Chapter Ninety Three- Fallen from grace

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"Have you heard!?" Florian came stumbling through the portrait hole, darting through the crowded common room over to were myself and Amber were sat at one of the desks towards a secluded corner of the room. 
I looked at him blankly and he sighed running a hand through his hair. 
"Sorry Flori' we are not mind readers," Amber giggled throwing a playful gaze at him. 
"The Quiddich final!" He said in exasperation. 
"Funnily enough Florian as the seeker of one of the competing sides I've heard about that..." I smirked. 
"Yes but have you heard that they are sending scouts!" Florian grinned barely able to contain his excitement, Amber didn't look in the slightest bit impressed but I could feel my stomach churning. 
"So?" Amber yawned not bothering to cover her mouth. "Grisha doesn't want to be a Quidditch player do you?"
"That's not the point!" Florian sighed. "These are famous Quiddich players! The best there is and we are going to meet them! They are going to watch these guys play!" He gestured towards me. I suppose the thought of this should have made me feel nervous but the excitement at possibly getting to meet some of my favourite players who had inspired my love of the game from a great age overpowered any nerves that I had as I beamed at Florian in excitement. Amber rolled her eyes. 

I threw open the familiar heavy wooden doors in haste letting them slam shut behind me. I looked around the room trying hide to contain my excitement.
"The house elves have finally gone on strike in the kitchen!?" Lazarus blurted out looking horrified, both myself, Wiglaf and Tom looked at him as if he had sprouted two more heads. 
"Is this about the end of year results?" Wiglaf asked looking serious, a slight undertone of concern to his voice. 
Tom however smirked as he resting his chin upon his hand. 
"Has Dumbledore finley retired?" 
"No," I breathed shaking my head in exasperation as I looked at the three of them... there was a moment's pause. 
"Professional Quiddich players are coming to the school! They are coming to watch the final this Saturday!" I squealed feeling the excitement building in me as I said the words out loud, there was only Lazarus who seemed to understand my excitement.
"Who!?" He enthused jumping up from his seat. 
"We don't know yet! I guess we will only find out on the big day!" I beamed back at him. 
Meanwhile Tom and Wiglaf were looking at us as if we had gone completely mad. 
"You will actually be playing in front of them Grisha!" Lazarus raved almost jumping up and down on the spot. 
"Wait..." the excitement that was building in the room seemed to freeze as Tom repositioned himself in his armchair crossing his arms across his chest as he leaned back into the padded leather backrest, once we had all given him our full attention he smirked. 
"The final..." he paused. "It's Gryffindor versus Slytherin isn't it." 
"Yes," I replied smugly.  "And your about to lose." I smirked back at him.
"Is that so?" he smirked. 

"Why are you so interested anyway Riddle? I thought you didn't care for Quidditch." Lazarus interrupted narrowing his eyes at the Slytherin Heir.
"Oh I don't." Riddle smiled. "I was just... showing an interest for Grisha here, it's called polite Lazarus." There was a certain gleam of amusement in Riddle's eye but it hid something darker, something calculating. I knew those eyes... it was as if the many cogs of his brain were turning at top speed just behind them... I wanted to believe that he was showing mere interest but I feared Riddle always had his reasons for everything that he ever said or asked. 

Saturday morning came around quickly and suddenly I was feeling less and less excited and more and more nervous. As I sat in the Great Hall I could barely so much as look at the toast sat upon my plate. I had already injured endless cheers of pressure from my own house and the relentless cruel taunts of the Slytherins constantly since I had first opened my eyes. 
I looked across at the Slytherin table to see the large majority of the table scowling at me and performing rude hand gestures. Until my eyes fell upon Riddle who was leaned back upon his chair, a beverage in one hand and a book in the other. His piercing blue eyes upon me he smirked upon catching my eye and nodded his head in acknowledgement.

I stepped out on to the pitch to the deafening sound of cheers and boos, my legs felt so weak that I feared they wouldn't carry me to the centre of the pitch. I was more and happy to get on to my broom and take the weight off of them. 
I took my position, I could not let the pressure get to me... I just needed to breath... I looked down at my own leather gloved hands grasping onto the handle of my broom... I dared not look up and make eye contact with anyone teammates and opposition alike... I needed to keep my composure and my focus. I would wait for the signal and then I would find the snitch and end this, it would all be over. 
The whistle vibrated in my head as I instantly kicked my foot into the ground and shot into the air at speed, I felt the warm summer wind whipping through my hair as I came to an abrupt halt high above the stands. I could see the other players like little racing dots of emerald and scarlet darting below me, hear the muffled sound of the commentating but I needed to ignore what was happening within the rest of the game, all that mattered was that snitch. This was just like any other game. 
Upon seeing not even a glimpse of gold I dropped lower towards the rest of the game, something I had wanted to avoid but it was not unknown for the snitch to hide within the stands even and the Slytherin seeker was still weaving in and out of the other players.  
I was completely unaware of the score it was as if the commentating was in another language completely, I had completely blocked out the cheers and boos of the crowd... it was as if I had closed down all my other sense to solely focus on my sight. 
It was only the sound of a blood curdling scream which renched me from my own mind, I stopped dead in the air as did the rest of the players as I turned my head quickly in the direction of the commotion... it was as if time had slowed down I uselessly held out my arm towards him as Hooch's limp body plumpeted towards the ground hitting it with a resounding thud, I flinched away my breathing heavy as my senses fully returned I could hear the boos and screams of the crowd. I looked towards my fellow teammates who were shouting and berating the Slytherin chasers and beaters who all looked deeply satisfied with themselves as the sped off around the pitch to continue the game. It was in that moment that I looked across towards the crowd my eyes fell to him instantly Tom Riddle... he was leaning back against one of the stands at the back of the stadium, his crisp white shirt rolled up at the sleeves his hands resting in his pants pockets. His head was tilted to the side a large smirk on his face and a satisfied gleam in his eyes... no... we wouldn't... Tom's reaction back at Hogsmeade flashed before me, his urge to confirm that we were playing in the final... his knowing smirk back in the Great Hall... he had gotten them to attack Hooch... 
I shook my head, this game was ours. I tightened my grip on the handle of my broom and spun around, Slytherin may have downed one of our chasers but they will have wished they had aimed for me. I darted in and out of the other players, almost knocking a few of the Slytherin's from their brooms as I sped by them. It was then that I saw it, gleaming in the sunlight as it danced beside one of the Slytherin goal posts... as if it was taunting me. I glanced around to see that their seeker was within a closer range than I was yet he had not realised it's presence yet if I was to shoot towards it, it would surely alert him. If they wanted to play dirty... I could too... I had learned from the best, one of their very own... the best of them. I shuck around the side of the stands and out of sight before slipping back onto the pitch unseen behind the goal posts. There it was still swirling in and out of the posts. I grinned, it was within my reach. 
This one is for your Hooch. I lowered myself on my broom as I urged it forwards as fast as it would go I flipped in mid air above the snitch before catching it upside down returning upright with the snitch clutched firmly in my hand as the crowd erupted around me. 

I had been flooded with congratulations and admiration from both my fellow teammates and classmates, to Professors to even the Professional Quiddich players who had told me that I most certainly would have a career in Quiddich but yet my mind was on Hooch... Hooch and Tom... Tom and his underhand dirty work. I would not celebrate until I had confronted him. Hooch could have died and for what? Some twisted revenge? Revenge for being seen with me? I was no one's possession I could be with however I wanted. If Riddle cared so much then why didn't he tell me himself? I am the Heir of Godric Gryffindor and I do not suffer cowards lightly. A coward who is afraid of his own feelings and so punishes other's for them. 

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