Chapter Seventy One- Harnessing power

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"Tut tut Wiglaf late to your own court." Tom smirked as he look up over his book. 
"That makes a change from you being late then Riddle." Wiglaf replied bitterly. 
"Really boys arguing already?" I smirked as I leaned back into the leather armchair. 
"It's all harmless fun isn't it Wiglaf?" Tom smirked, Wiglaf did not answer him and walked over the desk at the other end of the room. Lazarus however who had walked in behind Wiglaf had stayed unusually quiet as he stood staring at Tom intently. 
"Keep staring Lazarus, I might do a trick," Tom smirked twirling his wand in between his fingers as he placed his book down upon the side of the chair with his free hand. 
Lazarus merely continued to look at him coldly, I averted my eyes unable to take the heavy atmosphere much longer, Tom however seemed completely relaxed if not amused. 

"Shall we begin," Wiglaf called leaning upon the desk with both hands. 
"The Captain has requested our attention," Tom chuckled as he rose from his chair with a small bow, Wiglaf looked down biting his lip as if he was trying to remain calm. 

"That's rich." Lazarus called from behind us still staring at Tom, who had now turned around to face him his eyebrow raised in mock anticipation. 
"You order around your little Slytherin minions on the daily." he added. 
"Lazarus," Wiglaf said warningly but Tom merely chuckled. 
"Lazarus, Lazarus that's called being respected maybe you will get there someday keep trying." Tom replied patronisingly. 
"Come on," I interrupted, "No one is going to take any of seriously if we can't respect each other." 
"Well said Grisha," Wiglaf replied looking up again for the first time. 
"Yes well said Grisha," Tom smirked, I frowned at him he was a strange mood today Wiglaf exchanged a glance with me that suggested that he was thinking the same thing. 
"After recent events over the summer it is becoming ever more important for us to train harder than ever before, this isn't a game anymore." Wiglaf addressed us. 
"I don't think Grindlewald as ever thought it a game Wiglaf," Tom smirked still twirling his wand between his fingers. "I would say the first day he killed someone for his cause he was pretty serious about it." 
"How can you stand so arrogant, so nonchalant! It's his fault that Grisha's Father is dead and so many others!" Lazarus blurted out, his reference to my Father stung in my chest as I looked away to gather myself. 
"I am merely at one with the facts Lazarus. What would you have me do? Cry? Tantrum? Sulk? Sugar coat the truth? All of which will do no good, all of which Grindlewald will be counting on. Shock factor Lazarus is a powerful thing." 

Just then a row of books on the bookshelf behind Lazarus fell to the floor with a resounding thud making Lazarus jump into the air and spin around breathing hard, Tom chuckled with a smile obviously happy with his demonstration. 

"Terribly sorry to have interrupted you Captain. I do agree that we need to train more." Tom looked Lazarus up and down with a disappointed expression. 
"Where?" I added, all three boys turned to me. "It's too small to train in here, it's too risky." 
"That is true," Wiglaf nodded, "We need to seek an alternative training ground that will keep us hidden." 
"I do not think we need to look any further than outside of this room." Tom smirked. 
"Tom's right..." I breathed as the realisation hit me, how could we have all missed this? "This room can turn into anything we need it to." 
Tom smirked me and winked which did not go unnoticed by Lazarus who's fists had clenched at his side, I could feel my cheeks becoming warmer as I smirked back at him, why did he make me feel like this!? 

The large wooden doors transformed and rematerialised before us. 
"After you Captain." Tom smirked gesturing for Wiglaf to take the lead, Wiglaf shot him a tiresome glance before stepping forward and pushing open the large doors. 
I let out a breath I had not realised I had been holding as I stared at the now transformed room before me, it was like a brand new room entirely. It was around twice the size now, mirrors lined the walls from the floor to the ceiling, the floor was a covered in a black wire grate and dotted around where wooden manikins on wheels that almost looked like russian dolls, with target upon their chests. 

Tom rose his wand and instantly demolished one of maniquins into ash which filtered down through the grate below rematerializing in another spot across the room. 
"Grisha," Tom said quietly as he gestured me forwards I looked at him and withdrew my wand and focusing it upon one of the mannequins but as soon as I did it began to move from side to side as if preparing to dodge my attack, Tom smirked his wand outstretched also pointing at the now animated mannequin. Easy peasy Riddle I smirked, 
"You're forgetting I am seeker Riddle I have an eye for things that move at speed." 
"Big words Grisha," Tom smirked, I scoffed and bit my tongue before turning my focus back upon the mannequin. 
"Come on Grisha!" Lazarus cheered from behind causing me to wince and narrow my eyes in concentration. 
"Shh," I heard Wiglaf hiss to him. 
I had not yet performed many wordless incantations but those that I had performed had gone to plan... however this spell was much more powerful. 
"Remember Grisha... anger is power." Tom whispered into my ear making the hairs on the back of my neck raise up and shiver travel all the way over my skin. 
Closing my eyes I could see those monsters soiling my family home, threatening me, my Father's face as he lay their cold upon the floor of his own study..." 
Opening my eyes my eyes fixed upon it quickly following its erratic movements I trust my wand towards it with all my might. I jumped back as I felt the power course through me and jump through the air like a strike of lightning before hitting the mannequin with a loud bang making it burst into flames and be reduced to nothing more than ash. 

The room was silent as I stood there breathing hard as my whole body tingled from the pure concentration of magical power, was this what it was to feel power? and if it was I could not deny that it felt good I felt compelled to feel it again. 
"Bloody hell Grisha," Lazarus breathed from behind me, I turned around to see Wiglaf looking at me a strange expression on his face. Tom however was grinning from ear to ear as he looked at me a strange icy blue fire dancing in his eyes. 
"Well, well Grisha a force to reckoned with. I am impressed." Tom smirked again I felt myself grew steadily warmer and this time it had nothing to do with the magic hanging in the air. I smirked raising my eyebrows at him and fingering my wand lovingly in my hand. 
"Oh I'm sure your approval is all she ever wanted." Lazarus drawled rolling his eyes and withdrawing his own wand. 
Tom smirked, I looked away pretending to be overly interested in Lazarus's practice but all the while I could feel his piercing eyes upon me. 

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