Chapter Sixty Nine- Anger

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'Blood makes you related, loyalty makes you family'

I dragged my feet as I walked down the corridor a yawn escaping my mouth, all I wanted was to snuggle down into my comfy four poster bed but no I had patrol duty. The first two weeks back at Hogwarts had been intense. Tom and Wiglaf had warned us that starting our NEWTS was ten times more work than our OWLS had been but I had grossly underestimated their warnings, Lazarus was already making threats to jump off of the top of the astronomy tower at least three times a day.

I frowned as I could not see the new fifth year Prefect Diana Vectors anywhere, I had told her we would be meeting on the third corridor in front of the portrait of the sleeping dragon. I pulled back the robe of my sleeve to check my watch... five past seven.
"Sorry I am late," a smooth voice echoed off of the stone walls but it was not the voice of a fifth year female.
"Tom? What are you doing here," I frowned as he walked towards me from the shadows.
"Charming." Tom smirked, "I am stepping in for Miss Vectors she had an unfortunate accident in her potions class." he did not however show any concern and instead continued to smirk at me.
"I have to say I did have better things to be doing with my time this evening but as Head Boy it is my duty to step in."
"Charming." I replied back to him, he placed his hands into his pocket with a soft chuckle.
"Shall we?" he gestured to the dark empty corridor ahead.
"I can't contain my excitement." I replied brushing past him with a tilted grin on my face.
We walked in silence for a while as we patrolled the many long dark corridors, the only sound was the occasional hoot of an owl as it flew by.
As we reached the main courtyard I paused for a moment and leaned over the half wall and looked up at the pitch black sky above, thousands of stars illuminating it like a handful of glitter had been thrown into the air. Tom mirrored my actions leaning upon the wall beside me and looking up into the sky.
"Draco is shining brightly tonight." he stated, I squinted as I looked up at the mass of stars above us.
"Come now Grisha I thought you had achieved an Exceeds Expectations in Astronomy, you are not exceeding my expectations." he smirked.
I glared at him, his pale skin illuminated by the moonlight he looked like some fairy tale Prince yet he was more a God than a Prince.
"I can see it." I replied causing him to raise his eyebrow at me, I scoffed and pointed up at the shining constellation before turning to look at him, our eyes locked for a moment but a loud crash shoke us both back to our job at hand.
Tom strode off immediately at speed down the corridor, I followed him hastily but stopped abruptly as I nearly walked straight into Tom's back, he had stopped facing a thin wooden door.
"Isn't that a broom cupboard?" I frowned but Tom did not answer instead he put his hand upon the handle and yanked it open hard.
My eyebrows shot up to my hairline at what I saw, two fourth year students were entwined in one another amidst the pots and brooms staring at myself and Tom horror stricken there faces turning a deep shade of scarlet.
"Get out." Tom ground out through gritted teeth, the couple obliged at once as they practically jumped apart and fell out the cupboard. Tom slammed the door making all three of us jump.

"I am not going to waste my breath asking what you thought you was doing. Fifty points from Ravenclaw and Gryffindor respectively in addition to a detention with your heads of year, an owl with the formalities will arrive to you both tomorrow." he spat. "Now get back to our dorms immediately without dordling."
The young girl with blonde curly hair looked down nodding her head in shame, her boyfriend a tall dark haired Ravenclaw with a pointed nose also nodded eagerly.
"Yes Riddle, sorry Riddle," He muttered before the both of them hurried off down the corridor and out of sight. Tom shook his head.

"Honestly some people in this place have no common sense." he scoffed, I looked at him questioningly.
"They could have at least cast a silencing charm upon themselves and at least tried to lock the door, honestly they make this job far too easy."

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