Chapter Forty- A ghostly invitation

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We sat in the Room of Requirement in silence, Tom and Wiglaf their heads buried in books as Lazarus and myself worked on our ever increasing mound of homework which instead was leading to a discussion about Quidditch, I could not focus anyway. My eyes kept landing upon Tom stood by the book case browsing through the various books before he plucked one from the shelf and began to read it completely oblivious to my knowledge of what I had witnessed the last time I had saw him just two night prior, I suppose it was nothing incriminating but to me that was something more. 
I put down my quill unable to stand the silence and my overthinking any longer.

"Are you two just going to read all night?" I sighed, 
"Reading edifies the mind isn't that right Wiglaf?" Tom replied only bothering to lift his eyes to look at Wiglaf sat opposite him.

"Yes that's quiet right Tom," Wiglaf smirked while turning another page of his book. 
"I suppose talking to ghosts edifies the mind to Tom?" I blurted, unable to stop myself Wiglaf looked up from his book now and flickered his gaze between me and Tom his eyebrow risen. 
"Ghosts?" Lazarus asked confused as he eventually caught up to the conversation. 
Tom's face at first displayed shock as he eyes widened, but it was soon replaced by a stoic expression. His crystal blue eyes pierced me like lightening as if warning me not to continue but I never did heed warnings. 
"Oh yes Tom enjoys talking to the Hogwarts Ghosts don't you Tom," I elaborated tilting my head with an innocent expression, Tom however did not respond instead he continued to stare at me intensely. 
"I say ghosts I don't actually know if you have such a good relationship with the rest of the ghosts as you do with the Grey Lady," I blinked at him. 
"The Grey Lady?" Both Wiglaf and Lazarus said in chorus. 
"Ravenclaw's ghost." Wiglaf said thoughtfully looking at Tom, "What is this all about?" Wiglaf asked Tom his brow furrowed. 
"Grisha has clearly seen me speaking to the Grey Lady that much is simple enough to understand. " Tom finely replied. 
"What are you doing talking to her? I know you can bore people to death sometimes Riddle but I'm sure there is someone out there who is alive and can cope with you or do you prefer dead girls?" Lazarus chuckled. 
"The Grey Lady does not speak to many." Wiglaf muttered more to himself than anyone else. 
"She recognises intelligence when she see's it." Tom smirked. 
"Does she recognise arrogance when she see's it too?" Lazarus grinned. 
"Enough," Wiglaf said raising a hand and looking downward lost in thought as Lazarus looked at him with an irritated expression at having been told to be quiet.  
"Though seeing as you are all so fascinated I have a proposal for you all," Tom smirked rubbing his chin with his thumb and index finger. "The gracious Helena or as you unwittingly call her the 'Grey Lady' has invited myself to the annual Death Day party on Halloween." 
Lazarus almost choked on his own breath. 
"The what day party?" he spluttered I was too shocked at what I had thought he had said to comment. 
"Death Day party," Wiglaf repeated. "Do enlighten us Riddle." 
"I would have thought it would have been obvious but allow me to spell it out for you," Wiglaf's eyes flashed darkly at the insinuation that he did not understand something, noticing this Tom smirked and continued. 
"The ghosts of Hogwarts on this day celebrate the day of one of their deaths in this case it is of Sir Nicolas the Gryffindor house ghost," he nodded towards me. 
"Let me get this straight, Nearly Headless Nick has a party to celebrate the day he died and we are all now invited?" Lazarus's mouth hung open. 
"Congratulations Lazarus I'm impressed that took you only five minutes to decode."
"You have got to be kidding me." Lazarus was so stunned by the revelation that he did not even bother to glare at Tom for his mocking. "I would rather be pecked to death by a flock of hummingbirds," he huffed,
"Don't make me promises like that Lazarus it hurts when you break them." Tom smirked. 

I walked down the dark corridor as the clock tower struck eleven pm my black velvet heels echoing off of the stone as I put one foot in front of the other, my black toole skirt bouncy around my thighs, the Halloween full moon reflecting off of my dark sequined bodice, my blonde straight hair pulled up into a tight high bun wisps around my face blew in the autumn breeze. I frowned as I reached the old oak door that Tom had instructed us to meet at no one was here yet... I was not early... But before I could begin to scan the surrounding area a shadowy arm held its self out to me, I looked up startled to see Tom stood beside me a smirk upon his face. He wore a stark black fitted tuxedo, his dark hair slicked back completely. I stared as our eyes meet, his reflecting the flames of the torches upon the walls making them seem as if the fire was trapped within them. There was an enticing dark glamour about him that made my heart beat fast and the hairs on my arms stand up on end all at once. I a took a deep breath as I slipped my arms through his a tingling burning sensation burst into my stomach upon our contact. As if on que I heard footsteps to my right down the corridor I turned my head to see two shadowy figures approaching us, as they grew closer the torch light illuminated their features and I smiled at them. Wiglaf was wearing a simple black blazer and suit pants with a black turtle neck underneath, while Lazarus wore a dark grey pinstriped three piece suit with a white shirt and wine red tie. Lazarus glanced down at mine and Tom's interlinked arms for a moment but he quickly looked away. 
"Before we go in there what is our exit strategy?" Lazarus huffed looking at the door before us apprehensively, when no one replied and Tom simply smirked down at him he muttered, 
"Merlin help me," 
Tom pushed open the large door with his free arm, I gasped as I took in the room in front of me. It was akin to a huge ballroom but it was not glamorous or at least it was not anymore and yet it was still beautiful in its own way. Large ornate cobwebbed chandeliers hung from the high ceilings which were painted in a faded mural of blue skies and clouds. The room was steeped in darkness apart from the eerie orange glow emitted by the candle light which cast haunting shadows around the walls. In the center of the dance floor glided a mass of souls seemingly lost in the ghostly music of a string quartet which filled the room without use of instruments or musicians. 
"It's so whimsical," I whispered aloud without even realising. 
"Your definition of whimsical is stunningly different from my definition of whimsical," Lazarus responded raising his eyebrows at me as if I were mad. Gently feeling a tug on my arm I looked around to see that Tom had begun to lead us all further into the room towards a more secluded corner. As we slipped our way through the dancing spirits I could hear Lazarus display his discomfort and Wiglaf sigh at his childish behaviour, I watched transfixed at the lost souls spinning effortlessly through the air like a memory trapped in time. 
Lazarus hastily accepted a goblet of blood red liquid from a ghostly waiter that had hovered over to us with a silver platter of refreshments, "I'm going to need this." he expressed loudly throwing it back into his mouth and smacking his lips together.
"That wine tasted... strange." He pounderd examining the goblet in his hands. 
"That's probably because its not wine," Tom proclaimed with a wide smile. At this news Lazarus's eyes grew wide as he spit the remaining liquid from his mouth causing it to splatter all over Wiglaf's blazer. 
"Lazarus." He growled.
"Sorry," Lazarus murmured and began trying to wipe it off, Wiglaf brushed his hand away with a warning stare causing Lazarus to hold his hands up and then role his eyes when Wiglaf had turned away. I caught a glimpse of Tom at my side and returned his smirk and shook my head. 

"You will excuse me," Tom smiled, I looked after him confused and also curious as his back retreated into the transparent crowd. 
"What's he doing now? Going to meet up with his dead lover the Grey Lady?" Lazarus quipped. 
"I do not know," Wiglaf replied staring ahead a suspicious look upon his face. 
A few moments passed were we conversed lightly about our mounting schedules and the upcoming Prefect meeting we had all been requested to attend the following week before Lazarus suddenly jerked away from us.
"Wiglaf let go of my hand!?" He gawped.
"Lazarus I can assure that I am not holding your hand," Wiglaf replied to him firmly with a bored expression. 
"Then..." Lazarus trailed off looking down towards his hand, he suddenly screamed and pulled his arm up towards his chest cradling it. 

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