Chapter Ninety Two- A hint of jealousy

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Exams had finished and the school year was closing in upon us. Soon Wiglaf and Tom would be saying goodbye to Hogwarts forever, and the thought of it made my stomach churn. 
I had not spoken to Tom since my conversation with Malfoy... I had to be careful what I said... I had grown much more cautious over the past year... I was no longer as reckless as I once was. I knew that where Tom was concerned I needed to plan... any slight wrong move could push him further away. 

Wiglaf had thought it a good idea to mark the end of exams with a final trip to Hogsmeade, the very last time for us to meet informally as friends. 
Summer was truly upon us now as the sun beat down upon us as the carriages trudged there way down into Hogsmeade. I had agreed to meet them there as I had promised to first help Amber to finish her final charms assignment so that she could hand it in and go to Hogsmeade. 
"Thank you again!" Amber beamed from the seat across from me as we pulled into Hogsmeade Town square. 
I chuckled rolling my eyes, "You're welcome for the hundredth time. How could I possibly allow my friend to miss out out on another sickly sweet date at the tea rooms," I smirked as I pretended to be sick. Amber stuck out her tongue at me. 
"You're just jealous." She chuckled, but her face soon broke out into a large smirk. 
"What...?" I asked pulling myself away from her suspiciously... I knew that look and it never signalled anything good. 

"You don't need to be jealous." she grinned as the carriage came to halt. 
"No I know I don't," I scoffed standing abruptly as I lunged to the door. 
"Because," Amber intersected grabbing hold of my arm and holding me back as she put her own arm on the door baring it. 
"I have arranged you a date." She beamed, my mouth fell upon... no words would reach my mouth as I was pulled from the carriage. 
I stuttered, "No... no... what?... no!" 
"Yes!" Amber exclaimed excitedly. "It's about time! He has been desperate to ask you out for ages too!" 

I wasn't even remotely concerned who Amber was talking about just that I got away from the situation as quickly as possible. 
"Look Amber I am meeting some friends!" I hissed. 
Amber rolled her eyes, "You can't wait on that Riddle boy forever! Besides this might give him the kick he needs if he thinks you are interested in someone else!" 
"I'm not waiting on Riddle! He is my friend! As I have been telling you for years! Has it crossed  your mind that I might not be interested in dating!?"
Amber ignored me and pulled me over towards Florian who was waving us over next to him stood a nervous looking Skyler Hooch my fellow Gryffindor Quiddich Teammate and friend! I felt dread as we approached them... I wanted nothing more than the floor to swallow me up. Wiglaf, Lazarus and Tom would be wondering where I was and I had no romantic interest in Hooch but then I didn't want to embarass him and hurt his feelings! I looked at Amber as I tried to suppress my homicidal thoughts.  
"Hi..." Skyler greeted me shyly as he pushed a lock of his dirty blonde hair out of his face. Don't get me wrong he was not an unattractive guy but I certainly did not feel anyway but platonic towards him... I had no idea he had any interest in me either, I sighed. 
"Hi." I replied awkwardly... how did I do this without leading him on!?
"Shall we?" He smiled seeming to gain a little more confidence after the fact I had at least greeted him, he held out his arm to me. 
"Erm yes." I smiled brightly looking around me trying to pretend that I had merely not seen his outstretched arm and that he would take the hint but no such luck. 
"Grisha," he prompted. "Are you okay?" he asked tilting his head as he looked at me with his chocolate puppy dog eyes. I sighed and took his arm, thinking that he would lead us straight into the tea rooms with Amber and Florian but no he steered us off in the opposite direction down the main street. I looked behind us wondering what in Merlin had happened this morning to lead up to me walking arm in arm with one of the Gryffindor Quiddich team chasers who had treated like Brothers since day one. I had to put a stop to this before it progressed any further. 
"Erm Sky?" I smiled as we walked awkwardly down the busy street, full of nosey fellow students. 
"Yes?" He grinned, his eyes sparkling... he looked so happy... 
"What did Amber say to you?" I asked gently. 
"Say to me?" he asked. 
"I mean did you... did you arrange this or was this her idea?" I asked. 
"Well she suggested that you needed a date and... and well I've kind of liked you a while..." he stuttered running his free hand through his hair again. "I mean I've just been to nervous to make a move." 
"Sky..." I breathed as we came to a stop at the fence overlooking the mountains, I looked out over the sunny landscape as I searched for the right words. 
"I... I think you're great. You're funny, kind, a talented Quiddich player and hey you're good looking too! But! But... you're like a brother to me. I had no idea Amber was planning this... I feel terrible." I dropped my head down. "Any girl would be..." 
"Grisha there you are! Oh..." I looked up to see Lazarus stood a few feet away from us, Wiglaf and Tom at his side... could this possibly get any worse? All three of them were looking down at mine and Skyler's still interlocked arms. I quickly slipped my arm from Skylers. 
I was lost for words and was more than thankful when Skyler spoke first. 
"It's nothing... it's fine we, we're just finished." he stuttered, I glanced at him as I felt my heart sink to see the sadness and rejection in his face. 
"It's okay. Thanks for being so easy on me. It was nice while it lasted." he whispered just loud enough for me to hear before he smiled weakly at me and turned to walk away back up the street alone. I had never hated myself more... how did these men and women do this to people all of the time!? Amber was in for it that's for sure! This had to be in the top three of the most stupid things she had ever done and there were certainly a lot of worthy contenders. 

"You shouldn't have let us disturb you," Lazarus called to me, his voice tense as his face grew two shades redder, he dark eyes narrowed. 
"Don't be like that Laz, it wasn't like that." I hissed, I didn't have the will to fight with him. 
"Oh sorry I didn't know it was just everyday behaviour to go around arm in arm with members of the Gryffindor Quiddich team." Laz scoffed. 
"Lazarus," Wiglaf hissed, though he too was eyeing me suspiciously but there was also a hint of pity in his blue eyes which made me wish to shrink even smaller. 
I then forced myself to look at Tom, who had remained silent throughout the whole ordeal. He was staring at me an unreadable expression on his face, though his blue eyes seemed a touch darker than usual. 

Although Lazarus was still making lewd comments about Skyler every few minutes we had managed to spend a while browsing the shops, including Honeydukes which had at least temporarily distracted Lazarus. Who was now too eating to run his mouth as he approached Zonko's Joke Shop. 
Tom rolled his eyes as he watched Lazarus almost choke on what must have been his sixth exploding bom bom within the last two minutes. 
"You three go a head." he gestured. 
"You're not coming?" Lazarus mumbled his mouth still fill to bursting before he shrugged and walked into the shop, Wiglaf following reluctantly after him with a roll of his eyes at me and Tom. 
I turned my head back towards Tom but saw that he was already walking off down the street. 
"Wait!" I shouted turning and jogging after him, he did not stop but slowed enough for me to catch up to him. As I drew level with him he inclined his head towards me. 
"What is it Grisha?" He asked coldly.
"I wanted to talk to you that's all," I breathed catching my breath. "Is that a crime?" 
"Not last time I checked." Tom replied his tone almost bored but yet it seemed almost forced. 
"I've managed to upset you too?" I asked stopping abruptly and putting my hands on my hips. 
Tom stopped too and turned around to face me his eyebrows raised. 
"And what gives you that impression?" He asked blinking slowly as he considered me. 
"Oh please! You are hardly more subtle than Lazarus! You haven't said one word to me since we met." 
"I hardly see how that insinuates that you have... as you put it 'upset' me." he scoffed a little at this before continuing. "It merely suggests that I have had nothing meaningful to say." 
I shook my head with a soft laugh before looking back up at me pursing my lips. 
"Fine. I don't have the will to play this game with you." I flicked my head around allowing my hair to hit across his chest before walking away from me and back towards Zonko's. 
"Hey!" Lazarus came running out of Zonko's a huge smile on his face now, seemingly whatever he had found in Zonko's had continued to keep him distracted from his previous mood. Wiglaf followed after him an amused expression as if watching his own child on Christmas day. 
"Hey Riddle! Check this out." he grinned approaching a sour looking Tom with what looked like a small tea pot. 
"Look inside go on look," Lazarus grinned holding it out in front of Tom. 
"You really are an idiot," Tom breathed. "The idea is to trick someone into believing that it is a real teapot so that they are surprised when it..." he paused to look at it. "Does whatever it is meant to do... not walk up to someone who knows you just got it from a joke shop and tell them to look inside it and so to answer you request no I will not." Tom folded his arms defensively. 
"Fair enough..." Lazarus smirked pulling the teapot away from Tom's face, upon seeing Tom's composure relax a little his grin widened before within a split second he had shoved the teapot back in front of Tom's face and hastily took off the lid causing a pair of sharp looking teeth to shoot out of the top and bite Tom on the nose. 
I gasped before covering my mouth as I burst into laughter, Wiglaf had also bitten his lip to disguise his amusement. Lazarus however was howling hysterically in a crouched position upon the floor unable to find the strength to stand. 
I looked to Tom who was holding onto his nose in temporary shock... I cringed waiting for what I knew was sure to be turbulous reaction. 
Lazarus yelped as he was suddenly yanked up by the ankles by some invisible source. 
"Put me down!" Lazarus gasped still chuckling to himself. I looked at Wiglaf who shook his head with a smile. 
"Take it easy on him Riddle," he smirked crossing his arms.
I looked at Tom who had a smirk back on his own face as he dangled Lazarus in the air seemingly contemplating his next move. He extended his wand free hand as a dark green snake began to materialise. I gasped as Lazarus also caught sight of the creature and began to thrash around the best he could. 
"Are you mad! It was only a bloody teapot! You can't retaliate with a great dirty snake!" Lazarus blurted.
"Riddle," Wiglaf warned but still had a smirk upon his face. 
"If you knew your reptiles Lazarus you would know what some snakes are particularly venomous..." he allowed the snake to slither off of his hand on onto Lazarus shoulder were  it began to coil around, causing Lazarus to shriek. 
"Some snakes can kill you within moments... some prefer to strangle their prey to death." Lazarus whimpered, "Grisha! Wiglaf! Help! His bloody mental!" I chuckled for some strange reason I knew Lazarus was not in any real danger, I looked at Wiglaf who exchanged a look which suggested he thought the same as I. 
"Some snakes however..." 
"Ah stop! Get it off! It's looking at me! Look! It's looking at me! Ah go away!" he thrashed. 
"Are completely..." Tom leaned forwards as the snake stuck out his tongue tasting Lazarus's nose.
"Harmless." Tom smirked taking the snake gently off of Lazarus's shoulders before it disappeared again and Lazarus fell to the floor with a loud crunch. 
I chuckled as Lazarus pulled himself to his feet. 
"You... you prat!" Lazarus spat, Tom merely stared at him with a smirk. 
"I think that is a lesson to you Lazarus, if you prank someone they are likely to retaliate." Wiglaf chuckled as we began to walk back up the street towards the carriages which were awaiting the journey back up the castle. It was then that it hit me that this was the last time that the four of us would visit Hogsmeade...
I looked at Tom who was walking in silence beside me, he glanced down at me that same unreadable expression. It was then that Skyler walked past with a few of his fellow Gryffindor dorm mates, he did not notice us... but Tom's eyes snapped straight to him before they darkened momentarily before he withdrew his gaze and returned it back to the path ahead. Was he.... But no he couldn't be... It was stupid of mee to even think it. 

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