Chapter Twenty One- A Sluggish Invitation

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"Come on, come on, hurry up I'm freezing!" Lazarus called, wrapping his arms around himself and jumping on the spot to keep warm. We were now into the first week of December and it had began to snow, thick flakes fell, covering the floors and rooftops in a fluffy white blanket. We had just arrived at our December Hogsmeade visit, the small village was bustling, I had always loved Hogsmeade around the Christmas period. Everyone was wrapped up hurrying to and fro, some of them carrying large shopping bags and boxes, weighed down by the gifts they had been buying for friends and family. The shop windows glowed warmly, inviting cold customers into their cosy dwellings. 
Tom dawdled behind deliberately,
"I thought you were supposed to be the warm blooded one," he smirked, Lazarus glared at him. 
"Now, now children we have only just arrived, lets have a nice day and hope that I don't have to send anyone home early," Wiglaf smirked, wagging a finger at them as if chastising his own children, I laughed,
"Hey don't you start Grisha," Lazarus smirked, he bent down and picked up a large lump of snow and began to form it into a ball, my eyes widened, 
"Don't you dare," I laughed, shaking my head and backing away. He drew his hand back, I flinched but opened my eyes as I heard the thud as the snowball made contact but I certainly didn't feel it hit me, I burst into laughter to see Tom stood, his hair and face dripping in wet snow, his hand has obviously came up to defend his face but had been too late. I covered my mouth and shook my head at Lazarus who was stuck between laughing and getting ready to defend himself, Wiglaf just shook his head smirking. 
"You know Lazarus, I just don't think you will ever learn," Tom sighed, suddenly a snowball appeared in his black leather gloved hand and he launched it at Lazarus who was unable to dodge the propelled missile, it hitting him square in the face, Tom wore a satisfied smirk. I bent over laughing at the sight of Lazarus's shoaked dripping face,
"Hey what are you laughing at Grisha," He grinned, picking up another snowball and this time launching it at me, I squealed a little as I tried to jump out of the way but it hit me on my shoulder, I pushed my tongue out into my bottom lip, shaking my head before reaching for some snow myself and launching it back at him, he laughed jumping out of the way but it caught him on his back.
"Really chi-" Wiglaf had started but had received a snowball straight to his open mouth. I roared with laughter as Tom smirked at him, "That's better," 

Wiglaf spat out the snow and also summoned snow from nowhere, 
"Right well you asked for it," Wiglaf grinned, he launched the snowball at Tom, who effortlessly dodged out of the way this time. 
"I hope your aim is better during dueling Wiglaf," Tom taunted, 
"Maybe one day I can prove it to you," Wiglaf counted, an amused expression on his face. Tom smirked at me and before I could react one of his summond snowballs hit me square in the face,
"You little-" but I was interrupted by  a sudden commotion over by Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop, we all stopped along with all the other people in the street to see what it was that was happening. Malfoy had been almost thrown out of the door by an angry looking young witch who I recognised to be Wulburga Black, a Slytherin in fifth year (Tom and Wiglaf's year), she was a nightmare from what I had seen of her so far. I looked over at Tom who seemed to watching them intently, the hint of irritation in his eyes. 
"I thought this was a date!" She bellowed, "You would be lucky to be seen with a girl like me and then you ruin everything!" the whole street was frozen now, staring. 
Tom growled, "Meet me in The Three Broomsticks," he hissed at us from the corner of his mouth, before he pulled up the collar on his black thick coat and walked over purposefully to were they where stood still bickering loudly. I supposed this was bad for 'business'.
"What in the name of Merlin was all that about?" Lazarus asked, his eyes wide and mouth agog.
"Who knows," I shrugged, 
"Let's head inside its getting cold," Wiglaf gestured, leading the way towards the small ancient village pub. 

I breathed in the relief of walking out of the cold into the warmth of the cosy Tudor building. It was heaving, we pushed our way through the crowds looking for a table. 
"I don't think there are any tables," Lazarus called over the loud chatter, "Should we just wait at the bar?" he suggested, but before we could make our decision an agitated looking Tom appeared behind Lazarus, 
"No need," He stated, Lazarus jumped up into the air, he didn't even reprehend Tom now, he just shook his head. Tom took over the lead and led us towards a small booth at the far end if the pub which was packed with Slytherin's, as Tom approached their chatter stopped instantly. I recognised some of them, Avery, Lestrange, Rosier and the blonde girl Flint. 
"Excuse us," He said simply, they did not have to be asked twice and although Celia Flint gave me a nasty look as she passed, they all vacated their seats with a nod at Tom and walked away through to the bar area of the pub. 
Lazarus and Wiglaf exchanged a look with one another as we all took a seat in the booth, 
"Right, warm butterbeers all round?" I smiled, rubbing my hands together, 
Everyone put their hands into their pockets, but I quickly stopped them, I had to make some us of the excessive amounts of money my Father kept sending me. 
"No really its my round, I'll get these," I smiled as I stood to make my way over to the bar. 
The bar was packed, I tried to stand on my tiptoes and see over the sea of people trying to order their beverages. 
"Over here," I felt a tug on the sleeve of my fur coat, I looked over to see that Tom had joined me,
"I'm capable of ordering drinks you know," I smirked,
"I know, yet you are incapable of being able to see over peoples heads." he smirked,
"I haven't finished growing yet," I skulked, it was not an unknown fact that I was incredibly short for my age at a mere five feet (and that was being generous),almost a staggering whole foot shorter than Tom who was pushing on to being around six foot tall already at just fifteen. Tom using his height to his advantage made a path for us through the ques until we finely reached the bar, I was sure we must have pushed in front of some people but if we had no one acknowledged it. 
"Hello Grisha, what can I get you?" Asked a smiling middle aged muscular man, with a thick head of blonde hair and bushy beard to match, I recognised him as the owner of the pub, Justin Wood. He was a friendly jovial man who had a good relationship with his customers, he lived above the pub with his wife, Lisa and young daughter Rosmerta. 
"Hello Justin, how are Lisa and little Rosmerta? I'll have four hot butterbeers please," I smiled, ignoring Tom's eye roll, no doubt in regards to my small talk. 
Justin nodded at me and began to serve the order, "Their very well thank you, you should see Rosmerta now, little tink has started walking and everything! How is your Father these days? God I haven't saw him for years." I heard Tom release a quiet laugh beside me and I took it upon my self to stand on his foot while smiling and replying, "Wow already, time flies doesn't it before you know she will be in Hogwarts, only coming down here on visits." I had smoothly brushed over his question about my Father. Tom was glaring at me from the corners of his eyes as Justin sniffed loudly as he set the four butterbeers one at a time onto the bar, 
"Ah don't I can't even think of it," he waved his hand as if to waft away the thought. I smiled at him expectantly, 
"That will be 8 sickles when you're ready my love," he smiled, I reached into my pocket and counted out the money before handing it over the bar to him.
"Thanks, you have a good day now,"
"I will, you too, bye," I beamed, 
Tom took out his wand and levitated the butterbeers above the heads of the crowds, I frowned,
"I could have managed that," I huffed, not liking the fact that Tom clearly thought I was unable to levitate some simple objects.
"I thought you were much too busy talking about nothing," he muttered as we made our way back over to the table,
"It's called being friendly Riddle, perhaps you should try it sometime," I simpered, 
"I'll pass," he replied,
"Ah Mr Riddle, Miss McLaggen!" A loud voice boomed behind us, there was only one person such a voice could belong to, we turned around, butterbeers still suspended in the air by Tom's wand. 
"Professor Slughorn," Tom smiled, I looked at him eyes wide at his sudden change in attitude as he beamed at the potions Professor, white gleaming teeth and all. Dirty Hypocrite.
"Lovely to see you lad out enjoying some time out of the library." He chuckled,
"Even studious students like me have to have a little break Sir," he smiled charmingly, the Professor chuckled, 
"Quiet right," He flashed a mischievous smile at me and added, "and with such lovely company too, perfect just perfect. I have a proposition for the both of you!" He beamed, swinging back and forth on his little feet. 
Me and Tom both froze for a second but Tom soon regained his composure, 
"A proposition Sir?" He asked politely,
"Oh yes nothing formal, nothing formal." He smiled, "Here, take this. Show it to your two other friends too, Smith and Sigurdsson." he tapped a chubby finger to his nose, looking around him self carefully before whispering, "but nobody else, these are... shall we say by direct invitation only." he winked. Tom held out his hand and gently took the green shiny piece of paper from Slughorn's discretely hidden hand, I stifled a laugh it was as if they were dealing in illegal potions. We both looked down at the paper, 
'Christmas Party, hosted by Professor Horace Slughorn, Friday 18th December at 8:00 pm, my office, only the finest company.'
Only the finest company, I did like Slughorn, but sometimes he was unbelievable. 
"Now run along with you," He smiled, 
"Thank you Sir," Tom smiled, 
"Yes thank you Sir," I added sweetly as we made to turn away,
"Oh and don't forget I expect to see you all with dates of course, and you two shall be coming along together, my little Snake and Lion power couple," He winked, 
Tom froze, I made a yelp as the previously suspended butterbeers dropped a couple of inches before they were saved by Slughorn, 
"Whoops, look sharp Tom," he laughed, Tom's jaw clenched as he re took control of the butterbeers, "Thank you Sir," He forced again. 
Once we reached the table Tom almost slammed the butterbeers down upon the table. 
"Wow who got your wand in a knot, where in Merlin have you two been? Did you actually brew the stuff yourself?" Lazarus asked, 
Tom did not reply and instead looked intently at his glass, obviously trying to calm himself down. 
I pushed the small green card across the table between Wiglaf and Lazarus, Wiglaf outstretched a callused hand and turned it around so that they could read it. After a moment, Lazarus and Wiglaf looked up, he pushed the card back towards me, a less than excited expression on his face. 
"And that's for all of us is it? He considers us the 'finest of company' does he?" Wiglaf asked, shaking his head. 
"Well at least he has that right," Lazarus laughed, "Hey it might not be so bad," He smiled, "We would all go together," 
"Well..." I began, "About that... Slughorn wants us all to go with dates," I bit my lip awkwardly,
"Really?" Lazarus asked, sounded slightly panicked, "Well Wiglaf wont go with anyone," he said jabbing a thin finger at Wiglaf, who looked at him perhaps a little offended, 
"Oh wont I? I'll ask Charlotte," Wiglaf replied, "Problem solved," He said taking a satisfied sip of his butterbeer.
"Oooo I'll take Charlotte," Lazarus mimicked, "Okay, okay well Tom definitely wont be,"
"Actually," I said, "Tom has to go with me, Slughorn's request," 

Lazarus face was aghast, "You two," he said in shock, "Together, as each others dates..." he seemed lost for words. 
"So it would seem." Tom said, finely deciding to partake in the conversation, although I am sure he was still rather annoyed at having been forced into a date, he did seem to be enjoying the effect it seemed to be having on Lazarus, who was glaring in the opposite direction and refusing to fully join in with any of our conversations for the remainder of the day. 

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