Chapter Eighty One- Our time is precious

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I sat in the library it was the day after I had bumped into Riddle in the dungeon corridor and the rest of the students would be returning to Hogwarts for the new term later this evening. I flicked through the textbook in front of me, Defence Against The Dark Arts... Chapter Forty Three 'The Unforgivable Curses'. 
"I always thought that unforgivable was a funny name for them personally." I froze, how long had he been stood there? He walked from behind me and took the seat opposite placing a book down upon the table in front of him before elegantly flicking over the front cover, I stared at him. He was acting as if the previous night had ever happened... he looked tired still but he did not look as unwell as he had done. I sighed decided to surrender to the fact that the previous night was not up for discussion as for why he was suddenly now speaking to me again I did not know. 
"And why is that?" I asked coldly, still feeling the slightest bit bitter. 
"You believe them unforgivable?" He asked arching his eyebrow and leaning back upon his chair. 
"I would say that taking away someone's free will, torturing them and killing them is pretty unforgivable." I replied sarcastically. He nodded yet ruined the effect slightly by the smirk playing upon his lip.
"There are many curses, potions which arrive at the same effect some far worse." he stated while inspecting his nail beds. 
"I suppose..." I replied a little disturbed why his line of thought. 
"In fact they are simply the most efficient at their job than the most unforgivable." Tom mused flicking over the page of the book in front of him. 
"You clearly have not been on the receiving end of any of them." I replied quietly. 
"The killing curse actually," he smirked. "I have been deceased all this time." 
"Hilarious." I hissed rolling my eyes. 
"I can't help but notice that you have written upon your notes that these curses are unable to be countered." he said as he leaned upon his elbows, his chin resting upon his interlocked fingers. 
"How can you see my notes from all the way over there?" I asked raising an eyebrow. 
"You are quite right that the killing curse and the cruciatus curse are uncounterable however the imperius curse is not..." he continued completely ignoring my previous question. 
Unable to hide my interest I leaned forward a little. 
"What do you mean?" I asked. "It says it here in black and white." I pointed to the section of the chapter which clearly stated that all the unforgivable curses were unable to be countered or blocked. 
"Do you believe everything that you read?" He asked tilting his head to the side. "No great witch or wizard amounted to anything by simply going by everything that they read inside of a book... a true witch or wizard must reach outside of the book." 
I frowned at him, what was he getting at? I had always believed in books, Tom had always been the biggest book worm of us all. 
"The imperius curse can be countered by someone who has enough will." Tom explained as he calmly glanced out of the window as large raindrops began to tap against it quickly becoming faster and harder. "Isn't that incredible?" he turned his gaze back to me his blue eyes sparkling intensely, I did not speak but waited for him to continue. 
"The power of will, the power of self control. If you can resist such a curse you would believe that the strongest of people can resist anything." I took in his words, letting them repeat in my head... I knew the purpose of this conversation. 
"That is remarkable." I replied with conviction. "However that is only being able to resist an outside force what about being able to resist yourself?" 
"What an interesting thought," Tom smirked. "I suppose I shall experiment and report back to you on my findings." 
"You do that Riddle," I smirked looking back down at the textbook in front of him, yet Tom was still staring at me. 
"Is there something that wanted?" I sighed still not looking up from my textbook. 
I heard Tom chuckle before he picked up his own book and began to read, we remained this way for the next hour or so merely studying together in silence. 

"Grisha." Lazarus beamed as he came striding over to me and pulling me into a hug. I froze for a moment before I hugged him back surprised by his once more affectionate behaviour... I guess he really had softened over the holidays. I would seem that Lazarus was just someone who needed time to get over their emotions. He did however look a little sheepish as he pulled away from me, desperately wanting to let him know that I felt no hard feelings towards how he had reacted (no matter how out of context it was) I quickly smiled at him.
"How was your holidays?" I asked brightly, sensing the olive branch he smiled back looking a little more relaxed. 
"They were ok, my younger cousins stayed with their mother's side of the family this year so that led to a much more relaxed break." he sighed rolling his eyes, I chuckled. "How was yours?" He asked. 
"You know quiet." I shrugged as I leaned against the grand staircase banister. 
"How was Tom?" He asked, the question instantly bringing a sudden tension to the conversation. 
"Fine... I mean I didn't really see much of him over the holidays." I replied trying me best to control my urge to fidget under the awkwardness. 
"Charming." Lazarus muttered under his breath. "Picks you up and drops you." he murmured. 
"He never picked me up in the first place." I replied quickly feeling a little frustrated that Lazarus had chosen to bring it all up again, Lazarus looked at me a slightly embarrassed look on his face as he averted his deep brown eyes from my own. 

I let out a breath of relief as I saw Wiglaf walk towards us before pulling me into a light hug instantly diffusing the heavy atmosphere. 
"It's good to see you," he smiled. 
"I take it you will be just as thrilled to see me Wiglaf," a familiar silky voice chuckled. Wiglaf turned around to face Tom who was stood with both hands resting in his trouser pockets. 
"Of course brother," Wiglaf replied giving Tom what appeared to be quiet a genuine smile. Tom seemed a little taken back by this his expression unreadable but there was certainly a hint of something in his eyes as he nodded curtly to Wiglaf. 
"Lazarus," he greeted turning his attention to Lazarus. 
"Riddle." Lazarus replied through gritted teeth unable to so much as look at him, Tom rolled his eyes. 
"Come now Laz do not pretend you are not overjoyed to see me." He smirked. 
"I'm not a good enough actor." Lazarus replied. Tom merely grinned at him with a soft chuckle which seemed to break the atmosphere as Lazarus rolled his eyes at him, his thin lips turning up into a small smile as they looked at each other. 
As I looked at my friends before me I decided to leave everything that had happened in the past few months behind. We were now in the new year and before we knew it we would be parted, Tom and Wiglaf would be leaving Hogwarts for the very last time... this time was precious and I could not waste it lost in bitter grudges gone by.  

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