Chapter One Hundred and Seven- A Trap

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A tall thin boy entered the room, his skin as white as the hair on his head which dropped down onto his face. If I did not know he was a young man I could have easily mistaken him for a young girl, his features were so petite and soft. His expression was one of confusion as his dark stormy blue eyes landed upon the strangers standing beside his Aunt.
"What is this? Aunt?" he breathed, his voice gentle and quiet oddly pitched. Perfect elocution.

But before his Aunt could so much as answer him Riddle had flicked his wand towards Dante causing ropes to bind him and drag him across the room towards him. He then flicked his wand towards Tannor causing her to also become encased in ropes. Dante struggled against his bindings but Tom merely ignored him. 
"Grab a hold of her." he said gesturing towards Tannor with a dip of his head, I nodded. 
Tom then placed a free hand around my upper arm and we were once again spinning, feeling as if we were being squeezed through the thinnest of pipes before our chests were finally able to expand again. I took in a large intake of fresh air, noticing the scent of fresh snow upon the breeze I looked around. We were upon the top of a snowy mountain... why had Tom brought us here? 

"Keep her still." Tom demanded. "And quiet." he added as he eyed the old woman suspiciously before turning his attention back towards Dante who was staring at Riddle as if hoping he would burst into flames. 
"You will regret this." the young boy spat no longer bothering to struggle against his restraints. Tom smirked, "Is that so? Why is that?" he began to spin his wand as if often did when feeling particular happy with himself. "Is that by any chance because Daddy is going to come running to your rescue? His delicate little Son." 
"You have no idea about me!" Dante snarled, Tom just chuckled tilting his head to the side. 
"I'm terrified." he smiled, his white straight teeth gleaming in the winter sunlight. 
"What do you want?" Dante hissed. 
"Your Father." Tom replied simply. Upon hearing this Dante's face hardened. 
"You have no idea who you are messing with." he muttered darkly. 
"Neither does your Father and I think-" he flicked his wand up catching it gracefully. "I rather like my chances." 
"Who are you?" Dante asked his eyes narrowed so much they appeared almost to be closed entirely. 
Tom grinned, "An inconvenience." I had to bite back a smile at Tom's bare faced cheek and sarcasm. 
Suddenly there was a loud bang which echoed across the hilltop, withdrawing my wand I grabbed a tighter hold on Tannor's arm. 
"Ah I think we finally have company." Tom exclaimed grabbing Dante roughly by the arm and forcing him to face towards the bottom of the hill where it was just possible to make up a group of five dark silhouettes quickly ascending the hillside.  As they reached the top of the mountain there was no mistaking the man leading the small group was Grayson.
"Mr. Grayson I'm so glad you could make our little get together." Tom smiled nodded his head towards Grayson politely. Grayson looked murderous but his eyes quickly shifted from Tom onto myself but his face broke out into a thin smile. 
"Ah the bitch has got 'erself a little bone to play with." he chortled before wiping his hand across his wiry bearded face, his little group of cronies all laughed in unison. 
"You come to get revenge for your little woman?" He grinned looking back towards Tom. 
"Revenge?" Tom questioned calmly. "Whatever for? No we are here purely on business. You see Miss. McLaggen here is tasked with  your arrest and I am merely having a little fun helping to secure it. After all bad boys who aren't careful end up getting caught." He pushed Dante in front of him as if dangling him as bait. Dante held his head down in shame, averting his eyes from his Father. 

"You must be so disappointed." Tom shook his head. 
"You take your hands off my son boy." Grayson threatened taking a step forwards. 
"So ashamed are you of your own son that you hide him away from the world." Tom continued his tone sorrowful. 
"Stop projecting your childhood Riddle." Grayson smirked. "It is Riddle isn't it? The greatest student Hogwarts had seen in decades and yet there you are skulking around Knockturn Alley. One can only assume that it was the lack of a Father figure that led you down such a questionable path at least that's what they all say." his smile widened showing his rotting yellow teeth. Riddle froze, his face expressionless. 
A few moments of heavy silence passed before Tom replied quietly.

"I've always made my own path, perhaps I can teach your son to do the same." Tom dematerialised, reappearing right upon the mountain edge Dante hanging over it. 
"Father!" he yelled, Tom smirked. 
"Tom," I hissed but Tom would not look at me. "We were only using the boy as bait!" I begged, surely Tom wouldn't have it in him to actually murder the boy... would he? 
I shrieked as I suddenly managed to dodge a flash of red light that was heading straight towards me, I threw tannor to the ground still confined by her restraints she fell with a resounding thud. Tom's head snapped in my direction  to see me straighten back up and focus my wand upon the group which was now slowly advancing upon us. 

"I swear I'll force you to die a painful and muggle death." Grayson spat at Riddle. 
"It's all your capable of." Tom snarled back dropped Dante further down over the side of the mountain. 
"You want your son?" Tom hissed. "Go and get him." 

My mouth dropped open as I watched Tom realise his grip on the boys arm causing him to let out a drawn out scream and he hurtled down the side of the mountain towards the jagged rocks below. Grayson cried out before jumping off the edge of the mountain himself after his son. Tom peered over the edge completely relaxed as myself and Grayson;'s thugs all came running to the edge. 
I looked down to see that Grayson had managed to summon his broom just in time to capture Dante and himself just before they hit the bottom. Tom's face darkened for a moment before he smirked and dematerialised again, reappearing at the centre of the mountain top. Realising what was likely about to happen I copied suit appearing at Riddle's side, I still felt numb at the realisation that Tom had willingly and without so much as a second thought dropped the eighteen year old boy to his death. This was meant to be an arrest not murder. 
Suddenly Grayson and Dante reappeared in front of us, Dante now free of his restraints a wand in hand. 
"Pity the orphan Dante now Let's show him a real Father and Son." Grayson smirked before in unison both him and Dante shot identical electric blue spells towards Riddle, Riddle immediately deflected them. I turned in time to see one of Grayson's thugs advancing upon me, quickly I readied my shield as a curse reverberated off of it, I jumped to the side and threw back my own curse grazing the side of the man's face. 

I glanced towards Riddle to see him still dueling both Dante and Grayson intently while I took on the other four men. I had managed to down one of them and was currently close to finishing off a second when Riddle suddenly appeared at the side of me apparently realising he had left me with the majority of the opposition he pushed me to the side shooting a curse towards one of the men catching them by surprise they let out an ear splitting shriek before crumpling to the ground. 
"I'm fine." I huffed. "I can handle myself." I turned my attention back towards the remaining two thugs as Tom turned his back upon Dante and Grayson. 
Suddenly there was a crack like thunder which made us all freeze, our wands still suspended pointing at our opponents. I looked to Tom before I jumped realising someone had taken hold of my arm roughly, I tried to pull away but I couldn't as my feet were ripped away from the floor. 

My feet smashed against the floor causing my legs to almost buckle under me with the force. I staggered regaining my balance to see that we were no longer upon the snowy mountain top. I could smell the salt upon air, we were stood upon the edge of a grassy cliff face towering above the sea below. I managed to catch a glimpse of Riddle beside me and knew that we had all been transported here... but the fighting had stopped. Grayson, Dante and the remaining two thugs had been joined by many more and they had encircled us, edging us closer towards the cliff edge. Riddle suddenly grabbed a hold of me pulling me close to him, I froze this seemed like an incredibly inappropriate time to hug me for the first time, I felt the goose bumps on my skin raise at the close proximity. 
"It's a trap," he whispered gently into my ear. "Do you trust me?" 
I hesitated but when I did not answer he continued. "When I tell you to, you jump I'll handle this." he instructed. My mind whirled, jump!? Off the edge of the cliff!? Into the sea!? I shook my head. 
"No," I stammered but Riddle was slowly allowing them to edge up closer and closer to the edge. 
"Riddle listen to me! I can't..." I stammered but before I could say anything else Riddle pushed me away from him I felt for my footing but there was no ground. "SWIM!" I screamed as I began to plummet downwards towards the deep waters below. My body connected with the cold hard surface like onto concrete forcing the air out of my lungs I began to thrash and splutter as the water seemed to pull me further and further downward away from the air and light, I couldn't keep a float I was sinking, suffocating. 

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