Chapter Ninety Four- Confrontations

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"Riddle." I called as I caught side of his tall silhouette as it retreated down the dark empty corridor.
He froze his shadow inclining its head behind him in my direction.
"Congratulations Grisha." his voice was crisp and sincere yet I was certain should I have been able to see his face his customary smirk would have been firmly in place.
"To you to." I replied as I walked up the corridor towards him closing the gap between us, the sound of my boots echoing in the silence.
"To me?" He questioned, I was now a mere feet away from him, the moonlight now bright enough to illuminate his sharp features.
"Yes, you also left the pitch having met your goal did you not." I replied coldly.
"I'm afraid I don't quite follow your line of thought." he responded still not turning fully around to face me.
"Hooch." I replied simply, gone were the days of me skirting around the subject.
"Very unfortunate." He replied, his tone of voice frustratingly monotone.
"Was it?" I asked shifting my weight. "Was it unfortunate for you and those thugs of yours?"
"I suppose not. Though I must correct you I do not 'own' any thugs, though I admit my fellow Slytherin's tactics left something to be desired however you still won McLaggen I don't see how it caused you to much inconvenience." I could almost sense his smirk, so elusive... he knew exactly what to say, no leads, no connection back to him. There never was.
"You told them to attack him." I said plainly ignoring him.

"I'm sorry?" He replied turning his body around to face me, he crossed his arms across his chest as he looked down at me, "And why would I do a thing like that?"
"You tell me Riddle... or don't. It doesn't matter, just know that I know." I hissed as I turned on my heel to leave I felt him grab a hold of my wrist, I flinched as he held me in place.
"A crash course in manipulation Grisha. You don't tell the person what you want them to do. You help them to realise they want to do it. That way it can never be traced back to you." he whispered before he swiftly released my wrist, I quickly pulled it towards my chest.
"What are you two up to?" I jumped as I turned around to see Lazarus walking towards us his wand illuminated in front of him as he approached us, the bright light made him glow almost unhuman like.

"Just talking." I replied quickly glancing swiftly at Riddle out of the corner of my eye, who appeared completely relaxed.
"In the dark... in a deserted corridor." Lazarus raised his eyebrow at us.
"Do you wish to deduct points Lazarus? Afterall Hufflepuff need to claw back as many as possible before the end of this year." Tom smirked, his blue eyes glistening in Lazarus's wand light.
"Always something to say Riddle don't we? But very rarely is it ever a straight answer." Lazarus addressed him a coldness to his voice which I am certain did not go unnoticed by Tom, however he did not seem at all phased by it.

"Grisha has already provided you a straight answer Lazarus." Tom smirked. Lazarus clearly at a loss for anything more to say lowered his wand reducing the blinding effect of the charm.
"It just so happens that bumping into the two of you is opportune regardless..." Lazarus replied turning his gaze towards me instead, his dark brown eyes softening slightly, though still showing a hint of... I wasn't sure what it was...
"Wiglaf has asked me to tell you both we are meeting tomorrow evening, seven pm." he continued, I nodded my agreement. Tom however did not, he instead tilted his head to the side a look of amusement on his face.
"Did he now? He is not asking, he is instructing us." He smirked, yet there was most certainly a sign of disdain in his voice, he clearly did not like the thought of being dictated to... perhaps he was used to being the one to dictate.
Lazarus however didn't seem to pick up on this and instead merely rolled his eyes.
"Whichever way you choose to see it Riddle." He shrugged, before turning to smile at me.

"Rictumsempra!" Wiglaf chanted as a flash of blue light shot towards Lazarus, he staggered back slightly before managing to deflect it.
"Flipendo!" The blue streak of light shot back towards Wiglaf but was quickly countered.
"Expelliarmus!" Lazarus was instantly threw back and landed in a heap upon the floor. I clapped with a chuckle,
"Unusual choice to use Flipendo." I smiled at Lazarus, "Congratulations to both boys," I smirked.
"Bloody hell I had a feeling this time," Lazarus groaned, "I'd thought I'd win!"
Wiglaf chuckled, "You should move your legs more," he suggested.

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