Chapter Seventy Four- Gavina's right hand girl

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Winter was well underway now, a thin layer of ice permanently covered the grounds glistening in the low November sun. Tom had been a little distant since that Halloween night in the forest... I felt something akin to guilt as I recalled his face as he realised his Mother was who they had summoned... it was my fault. Yet he did not seem angry with me, I knew what that looked like... no he was just different. 
I yawned throwing my hair over one shoulder as I absentmindedly trudged towards Gryffindor Tower, potions had been my last class of the day and I was keen to leave the cold damp dungeons and return to the cosy warm tower which was the home of myself and my fellow housemates as I approached the top staircase I froze my eyes wide. 
"Aunt Gavina." I breathed my mouth hanging open, barely believing my own eyes thinking or at least hoping that I was simply tired and that I was seeing things. But no... there in the flesh stood just feet before me my Aunt, stood as tall and dressed as immaculately as ever Professor Dippet by her side. 
"Ah Grisha how opportune." My Aunt sniffed sticking her nose into the air. "What in Merlin have you done to that uniform?" She added looking as if what was before her was not her Granddaughter but a homeless wayward who had been on the road for a few months. I looked down at myself, I had on my full school uniform granted my tie was a little slackened but other than that I had no idea what her problem was. 
"Pull down on that skirt." She said pursing her lips. "What kind of family are you portraying us as." 
I felt my cheeks burn as I averted my eyes from Professor Dippet who also looked just as mortified as I did, I brushed my hand along them hem of my skirt which was brushing my knees.

"Perhaps I should wear trousers." I suggested under my breath. 
"Don't be ridiculous Grisha." She spat me rolling her eyes. 
"What are you doing here? Headmaster Dippet?" I turned my attention to the ageing old man besides her who looked less than comfortable. 
"Miss McLaggen is here for recruitment purposes Miss... McLaggen..." he replied blinking profusely. 
"Recruitment purposes?" I repeated now staring between the old Headmaster and my Aunt. 
"Must you impersonate a parrot dear yes recruitment." Gavina replied rolling her eyes into the back of her head. 

The next day I sat at the Gryffindor table staring down at my porridge which was quickly turning cold as I stared it around and around my bowl. 
"Are you going to eat that?" Amber asked raising her eyebrow at me and taking a bite out her daily slice of toast smothered in blackberry jam. I ignored her question but dropped my spoon down against the side of the bowl with a sigh I looked up and caught two icey blue eyes boring into me from across the Hall. Tom was sat swirling the liquid within his goblet with one hand while his other rested upon the table his longer fingers tapping against as he stared at me his eyebrow raised inquisitively, I dropped my gaze again. 
Amber had also noticed Tom's apparent interest and was now smirking slightly. 
"Oh... I see..." She whispered. 
"No." I replied sharply. "It's nothing to do with him." 
"How did you know that's what I was talking about." She giggled. 
"Not today Amber." I hissed running a hand through my hair. 
"What's gotten into you?" She asked leaning back a little and staring at me as if I was the last question on a particularly difficult exam paper. 
As if on que Headmaster Dippet stood to attention tapping his fork against his crystal glass causing the whole hall to fall into silence. 
Once he was satisfied that he had gotten everyone's attention he cleared his throat. 
"Good Morning students," He smiled warmly. "It is with great pleasure that I introduce to you this fine Saturday morning a very important visitor to our school. Gavina the editor and chief of Witch Weekly Magazine!" 
There was suddenly an excited buzz that spread around the hall, Professor Slughorn was clapping more enthusiastically than anyone before Dippet swung his arm out to the left prompting Gavina to sashay into the Hall from the staff door just next to the staff table she wore a rich looking brown and orange ensemble complete with leopard print and even her customary large two tone sunglasses that she wore no matter the season, situation or location. There was a sudden intake of breath around the hall followed by hurried chatter.
"Merlin! That's THE Gavina!" Amber gasped, I chose to avert my eyes of course my Aunt did not go by her surname meaning that no one ever would make the connection between myself and her. 
I glanced around the hall to see that both Wiglaf, Lazarus and Tom were staring at me with surprised expressions upon their faces, even Tom wasn't hiding what he was thinking. 
I looked back to my Aunt who was waving elegantly to her audience, smiling curtly. 
"It's a pleasure to be here at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I have traveled here in the hopes that somewhere amongst you is someone extraordinary, someone unique, someone... fashionable." Her eyes lingered on a free students disapproving causing them to sink into themselves looking devastated. "Someone who has what it takes to become my first hand assistant. I warn you all this is not a position for those faint of heart or weak of mind." She added. 
"Now I must state that this marvelous opportunity..." Dippet glanced at my Aunt fearfully for a moment before continuing. "Will only be available to seventh years as the position is to start in the coming summer."

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