Chapter Eighty Seven- Decode the warning

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It had been a couple of days and word of my and Malfoy's little duel had traveled fast.  Lazarus and Wiglaf had both had their opinions on the matter Lazarus describing it as 'bloody brilliant' and Wiglaf warning me to 'keep my head down'. Malfoy himself had since made sure to keep his distance only offering threatening looks from the side lines along with his little group. Perhaps I had dishonored them? I smiled to myself. Although I was not in anyway afraid of Malfoy I had the intuition that he would not rest on his defeat. Tom I had not actually seen for as number of days now but then his little disappearing acts were not unusual. 

I dodged my way down the busy corridor after lunch heading to my first lesson of the afternoon, which just so happened to be Charms with the Hufflepuffs. Suddenly I felt a sharp tug on my robe sleeve which managed to unsteady me and pull me into the nearby unused classroom. 

I hastily withdrew my wand instantly expecting foul play, half expecting to see Malfoy stood before me. 
"Easy McLaggen." the familiar smooth voice called out of the gloom, it was so dark that I could not see him. I squinted as a bright light abruptly lit the room, it took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the brightness before I could clearly see Tom's smirking face illuminated by his own wand light. 
"What in Merlin are you doing!?" I gasped. "You nearly gave me a heart attack!" 
"So on edge, it is as if you are expecting an attack McLaggen," He replied arching his dark eyebrow, his blue eyes sparking in the bright light of his wand. 
"Oh yes how silly of me! If someone unknown drags me into a deserted room I get a little defensive." I mocked stowing my wand back up my sleeve and placing my hands upon my hips. 
Tom continued to stare at me with a crooked grin upon his face before he leaned back upon one of the tables, his wand still lit he lowered it a little by his side, relieving my eyes from the overbearing brightness. 
"Well alas it is not someone unknown," he mocked in return. 
"No... no I know you very well." I smirked back at him tilting my head to one side as I observed him. 
"Your sure about that?" He replied mimicking my actions and tilting his head as he met my gaze.
"What is you wanted Riddle?" I asked unable to contain my curiosity any longer. 
"I believe you gave Malfoy a run for his money," he seemed amused, a playful glint to his eyes which I did not often see. 
"He was a sore loser, I merely ended the duel by defense." I confirmed calmly. 
"Indeed... Alas Malfoy is of course not all happy." the jovial tone of his voice betrayed the seriousness of his words. 
"Poor Malfoy." I snickered. 
"Yes a true tragedy for his ego..." Tom replied the same hint of mirth in his voice. "In short I come to warn you that he is out for shall we say... retribution." I scoffed at him and opened my mouth to speak but was cut off as Riddle raised a hand his smirk still firmly in place. 
"Malfoy does not play by the rules. I do not think you need concern yourself with the thought of an attack, Malfoy is now much too afraid to attempt to duel you again he will turn to... other techniques." 
"Like what?" I asked incredulously crossing my arms across my chest, Tom merely shrugged. 
"Do not pretend you don't know Riddle. I know that every single one of those little sheep inform you of every little thing, 'Oh Riddle, Riddle can I breath?" I jeered, Tom chuckled. 
"You think so?" Tom smirked. "Well I'm afraid I must disappoint you." 
"Nothing new there then," I murmured but it was certainly did not go unnoticed by Tom whose expression temporarily twisted into a small frown. 
"You wouldn't tell me if you did know would you Riddle?" I sighed. 
"I believe that this is good practice for you, you want know everything that is coming in life you must prepare for the unexpected. Be thankful I warned you at all." 
I bowed teasingly, "Why thank you my valiant knight." I sneered. 
"You are welcome my Lady," Tom jeered extinguishing his wand he pushed the door to the corridor open again. 
"Great, you have made me late to Charms," I hissed but as I looked around Riddle was nowhere to be seen. How did he do that!?

"What were you playing at? That's the second time this week you have been late, if you wasn't such a class favourite you would have been sanctioned a detention by now." Lazarus sighed as we left the Charms classroom. 
"It's just so well I am a class favourite then," I smirked, causing Lazarus to laugh and shake it head.
"Hey!" I spun around to see Amber running up the corridor towards us. 
"Oh hi Lazarus," she smiled upon reaching us and noticing that he was also stood beside me, but before Lazarus could reply she jumped straight into her news, I could tell she was excited as she was standing upon her tiptoes and kept flicking her auburn hair around almost hitting Lazarus across the face on more than one occasion. 
"Have you seen the notice board yet in the common room?" She almost squealed, I frowned in confusion as I shook my head urging her to continue. 
"Ah!" she squealed again, Lazarus took a step back surveying her as if she were a blast ended skirk on the brink of exploding. 
"Well," she exaggerated. "We meaning the sixth and seventh years have been invited for the very first time ever in Hogwarts history to attend a full day of work experience within the Ministry of Magic, complete with tour! Apparently Headmaster Dippet and Professor Dumbledore are going to assign us all departments to work in! They are doing it to try and get more young witches and wizards into Ministry professions as more and more are opting for alternatives." 
"I can't say I'm surprised," said Lazarus who looked less than excited about the revelation. I on the other hand didn't know how I felt... I certainly had my own issues and concerns with the Ministry but then the profession of an auror was still something that lay in a small corner of my heart. Ever since my Father the thought of being able to potentially stop these things from ever happening to anyone else or at least making the perpetrators pay had grown ever more appealing. 
"When is this happening?" I asked still frowning as I tried to take in the new information. It was hard enough fitting in apparition lessons. 
"It's very last minute, I'm not sure why the Ministry are suddenly so keen but I am not complaining!" she beamed. "Its this Friday." she added. 
"Friday!?" I blurted looking around me self consciously aware that I had raised my voice a little more than was necessary, It was already Wednesday. Headmaster Dippet and Professor Dumbledore had a lot of last minute decisions to make... I just hope that my proclaimed interest in the auror profession would secure their decision. Lazarus, Wiglaf and Tom however I wondered where they would be placed as neither one of them had yet shown any interest in working for any part of the Ministry, least of all Tom. Who seemed to have an unrelenting hatred towards the place that I didn't quite understand, I knew that many people disliked the way the Ministry handled certain situations myself included but Tom was particularly fierce about it and yet would never elaborate on his reasons. 

Seven AM Friday morning came around quickly as we all the sixth and seventh years sat at their respective house tables, the buzz of excitement in the room was contagious even if there was the occasional student who looked as if they would prefer to be anywhere else, Tom, Wiglaf and Lazarus I noticed where among those few, I chuckled to myself. 
"Good morning students." Dippets voice rang out across the hall causing it to fall into silence. 
"I hope you are excited to be invited to the Ministry of Magic today to get a taste of what your future careers may consist of. It is a great privilege and honour that you are invited today and I must enforce upon you most strongly to remember at all times the expectations placed upon you as students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, you are representing the school and as such any misrepresentation will result in sufficient punishment." He paused staring at the room of students before him, making sure that he had the undivided attention of each student, satisfied his expression softened once more. 
"Now that is out of the way, here in my hand is a parchment for each and everyone of you which has upon it the department in which you will be spending the majority of your day today, this has been chosen by me and Professor Dumbledore with much thought and deliberation put into each decision. I pray that you respect this decision and why this may not be what you would have chosen for yourself or indeed what you will eventually go on to do, that you will make the most of the experience." with that Dippet unfurled his first realising a sea of small folded pieces of parchment which floated towards their respective student. I gently plucked mine from the air as it floated down in front of me slightly hesitant I unfolded the parchment, 

'Miss. Grisha McLaggen- The Auror Department.' I let out a breath of relief as I looked up a large smile upon my face I met eyes with Professor Dumbledore who gave me a small wink. I glanced over the hall to see if I would determine what Lazarus, Wiglaf and Lazarus had gotten but all three looked fairly impassive. 

I grabbed a hold of Wiglaf as walked back out the large double doors and towards the fireplace which had been magically enchanted to take us by floo powder to the Ministry of Magic something that other than today was strictly forbidden. 

"What department did you get?" I asked eagerly. 
"The auror department," He replied with a half satisfied nod. 
"We're together!" I beamed, "me too," I added just to clarify. He smiled at me.
"I feel as if you are far more cut out for it than I am." he chuckled. 
"What do you mean!?" I gasped, "You would be brilliant!"
"I don't think working under the Ministry's thumb is for me." he sighed. 
"What about Lazarus and Tom, I wonder what they got." I wondered. 
"I'm not sure... Lazarus look mildly satisfied... Riddle not so much." he replied looking around himself clearly seeing if he like me could catch a glimpse of either of them. 

"Oh dear," I mumbled. "What did he want?" I asked as we slowly moved up the que line. 
"Well I think like me and Lazarus he did not find the idea of work experience in the Ministry particularly thrilling but I think that if anything he would have been expecting the Department of Mysteries." Wiglaf reasoned.
"But noone was going to get in there that much was obvious!" I exclaimed as a matter of fact. 
"Hmm I don't think he expected it but I don't think that anything else appealed to him." Wiglaf mused.
"Well let's face it he could do anything." I shrugged. 

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