Chapter One Hundred and Three- Choices have there concequences

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I brushed my hand threw my hair as I closed my front door dropping my satchel to the floor. I was exhausted. I had spent the entire day collecting as many names in relation to Grayson as I could and I knew for a fact that my list was not yet comprehensive and nor was any closer to finding any of them. It was then that the sound of tapping upon glass caught my attention. I turned my head towards my window I squinted. Sitting under my window sill above my desk, I could just make out a the dark silhouette of an owl. I walked towards my window clicking upon the latch I pulled open the window being careful to give the creature enough chance to move itself out of the way, but as soon as the window was open it flew straight in without invitation landing elegantly upon the back of my chair. Juniper gave an indignant hoot at the new visitors rudeness, I tilted my head to the side as I considered the owl. It's jet black feathers gleaming, it's large amber eyes almost seeming to glow in the dimly lit room. There appeared to be a rolled up piece of parchment attached to its left leg. Gingerly I reached out my hand but jumped as it hooted angrily at me. What? I thought feeling slightly frustrated by the less than poliet messenger. I looked around my eyes falling upon Junipers treat box. "Sorry Juniper," I sighed as I creaked upon the box and pulled out a small dead mouse, Juniper began to peck at the bars on her cage from the lack of justice. I dangled my offering before the dark bird swinging it back and forth it's large eyes following it, it snatched it from me in one graceful swoop swallowing the poor mouse whole. 
"Are we even?" I asked raising an eyebrow and holding out my hand towards the creatures leg once more. This time however it bowed its head before extending it's leg towards me. 
"Thank you," I smiled sarcastically as I untied the twine and the attached parchment. 
The owl instantly hooted loudly before stretching it's large black wings and flying off into the night through the still open window. I shivered from the cold breeze and leaned over to close the window the parchment still clutched in my hand. I placed a mouse on the floor of Juniper's cage as a peace offering to keep her from continuing to peck and squark in disgust before I took a seat at my desk and unfolded the parchment. 

When you make a choice you also choose the consequence. Meet me at ten pm. I will not tell you where in case this letter does not reach you. I will know where to find you.

I must have read and re-read the note at least five times before in a state of sudden realisation I checked my watch. It was ten minutes to ten. 'When you make a choice you also choose the consequence' is he referring to himself? Was helping me his consequence.

I wrapped my scarf around my neck to ward off the bitter chill of early November as I stepped out onto the street. Should I just wait here? Should I start walking? How was he going to just find me. I decided to walk towards the monument the stood proudly in the centre of the street, I looked up at it towering above me the figure of a woman holding a lantern in one hand and Dr's bag in the other. Florence Nightingale, such a talented and selfless witch. I had always wanted to grow up to be like her as a child, to make a difference in the world. 

"A waste of talent." I let out a small squeal as I spun around to find Riddle stood behind me. His hands resting in the pockets of his long black coat, a smirk upon his pale face. 
"Don't do that!" I spat, I choose to ignore his comment and instead asked a question that had been pestering me since I had received his note. "How did you find me?" I asked tilting my head to the side. 
"You're very sentimental Grisha." he smirked. Before I could so much as back away Tom extended a long fingered hand towards my neck. He gently plucked out the golden chain from around my neck pulling out the lion head pendant and letting it drop to my chest as he retracted his hand back into his pocket. My face no longer felt the chill of the late autumn night instead they burned fiercely like a sudden fever. 
"What do you have to tell me?" I asked changing the subject as my hand instinctively clasped onto the pendent. 
"Grayson," Tom replied tilting his head to the side as he considered me. 
"I feel as if your need to capture him extends further than mere professional duty. Perhaps personal pride." he smirked. 
"And what if it is?" I replied, not caring to disguise the truth. 
"Then you will be willing to capture him by any means necessary?"
"I did not come to you for 'ministry approved' methods." I replied. Tom moved closer to me placing a hand on my shoulder he turned me around to face him. His touch made a shiver travel down my back, which I expertly attempted to disguise. 
"If I am to assist you will follow my instruction." he whispered, there was certainly an element of threat to his words. 
"Your recklessness will not place my reputation under scrutiny is that understood?" he continued his eyes piercing into my own like knives. I nodded,
"Do not worry Riddle, your squeaky clean reputation is safe." I smirked. 
"When Grayson falls his accomplices will fall. You have to kill the weed at the root. The best way to get to someone is through the thing they care about the most... or even better the someone they care about the most. You need to dig deep into someone's very heart and soul to truly have any chance of destroying them." The way Riddle said this made the hair on the back of my neck stand on end, suddenly the air around us seemed so much colder causing me to shiver. 
"And you know Grayson's weakness." it was not a question for I knew the answer. Tom smirked. "F or the time being do not do anything rash.  Think of this like a game of chess. We must plan our moves so far in advance and so discreetly that it is not until our opponent has fallen that they realise they were nothing but pieces and us the only players."

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