Chapter Forty Seven- The aftermath

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"Hey, hey Grisha," a soft hand rocked my shoulder. "Grisha..."
I cracked my eyes upon just a little, my head pounded heavily I could see the bright red locks hanging down in front of my face, sighing I opened my eyes fully and straightened myself up into a sitting position the winter sunshine glaring through the church like window panes. 
"Sorry for waking you but... I'm leaving for the holidays and... I wanted to see if you was okay after yesterday before I left..." she murmured sitting herself down on the edge of my bed. I gazed out at the grey dull sky beyond and sighed, I knew people were going to start talking to me about the maze but I... I didn't know what to say. 
"I'm fine thanks." I lied as my whole body ached as if it had been trampled on by a herd of angry Hippogriffs. 
"Oh..." Amber bit her lip hesitantly, "You know a lot of people have been talking-"
"I bet they have," I interrupted her, "But I have nothing I can tell you, the maze got out of control and... and we were the few lucky ones who made it out ourselves." 
"But... there must be more to it than that? I mean why you four?... What was in there? There are a lot of rumours going around all the people who went in there don't want to talk about it., Florian wont tell me anything... I'm worried about him." 
"And why do you think I would want to talk about it?" I asked raising my eyebrow at her. "Look maybe one day I will tell you but right now... no as for Florian just... just be there for him nothing lasts forever. I hope you have a good christmas." I replied forcing a smile and giving her a loose hug. 
"Oh... okay sorry..." He muttered her pale cheeks becoming a little flushed as she returned the hug. "I am really am glad you are okay, I was really worried when you wasn't extracted... you're my best friend." my heart did a flip as I looked into her puppy dog eyes, I sighed no matter her faults she was a friend and dependable friendships were hard to come by. 
"And you're mine." I replied with a genuine smile causing her to look a little more light spirated as she blew me a kiss and hurled her trunk behind her through the dormitory door leaving me sat alone in my bed, alone with my thoughts... Wiglaf and Lazarus would leave this morning for their Christmas break leaving us no time at all to discuss what had happened... we had only managed to share fleeting looks last night as we were all hurried off to our dormitories, Wiglaf had mouthed that we would get to the bottom of this as he rounded the corner and out of sight.  Tom of course would be staying but I felt a strong sense of reluctance to bring up our last discussion. 

Suddenly there was a sharp tapping noise coming from the window, I looked over to see that Juniper was tapping her beak upon the glass. Frowning I swung my legs out of bed and walked over to the window undoing the latch I allowed her to jump in onto the window sill where I spotted a roll of parchment tied to her tiny leg, it could not be Wiglaf, Lazarus or Amber they had only just left... they were the only ones who really wrote to me, could it be my Father? I hadn't heard from him in months... I untied the golden string and slipped off the parchment unrolling it as I got ready to read it I pulled my hand away with a gasp,
"Juniper!" I hissed, "Here you grumpy bird." I picked up an owl treat from my bedside table and threw it at her feet on the window sill, she hooted melodically taking the treat and flying back out of the window into the cold winter air, shivering I closed the window behind her and drew my attention back to the parchment, 
'Miss McLaggen,
Please come to my office at six pm this evening. 
Professor Dumbledore' 

I frowned what did Dumbledore want with me? I had a horrible sinking feeling that I knew...

Six pm came quickly as I had spent most of the day falling asleep my the fire in the common room, thinking endlessly about the maze, Tom... 'I have no feelings at all'.
I shook my head refusing to think anymore about it as I took a deep breath and knocked upon the Transfiguration Professors door. 
"Enter," came the all too familiar pleasant voice, I pushed the door open slowly and walked over the threshold closing the door behind me with a soft click.
"Please take a seat," he smiled up at me with his blue eyes behind his half moon spectacles, his pronounced chin resting upon his long interlinked fingers, following his instruction I walked over the small wooden chair in front of his desk and took a seat, there was a minute of awkward silence were we merely sat and stared at each other before Dumbledore spoke. 
"I expect that you already know why I have asked you to come here this evening." he said continuing to smile, I nodded my head in response.
"Hmmm." Dumbledore lifted his head and placed his hands now upon the desk in front of him leaning back in his chair. 

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