Chapter Fifty Six- Ordinary Wizarding Level Examinations

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 I took a deep breath and hoisted my satchel onto my shoulder, this was it five years had passed since the very first time I had stepped into this castle and now... now my future rested on the next few hours.

"How are you feeling?" Amber asked also packing her belongings into her school bag, I just laughed weakly.
"Yeah me too." Amber groaned, we both gave each other a reassuring smile and walked together out of the dormitory and down into the common room it would seem we were not the only nervous fifth years. Many of our classmates sat around reading scribbled notes off of pieces of parchment and repeatedly reciting paragraphs from 'Intermediate Transfiguration' over and over again unable to take the stress and anxiety which bore down upon the room I politely excused myself from Amber's company and slipped outside of the portrait hole leaning upon the cold stone wall and closing my eyes for just a moments peace.
"Nervous." I opened my eyes to see Tom leaning upon the banister of one of the moving staircases.
"I would be if I were you it's quite a drop down there if that staircase moves," I smirked nodded towards the abyss below the staircases, Tom returned my smirk and casually pushed himself from the banister and walked towards me hands in his pockets.
"Transfiguration first?" he asked simply.
"Yep." I replied widening my eyes to transfer my lack of excitement.
"Prepared?" he smiled as he took out a small ball of scrunched up parchment from his pocket as I watched it transfigure into a shiny green apple I blinked at it impressed but also envious of his effortless skill.
"Here." I jumped as I managed to catch the apple that had been thrown towards me.
"Eat it, it's real you can't perform on an empty stomach." he smirked, I smiled at him in return.
"Thank you but somehow your impressive display has not made me feel anymore confident about my own skill." I laughed bitterly stroking the soft skin of the apple absentmindedly. Tom raised an arched brow at me but before we could continue or conversation the portrait hole creaked open and out stepped Amber with Florian at her side.
"Grisha?... Oh!" she grinned mischievously, oh great that was all I needed.
"Sorry I'm not disturbing anything am I." She smirked as I felt my cheeks burn.
"Not at all I was just wishing Grisha here good luck before I made my way to class, though I'm sure none of you will need it." he nodded his head with a charming smile causing Amber to flush and Florian to look at him with contempt, Tom nodded at us before walking away towards the upper floor. When he was out of sight Amber turned to me and winked,
"I would if I were you," she whispered, I widened my eyes at her.
"I bet you would but I will not thank you we are just friends." I hissed.
"Hmm I suppose you're right he is with that Celia isn't he." she sighed her words struck me like a bludger and I stopped dead, Amber didn't notice right away as she continued to walk on chattering to me unaware that I had stopped walking beside her.
"Grisha...? Grisha?" She suddenly stopped and turned around to see me stood staring blankly into space.
"Grisha are you alright?" Amber asked sounding worried.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine ignore me." I muttered but pushed past her quickly wanting to avoid any further questioning.
"Grisha!" She called after me but I didn't look back as I snuck through the crowds heading towards the Great Hall.

'What are the four rules when vanishing living beings?'
Was Riddle really dating Celia? I had seen them together lately but then I had just thought that was patrol duty and the fact that she clung to Riddle's group like a bad curse.

'What is the difference of vanishing a cat and vanishing a snail?'
She was so stupid so shallow! Was he really simply with her because of her angelic good looks and womanly figure...

'Is it possible to reverse a vanishing spell and how?'

I was not jealous! Dam it. I could not focus on any of this! I frowned as I realised I only had fifteen minutes left cursing Amber and her big mouth I pushed everything from my mind and tried to focus on the remaining questions before my time would be up.

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