Chapter Fifty Five- 'The Elite Alleys'

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The day of the auror visit had arrived and I would be lying if I were to say that I was not excited. The prospect of a career as an auror had always felt like a far off dream to me but I guess that it was now quickly becoming within my reach as I approached my OWL examinations. Perhaps if I could obtain the necessary grades an auror would be something that I was interested in pursuing. I guess I had always just wanted my future to lie within the heirs and making the world a better place but then where better place to start... 

I walked towards the Great Hall with Amber and Florian who were both also attending the event. In fact I did not know many students from fifth year and above who were not attending if not just out of curiosity. The only person who seemed a little reluctant to join was Tom, but we managed to twist his arm I smirked. I had arranged to meet Tom, Wiglaf and Lazarus outside of the Great Hall. 
"It's scary but so exciting! I don't think I wish to be auror but I can't wait to see what it's like!" Amber chatted beside me as we walked. 
"I think I would like to give it a shot..." Florian replied. 
"Oh I don't know about that my love it's a very dangerous job can't you do something more... more safe? Perhaps working within the wand permit office?" Amber suggested enthusiastically causing Florian to roll his eyes. 
"Great thanks Amber for your sky high ambitions for me." he chuckled. 
"Hey! There is no shame in a desk job!" Amber called defensively, I grinned to myself as I listened to them banter back and forth I could not think of anything I would hate more than a desk job... 

"Grisha," Lazarus called to me waving me over to where he, Wiglaf and Tom stood just to the side of the doors to the Great Hall, I waved back and made my way towards them bidding a quick 'see you later' to Amber and Florian. Lazarus looked so excited that he couldn't keep himself still. Wiglaf and Tom however seemed perfectly calm, Tom almost looked bored as he stood hands in his pockets. 
"I've been waiting for this!" Lazarus grinned rocking on his heels. 
"Really? None of us would have been able to tell." Tom replied sarcastically causing myself and Wiglaf to grin at each other. Although Tom didn't really want to be here I was sensing that he seemed to be in one of his rare pleasant moods which just helped towards making the day even better.  
"Can you imagine if we all became aurors fighting the trails of evil together! I can see it now! We would be the most formidable team in the whole country, in Europe, in the world!" Lazarus continued ignoring Tom's taunt. 
I chuckled playing into his excitement, "The outcasts!" I chimed through laughter raising my arms up into the air. I caught sight of Tom who was staring at me a small smile tugging at his lips before he seemed to shake it off and look away. 
"The Elite Alleys!" Lazarus cried out, "I've already given it some thought." he smirked, Wiglaf rolled his eyes. 
"What do you think Tom?" I asked him playfully, he smirked but before he could answer me the large wooden doors began to open causing everyone to stop their conversations and turn towards the doors expectedly. In the center of the threshold stood a tall man who wore a burgundy velvet blazer with matching pants and a checkered shirt and black bowler hat. He had shoulder length mousy brown hair and a goatee. Although he was clearly only in his late twenties, early thirties his face looked worn covered in scars and blemishes. Perhaps the most striking of his appearance was a strap that he wore over his left eye, a gold contraption fitted over where his eye should have been it seemed to house a sort of strange magnifying glass. 
"Come in, spread out find ourselves a space." he called over the large entrance hall his booming voice a strange juxtaposition to his youth,  graverley and corse. 
I looked over to Tom, Wiglaf and Lazarus who were also staring at the stranger taking in his eccentric appearance. 

As we walked into the Great Hall trying to force are way threw the eager crowd Lazarus leaned in towards my ear.
"How do you think he lost his eye?" he whispered. 
"Probably the same way he got all of those scars, I can't imagine it was during a game of gobstones." I replied. I moved out finding myself a small space between Lazarus, Tom and Wiglaf the house bences had all temporarily disappeared to make a large open space for everyone to fit. No one needed to be asked to be silent as the moment that everyone was inside the Great Hall the doors were shut behind us and nobody spoke. Instead they looked on at the strange new man stood at the top of the hall now also joined by around ten or so other men and women who all wore an odd collection of black leather coats and cloaks all sporting their own interesting battle scars. 
"My name is Alastor Moody an auror for the Ministry of Magic with ten years experience out in the field. Over those ten years I have grown my reputation and have been involved in over twenty cases and operations all of which have been successful. Now a lot of you stand here before me today young men and young woman alike. Let it be said now that the career of an auror is not a career for the faint of heart or the weak of mind. It is continuous training and self improvement. It is tireless dedication and resilience if you do not have what it takes I suggest you follow a different path, however I have faith that many of you standing before me have that bravery, that skill, that resourcefulness to join us and make a difference to our world. When you become an auror you are no longer your number one the people of the wizarding world are, you risk your life and sacrifice it if necessary for the good of our world... " 
I took a deep breath as I processed what Mr.Moody had said... did I really have what it takes? I brasened myself I was the Heir of Gryffindor if I do not have what it takes who does?

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