Chapter Sixty Seven- A new head boy

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"What on earth is taking you so long child?" Gavina sighed as she turned her head to face me, a pair of large sunglasses hiding her brown eyes from view not that it was even remotely sunny, it was a very dreary start to September.
"I'm just-" I started as I had paused to take my ticket out of my bag.
"Tales of your incompetence do not interest me now hurry along," she waved me off as she turned around and continued striding down the platform, unable to hold myself back I stuck my tongue out at her back childishly before fastening my bag and following after her.

In the few weeks following my Father's funeral and my Aunts arrival I had soon come to realise that Gavina was so busy with work that I seldom had to deal with her at all, she was editor and chief of the popular women's magazine, 'Witch Weekly'. A magazine that I corrinsidentaly loathed, all thirty eight pages of it. Filled to the brim with the latest fashions, attractive males and tips on upholding the greatest house wife image. Apart from fashion which my Aunt clearly had a particular love for that seemed to be all that she did love, for someone's whose magazine seemed to thrive upon men and family life my Aunt seemed to be interested in neither.
"Grisha Avyanna McLaggen do straighten yourself up people will think nobody owns you."
I stopped just short of the barrier my face reddening when anger.
"Grisha does just fine and nobody does own me." I hissed back dodging her attempts to straighten my tie.
"On Merlin himself my Brother has a lot to answer for." she sighed shaking her head.
Thinking it best to ignore her I stormed through the barrier pulled my trunk along behind me, I did not wait for my Aunt to catch up to me and made a distinct effort to lose her upon the crowded platform. I smiled towards the scarlet steam engine sat waiting proudly, home and I had never wished to go back more in my entire life being at home was only making the loss of my Father harder to bare.

"Grisha! Grisha!" I froze as I recognised the voice which was calling after me, I winced. It was not that I wasn't happy to see her again it's just I knew exactly what she was going to...

"Oh Grisha!" I felt myself be pulled into a tight hug which almost took my breath away.
"I saw it in the Daily Prophet! I wrote to you but... it's okay I'm so sorry! What happened!? Are you okay!?" She pulled away from me looking me up and down.
"I'm fine." I replied quickly choosing to dismiss the rest of her questions, it's not that I didn't want her to know its just... I wasn't ready I hadn't had to explain it out loud to anyone yet.
"I just want to move on." I whispered my head bowed. "I... I will tell you... everything just not right now." I added quickly.
"Of course I understand, I'm sorry I just..." she spluttered, her cheeks become ruddier.
"It's okay honestly I know, I get it I have a feeling I'm going to be getting a lot of that."
She smiled weakly at me.
"Well we could find a compartment to go and hide in?" she suggested warmly.
"Thanks but I have to meet with the prefects." I replied, I honestly would have prefered hiding away if only I could, she nodded at me.
"I'll see you at school." I smiled excusing myself from her and walking off down the platform towards the train.
"Grisha there you are." I rolled my eyes as I heard the grating tone of my Aunt from within the crowd reluctantly I turned around to see her striding towards me just pushing past people quiet impassively.
"Honestly I don't know where you possibly get this rude attitude from we are McLaggen's." I gritted my teeth the amount of times that she had reminded me of my own surname since she had arrived was intolerable as for attitude that in itself was laughable, I was not the one pushing people out of the way and throwing my coats upon unsuspecting house elves at any given opportunity.
"Who was that girl you was talking to?" She asked raising her chin into the air as she looked off towards were Amber had been stood.
"My friend, I thought you would have been pleased a friend that is a girl isn't that what you wanted?" I replied unable to stop myself. My Aunt to my surprise however merely ignored me.
"Hmm what's her name?" She asked still trying to catch a glimpse of her.
"Why?" I asked folding my arms across my chest impatiently. "You don't need to be looking up my friends."
"Don't be so ridiculous Grisha as if someone as important as me has time for such things."
I scoffed this wiman truely was unbelievable.
"Right." I replied shaking my head, "Well I better let you get back to your very scheduled then." I forced the largest smile which I could muster, I don't know why she insisted on accompanying me in the first place, it was then that I saw Lazarus and Wiglaf waving to me out of the corner of my eye.
I gave them a warning look with a nudge towards my Aunt and wafted my hand by my side indicating for them to get out of sight, upon seeing my Aunt they certainly didn't need me to tell them as they quickly ducked back into the crowd and out of view.
"Uphold the McLaggen name, be punctual, elegant and have class."
I merely smiled at her nodding praying for my patience before I turned on my heel and walked away.
"And none of that Quiddich nonsense you're a lady!" I heard her call to me, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before continuing on towards the train not even caring to look back.
"She's still hanging around then," Lazarus chuckled as he popped over my left shoulder.
"Don't even go there." I punctuated as I pulled my trunk up onto the train.
"I thought she would have been too busy to accompany you here today? Your letter indicated that she made you more than aware of how busy she was." Wiglaf added as he also followed us up onto the tain.
"I'm not that lucky, clearly today was the one day she didn't need to be at the office early. The one day." I widened my eyes with a painful smile, Wiglaf chuckled.
"Anyone heard from Tom?" I asked them as we pulled our trunks down towards the prefects carriage. "Since the... you know what I mean." I added quickly.
"No," Lazarus and Wiglaf both replied at the same time.
"Have you not?" Lazarus asked raising his eyebrow. "I would have thought he would have at least written to you." he said defensively as we reached the compartment I shrugged and slid it open, many of the Prefects were already inside.
It was then that I saw him sat in the centre a shiny head boy badge pinned to his chest. Tom had made head boy! I mean honestly I wasn't surprised, I looked to his left and my felt as if I stomach had fallen to the floor in a heap sat looking at me heatedly was Celia Flint a shining head girl padged pinned prominently on her ample chest.
"Tut tut," Tom smirked looking at the small clock upon the compartment wall. "Very nearly late." he smirked at us.
"Well this years just getting better and better already," Lazarus whispered to me as we took our seats. "Riddle and Flint, two people who really didn't need anymore power."
"My My Lazarus you're keen to share today, I'm glad to see my prefects so eager already."
"Your prefects?" Lazarus blurted his mouth agog, clearly disliking the insinuation that he know belonged to Tom. Tom however smirked knowingly,
"Oh I am sorry Lazarus you must be the only one who has missed it, let me introduce myself as your new head boy and my fellow head girl Celia Flint." Tom however did not seem overly thrilled by his partner if anything he was dismissive of her, Celia did not seem to acknowledge this however and we still trying to rub her bare legs up against his.
I spent the rest of the prefect meeting unable to take my eyes off of Celia and Tom's legs! I was frustrating myself but yet I still could not stop myself from feeling angry just looking at her.
Once the formalities were over everyone had started to talk between themselves, Celia was talking Tom's ear off. He kept trying to peer around her to me, Lazarus and Wiglaf but Celia was even getting physical now and actually pulling his shoulder towards her, I smirked as he pushed her hand off of him.
Celia's eyes narrowed as she caught me and Tom looking at each other from across the compartment.
"Such sad news about your Father Grisha." she called loudly with a pathetic look of faked pity upon her face, causing everyone in the compartment to cease their conversations and turn their attention to us. Feeling myself begin to shake with anger I clenched my fists and stared out of the window ignoring her completely but this did not deter her.
"See in my family manor we have the utmost security but then that is very expensive."
I steadied my breathing as I stared down at my shaking hands.
Wiglaf fixed her with a disgusted expression.
"How does it feel being alone?" she asked tilting her head to one side.
"How does it feel being an insufferable bitch?" I snarled back at her unable to control myself, the atmosphere in the compartment suddenly became so thick that a severing charm wouldn't have gotten through it.
Celia laughed and shook her head, "My my your family really has taken a tumble such a shame for a pureblood family to loose so much class."
I felt Wiglaf and Lazarus grab onto my arms as I tried to launch myself towards her.

"Shut your mouth Celia I think it's clear who is the one without class here." Lazarus spat at her.

"That's enough. " Tom stated, his face stoney as he looked at me an unreadable expression in his bright blue eyes. Celia remained silent for the rest of the journey giving me haughty looks whenever she could inbetween sulky glances at Tom, clearly she was flabbergasted that he hadn't found her comments simply hilarious, perhaps once he would have but now he did not seem so amused.

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