom for the first time as Florian had kept telling me what a treat that I was missing. 
I slipped behind the statue and stood before the fourth for to the left as Florian had instructed me.
"Leadership," I said clearly upon hearing the password the lock clicked open allowing me to push it open. I was met with a wall of warm air and an overwhelming smell of soap and almonds filled my nostrils as I gasped wide eyed looking around the large circular room it was like something from a fairytale, a palace. The centrepiece of the room was a floor to ceiling enchanted stained glass arched window in which a mermaid sat upon a rock brushing her long brunette locks. Bubbles filled the air as I looked towards the huge bath which was built into the floor itself, I wondered just how deep it was as the surface of the water was currently filled with fluffy bubbles. Raised above the tub were rows upon rows of brass taps. I closed my eyes and smiled contentedly it was as if I had just discovered a secret haven I was desperate to get relax in the warm inviting water I opened my eyes again to prepare to undress when what I saw froze me to the spot, my mouth hung open as I stared unable to move. 
A young man stood with his back to me beside the bath a white fluffy towel draped low around his waist. I recognised him at once, the dark hair dripping down his exposed muscular back, I frowned to see a number of large scars across his shoulder blades... mentally slapping myself I brought myself back to reality and tried to sneak backwards out of the bathroom. Clang! I cringed pulling my limbs towards myself and closing my eyes expectantly, I had knocked over some sort of metal bucket. I cursed myself and hoped that the floor would swallow me whole but no such look... a cough prompted me to crack my eyes open feeling my cheeks flare up as if on fire. 

Turned around to face me he stood before me, unable to stop myself my eyes looked him up and down. His dark wet hair falling into his blue eyes, his angular collar bones and strong shoulders leading to his slim strong arms. His smooth torso and lightly defined abs leading down to, I averted my eyes as I reached his low wrapped towel revealing his 'Adonis belt' I swallowed hard trying to remove the image from my head as I focused my eyes upon the white tiled floor. 
"Sorry," I murmured to the floor as I turned to leave biting my lip and cursing at myself again. 
"Oh don't leave on my account," Tom chuckled,I glanced back around to see him now leaning upon one of the large roman like pillars a smirk plastered upon his face. 
"I erm... I'm not..."
Tom rose his eyebrows at me.
"Well yes I am... but I er I've forgot my powder..." I stuttered mentally slapping myself for saying something so pathetic. 
"Your powder?" He smirked making me want nothing more than to smack him right across the face.
Shit I cursed as I turned back around and quickly left the bathroom slamming the door shut behind me, I pulled my hand down my face as I leaned against the door. 
Why!?  Why him!? What a stupid idea anyway, was there not some sort of charm against walking in on people like that!? I shook my head angrily as I couldn't get the image of his half-naked form out of my head. It had made my stomach whirl I had felt as if I couldn't breath like my whole skin was on fire and tingling. I looked like an absolute idiot I couldn't even speak, I couldn't even come up with anything witty to say! He had rendered me completely speechless and for that I hated him.  My powder!? 

We walked down the second floor corridor side by side in silence later that night after the feast had ended upon our first patrol together of the term, I couldn't bring myself to look at him as everytime I did I still saw him without his clothes and it made my stomach churn in embarrassment.
"So did you get your powder? I thought your skin looked extra flawless this evening." Tom said breaking the silence I looked at him to see him smirking as usual, I rolled my eyes.
"Shut it Riddle." I mumbled. 
He chuckled putting his hands within his pockets but just then something sprung into my mind causing me to bite my lip...
"Tom..." I breathed.
"Hmmm," He replied still staring ahead down the corridor as we walked. 
"Those scars... on your back..." I continued, Tom froze and stopped walking causing me to also come to an abrupt stop and take another step back to fall back beside him, he sighed. 
"Leave it Grisha." his tone was not joviel anymore, it was dangerous my mind screamed at me to drop it but something was pulling me forwards daring me to push the limits. 
"They didn't look fresh... they are old scars?" 
"Grisha." Tom hissed and started to walk again faster than before the heels of his immaculate black leather shoes echoing as he walked.I sped up to reach him falling into step beside him again. My thoughts floated back to our time within the maze, to the memory I had saw of Tom...
"They are from the orphanage aren't they?... did that man do that to you or-" I was cut off as I was roughly pushed against the wall, I gasped as my head hit the stone with a thump causing it to throb painfully. I reopened my eyes to see that Tom had his fists entangled in the front of the robes holding me up against the wall.
"I warned you Grisha, I warned you and warned you to leave it but you never listen." I felt my breathing stop as I stared at him. He didn't sound like Tom anymore his voice was high and cold there was something odd about his eyes they were dark and threatening not blue and intelligent as they usually were. Summoning my courage I pushed back against him and to my surprise he instantly released me, his hands still frozen in mid air his eyes returned to their usual light blue the muscles in his face seemed to loosen as he dropped his hands back to his sides. 
"What are you scared of Tom!?" I yelled at him my hands shaking by my sides as I curled them into fists. "Why are you so angry? Go on then, go on curse me." I snapped advancing on him and pushing myself up upon my tiptoes looking up into his face. "You don't scare me Riddle."
"No." he replied simply turning himself away from me. "You have no idea what you are playing with if you did you would be afraid. If I don't want to talk about it Grisha then I don't want to talk about it. Should we talk about your mother instead?" He hissed my eyes went wide as I dropped back down onto my heels. 

"No? You don't want to talk about seeing her dead body? Her lifeless eyes? You don't want to talk about how you Father punished you all those years for her death?" his voice sliced through me like knives I had nothing to say as I looked down to the stone floor. 
"No of course you don't, do not ask me anything about my past again." he warned before storming off down the corridor his robes billowing out behind him as he rounded the corner and out of sight. I dropped down upon the ledge of the wall as tears began to stream down my face. 

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