Chapter Thirty Nine- I was getting to know you...

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"Take this to Riddle for me will you darling," Rosier smirked holding out a role of parchment, I rose my eyebrow at him, hands on my hips my weight transferred to my right foot as I looked at him. 
"What is it darling?" I hissed. 
"Its private." He winked tapping the side of his nose with his index finger, I reached out my hand and snatched it off of him causing him to hold his hand up and bit his lip in a smirk. 
"Now now don't go trying to read it because it wont open for you," he winked, bowed and backed away with a dark chuckle as he walked away from me down the corridor and out of sight. 
I growled quietly as I looked around myself and hid in one of the darker corners of the corridor who was he to tell me not to try, I huffed and pulled out my wand. 

"Revelio," I whispered but of course nothing happened, I stamped my foot and bit my lip. I was just about to set it alight in frustration when I heard footsteps coming down the corridor coming to my senses I slipped my wand and the role of parchment beneath my robes. Why did Rosier give it to me to deliver why didn't he just do it himself they where around each other enough? Unless he wanted me to know that they were passing secret messages around between them like it would bother me... well okay it did bother me but not in that sense just because I didn't trust any of them. 
"Skulking around in dark corridors McLaggen anyone would think you're up to something?" Celia stood opposite me her little group of supporters including Wulburga Black standing behind her as usual. 
"You're right Flint." I stated smiling at her with a teethy grin. 

"Are you clinically insane or incredibly annoying?" She drawled flicking her hair behind her as Walburga cackled. 
"Both." I continued to smile. She glared at me and continued walking off down the corridor I waited for her to fade out of sight before planting my fist in my palm and screwing up my face in her direction, I don't think I had ever hated anyone more. 
I turned my attention back to the job at hand, finding Tom. The rain poured down now in late September as the weather started to cool and autumn started to arrive. I cursed at having discovered from Amber that she had seen Tom stood reading under one of the verandas, why! Why would you choose their to read in this weather? Muttering to myself I darted across the open grounds to where I had spotted a tall slender figure leaning against the stone half wall reading a small book. 
"Hey!" I shouted as I jogged over, Tom lifted his head to see me. 
"You look so unapproachable," I smirked at him. 
"And yet here you are," He replied raising his eyebrows and returning his gaze to the small open book in his hands. 

"This is for you." I stated pushing the role of parchment under his nose, he readjusted his gaze upon it and gently took it off me with one of his long fingered hands. 
"A love letter from Rosier," I added tilting my chin up as I watched him holding the parchment itching for him to open it but of course instead he stored it away under his robes. 
"Thank you." He replied bluntly before returning to his book yet I saw the ghost of a smile on his lips. The next thing that came into my mind was mad... 
"What is your favourite colour?" I asked leaning myself against the stone wall next to him, there was a moments pause before he replied. 
"Colour?" he looked at me with a furrowed brow. 
"Shall I repeat the question?" I smirked.

"Black," he replied.
"Black? That's not my favourite colour," I smirked putting my hands on my hips.
"What is the point in this Grisha?" Tom sighed slamming his book shut and staring at me. 

"Must every conversation we have be so serious? It's your turn now." I smirked.
Tom rose his eyebrow and pulled an apple from his satchel, throwing it up in the air and catching it again, "Fine. What is your favourite fruit?" he asked with a sigh and shake of his head. 

"The pomegranate of course," I smiled. 
"I do not like pomegranates," Tom replied coldly, his expression blank. 
"What is wrong with you," I laughed.
"They're messy, impossible to eat with dignity so much wasted time on something so minuscule." Tom replied.
"But is it not the effort which makes them that much sweeter?" I smirked. 
"Riddle, Professor Slughorn would like to see you." We both turned to see Malfoy had ran over to us his cloak pulled over his head to protect his perfectly slicked back hair, I rolled my eyes.

Tom nodded to him and pulled his own cloak over his head stowing his book and apple into his satchel.
"Goodbye to you too Riddle." I called shaking my head at him with a smile, he turned back around to face me and smirked without a word before turning and walking away. 

I sighed re positioning my heavy school satchel upon my shoulder, fifth year had meant at least a doubling in work load and I had spent the rest of the afternoon and evening in the library. Lazarus had kept me company for a few hours but had left complaining that he could not possibly continue to work under the conditions of starvation and had left to go to the kitchens before retiring for the night, as such I made my way alone through the corridors up towards Gryffindor tower. Suddenly I heard whispered voices interrupt the silence that blanketed the castle during the twilight hours. I frowned and stopped my walking instead I turned my head slowly in the direction of the whispers unable to make out what they where saying I softly walked across the corridor and peeked around the side of one of the supporting pillars. I squinted as I saw two figures stood facing each other clearly in the middle of a whispered conversation, one of the figures wore a heavy black cloak their hood pulled over their heads, the other... the other did not appear solid I leaned forwards to get a better a look, it was then that I realised that she was not solid at all, she was not solid because she was not a corporeal being. I recognised her as the Ravenclaw house ghost the grey lady which I had often seen gliding around the castle looking forlorn. I frowned at the odd sight who was it who was talking to her and why? Unable to settle my curiosity I tip toed further forward hiding myself in the moonlights shadows. 
"But I was blinded by an ugly jealousy for my own mother and as such committed a most unforgivable act of betrayal," she breathed. 
"I know what it is to crave to prove oneself Helena," I heard the hooded figure speak gently I covered my mouth to trap an escaped gasp as I recognised the voice, Tom!?
"You did not deserve your fate Helena no one deserves to be murdered in cold blood, the only one who should feel guilt in death is the Baren who took your life from you. Your Mother you tell me had asked for your return had she not? She had forgiven you, it is time you forgave yourself." 
"Oh Tom... how do you see the good in me? I can not move on not why..." she paused. 
"One does not have to look hard to see that their is goodness in you my Lady you are as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside. Please let me help you to move on." he had took a step closer to her now, I felt my stomach twist and turn his tone of voice and body language were seductive and inviting, Helena seemed mesmerized by him.
"I do not think it is a burden that I can place on your young shoulders," Helena whispered looking around herself. 
"You can trust me Helena," his voice was soft, warm even I wanted to trust his words. 
"I do... let me think on it and I will come back to you." Helena said softly, Tom bowed his hooded head. 
"Do not leave gracing me with your presence too long my Lady I enjoy our intellectual conversations." 
"As do I Tom, you are a special boy."
"Alas I am not special my Lady, I am merely a boy who can relate to your feelings and experiences and values your intelligence and wisdom." He lowered his head towards her ghostly hand and brushed his lips over it, I was sure she would have blushed if she had been able to. 
I hid myself quickly out of sight behind the pillar my breathing fast. Again I found myself asking what was that!? After coming across Tom late at night. 

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