Chapter One Hundred and Six- Clever Devil Devil

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I skirted through the darkened empty streets with purpose in every step, my mind solely occupied by the information I had finally managed to obtain. I quickly looked around myself before ducking into the dark damp streets of Knockturn Alley. I kept myself hidden in the shadows as I made my way towards Riddle's front door, this time I did not hesitate as I knocked sharply. A few moments passed and still not answer, I frowned. I had passed Borgin and Burkes on my way here it was practically next door and it was most certainly closed for the evening. 
"Can I help you McLaggen?" I jumped and turned around to see Riddle stood just behind me his arms crossed across his chest, his characteristic smirk firmly in place. 
"How do you do that?" I breathed my heart beat only just beginning to return to a its usual rhythm. "I have information." I added plainly, I saw Tom's blue eyes scan the area before he stepped around me and placed a hand upon the door causing it to open at his touch. He gestured for me to enter, I nodded and walked forwards stepping over the threshold I waited until Tom had followed me and closed the door behind us. I followed him up to the main living quarters. 

I walked towards the sofa taking a seat upon it I stared at the fireplace which had sprung to life filling the cold room with a sudden warmness that washed over my frosted skin, November was not being kind to London. Tom shrugged off his long black suit jacket placing it over the back of his desk chair, before taking a seat upon his arm chair lying back quiet relaxed he waved his wand causing two glasses of fire whisky to once again materialise in thin air. It had come to my notice that Tom particularly favoured the drink especially during discussions, I plucked it from the air. Tom rolled his white shirt sleeves up to his elbows before taking hold of the glass and taking a sit of its contents. 
"So," he said calmly. 
"Dante Grayson." I stated. "He lives with an 'acquaintance' of Grayson who also home schools him... he is seventeen years old." I had, had my reservations about using Dante to get to Grayson once I had discovered just how young he was... after all he was just a boy. I looked for Tom's reaction but saw none, his face had remained quiet impassive. 
"I feel as if something about this information is bothering you," Tom pointed out swirling his whisky around his glass absently. 
"He's just seventeen years old... can we really use a seventeen year old as bait?" I asked hesitantly. Tom rose an eyebrow at me, 
"Seventeen is no child." Tom replied simply. I sighed, not to Tom. I wondered what Tom did consider a child? I wondered if he had ever truly considered himself to be a child or behaved as such. It was funny although I had seen small snippets of Tom's childhood I could barely imagine him as a child. 
"Who is the person sheltering him?" Tom asked his blue eyes reflecting the orange glow of the flames as he stared into the fire. 
"A woman named Margo Tannor... rumour has it she is a seer." I replied. "I can not trace a line of work so I would assume that Grayson pays her a fee of some kind for her... services." 
Tom looked thoughtful, I noticed how he intertwined his fingers a small behaviour that I had grown accustomed to. 
"What are you thinking?" I asked taking a sip of the fire whisky I felt the soothing warm tingle as it rushed down my throat. Tom did not avert his eyes from the flames as he replied.
"We need to draw the boy out." I frowned. 
"How?" I asked, feeling frustrated that the answer had not come to me immediately. Tom did not reply as he brought one hand up to his lip, rubbing it with one of his long fingers as he frowned. 
"We need to monitor their daily schedule." Tom breathed. 
"All I know is that Margo is often seen down at the markets it's unclear as to whether or not Dante attends with her but if not we could at least follow her." I suggested. 

The rain splattered down upon the pavement, I pulled the hood of my cloak further over my head as we walked towards the bustling markets. 
"You know what this woman looks like." Tom breathed down my ear as we made our way through the crowds, I nodded. For once I was happy for the crowds they could be used to our advantage. Around half an hour of searching had passed before I finally caught a sight of the woman from my description.
"There," I whispered. I recognised her from the photograph on her records instantly, the pale wrinkled skin, emerald eyes so bright they almost glowed. She was only a petite woman, her white hair covered by a thin black lace veil which flowed into her black dress which covered her from her neck down to her feet. She gave me an uneasy feeling gliding along the street like some ghostly widow. Riddle took a hold of my wrist and pulled me through the crowd. I could tell that he had down this many times before, he stayed the perfect distance away from her so as not to lose sight of her but still remain unnoticed. He had the unique ability to either stand out in a crowd or vanish within it depending on his own intentions. 

We followed her for around five minutes before she made a stop at one of the stalls, it was a herbal stall. I couldn't quite make out what she had purchased but she gently stowed it away in a golden beaded back that hung to her side. Suddenly Tom dropped my wrist and picked up the pace as we closed the gap between us as she walked down the street away from the stall. Tom nudged the small woman causing her to stumble. Tom reached out and supported her arm keeping her upright.

"Oh do excuse me Mam," Tom purred, his voice laced with concern and guilt. "Are you alright?" 
The woman however did not answer him right away, instead her iridescent green eyes were fixed upon Riddle's face. 
"I feel as if I know you..." Riddle whispered under his breath. "Ms... Ms Tannor?" he questioned, sounding truly unsure. This seemed to have broken the woman slightly as I saw her brow furrow for a moment. 
"I do not know you." she breathed. "Now if you will excuse me," she gave him a suspicious look before attempting to walk away. 
"I'm sorry Mam..." Tom whispered closing his eyes temporarily, a look of pain and embarrassment upon his handsome face. I almost felt myself feel sympathy for him! The woman stopped and inclined her head back towards him before she turned herself around to face him. 
"What do you want child?" She hissed. 
"You... You are Ms Tannor? You used to know a friend of mine." he breathed... so believable.
"I am Ms. Tannor but I do not know to which friend you are referring." She replied a little more warmth in her croaky voice. 
Riddle snapped his blue eyes up to meet her's "Dante Grayson," 
The woman froze, her face looked like own of shock of disbelief. 
"This... this isn't possible nobody knows Grayson outside of..." he stopped herself. "Who are you?" She demanded. 
"I need to see Dante. It's urgent otherwise I fear he will be in grave danger," Tom whispered. Tannor seemed to be in a state of great dilemma as she stared at the young man before her, so convincing, so passionate...
"Please mam I don't think you or I want to see Dante get hurt.... I don't think his Father would either." Tom averted his eyes to the floor before looking back up at Tannor, the mention of Dante's father seemed to have been enough to convince her as she held out an aging hand, her wrist dripping in golden bangles. I quickly lunged forward out of the crowd and grabbed onto Riddle's free arm as he took a hold of her hand. 

We were spinning, our feet off the ground, traveling through space and time before we came to sudden stop, the smell of incense was overwhelming, the lighting so dim that my eyes were struggling to adjust. 

Suddenly Tannor jumped back pulling her hand away from Riddle holding it protectively as if he had just burned her. 
"Who... who are you?" She stuttered, starting to shake she backed away from him knocking into a nearby side table causing a collection of unlit candles to clatter to the floor. "Your aurora burns," she whispered. "A damaged soul, a blackened heart. Pain, hurt, deceit." she continued to mutter to herself, I felt a coldness creep up my spine causing me to shiver. 
Tom looked to me briefly considering his options, it was clear that he hadn't foreseen Tannors sudden change in demeanor towards him. But suddenly her green eyes snapped towards me, I expected her to wonder why I was suddenly there with him but she did not instead she shuffled towards me causing me to lean back against the bookshelf behind me. 
"You are open. You're not like him. Not deceptive, you have a clear aurora, a pure heart, a whole soul... but you two have experienced terror and pain." she whispered reaching out a hand to cup my cheek I grabbed a hold of her wrist. 
Riddle suddenly pulled her away from me causing her to squeal. 
"Get off me devil!" but Riddle placed a hand firmly over her mouth. "Devil, devil." She muttered to herself, almost as if she was in some kind of trance.
"If you want Dante and yourself to stay alive you will call him into this room." he hissed before gently removing his hand from her mouth, she began to shake her head before her eyes snapped back onto Riddle as he extracted his wand from his cloak pocket. 
"Call him," He breathed down her neck as he pressed his wand into the nick of her back. A tear rolled down her aged cheeks as she pursed her lips. 
"Dante," She called out before closing her eyes painfully. 

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