Chapter One Hundred and Four- 14A Knockturn Alley

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"Grisha is that you?" a familiar gentle voice called out. I nodded walking towards the bed in the centre of the room were I could just now make out the dimly lit woman with long flowing blonde hair in her white night dress sat up staring at me with a loving look in her bright large eyes, she smiled at me. 
"Mother..." I whispered. 
"Are you alright my love?" She asked patting the bed next to her. I did not answer but walked closer to her but before I could crawl up next to her everything went black. 
"GRISHA." I woke with a start sitting up I found myself still atop my mother and father's bed... it suddenly dawned on me what had occured the night before. I felt my pocket to feel the folded parchment hidden within as the bedroom door slammed open. 

"Why are you in here?" Gavina asked as she stood in the doorway staring at me one eyebrow raised in disapproval. I chose not to answer her as I pulled myself off of the bed, Gavina crinkled her nose up as she looked me up and down. 
"Go and shower for the love of women and go and put on something presentable." she said sharply before turning her back on me and walking out of the room I waited until I could no longer hear her expensive stilettos echoing down the corridor. 
I pulled the palm of my hand down my face as I let out a large yawn. 

"Where are you going?" I froze as I put one hand on the handle of the front door. 
"I told you last night, I was only staying for the evening." I replied emotionlessly not even bothering to turn around. 
"You're leaving without breakfast. No good woman starts the day with breakfast." she maintained. I sighed dropping my hand from the handle, I knew that she meant well at heart... very very deep in her heart. 
I turned around to face her, "I'm not really very hungry." but she merely looked at me, her thin lips pursed as she turned around and walked into the kitchen. 
"Grisha." I took a deep breath at the sound of my name, Merlin give me the strength. 

I thanked Willow as I pulled the orange juice that she had just poured me towards me, she seemed to look as if she might faint at having been thanked. 

We sat in silence for a few minutes which felt like an eternity as I mixed my porridge far longer than was necessary. 
I watched as my Aunt clicked her fingers causing Willow to skid into the room at top speed holding a coffee canister which she quickly poured into the china espresso cup which my Aunt had held out in front of her. 

"By all means move at a glacial pace you know how that thrills me." she murmured rolling her eyes at the small creature who scurried back into the larder. 
"Those 'friends' of yours..." she began using over exaggerated air quotations around the word friends, her face showing the utmost disapproval. "What are they doing now? Do you still speak to them?" She asked gracefully spreading a thin layer of marmalade over her piece of wholemeal toast.
"Wiglaf and Lazarus are traveling... We speak via letter when we can." I replied, wondering why it was she was taking such an interest given she disapproved of the friendship so much in the first place. 
"And that Tim?" she asked taking the smallest bite possible from the corner of her toast. 
I looked down into my bowl of porridge feeling even less hungry than I had before. 
"Tom... He's... he's working in London." I replied. 
"In the ministry?" Gavina asked looking slightly more interested now. 
"Not exactly." I replied trying to avoid answering the question for as long as I could. Gavina McLaggen was not the sort of person who would approve of an establishment such as Borgin and Burkes. 
"And do you still speak?" She asked. 
"A little..." I replied awkwardly taking a sip of my orange juice. "Look I... I really need to get to work." I stuttered as I stood from the table. 
"Have you thought any more of my offer?" She asked looking up at me calmly. 
"I've told you. I am an auror, I have worked and trained for this it is what I do." I snapped.
She sighed, "Auror." she scoffed. "It is not job for a lady." 
"Have a good day Gavina." I forced a smile as I apparated on the spot not giving her chance to say anything more. 

My feet hit the solid floor of Diagon Alley, I walked purposefully down the street before I stopped as I reached the storefront of Flourish and Blotts, there it was again that strange feeling of being watched. I looked around but it was particularly busy for a Tuesday morning and there was little chance that I would be able to pinpoint anyone in particular. Feeling frustrated I continued to walk down the street, this time however with a little less haste and much less focus. The feeling was certainly following me, I scanned behind me one last time and it was then that my eyes snapped onto a pair of bright emerald eyes staring out from the back of the crowd of busy passers by, they did not avert their eyes but instead stared right back at me. I could hardly make out a face as they were so well hidden by the throng of people. Without thinking I began to walk quickly towards the stranger, pushing people out of my way in my haste causing them to groan and shout after me but I didn't care I needed to see this person, I needed to ask them who they were. I didn't entirely know why but I felt it in my gut, but as I grew close to the spot where I had seen those gleaming green eyes they had vanished. I almost let out a growl as I looked around desperately but before I could pursue any other leads I felt a strong hand grab a hold of my shoulder making me jump and turn around defensively ready to fight if I had to. 
I let out a breath as I looked up into the handsome face of Tom Riddle. I steadied my breathing, I was going mad. Tom seemed to think so too as he surveyed me suspiciously. 
 "I do hope you're not losing your cool McLaggen," he stated. 
"No I..." I stopped deciding against telling him about the pair of eyes that I had been chasing, the last thing I needed was to see Riddle's mocking smirk. 

"The time is tonight." he whispered to me as he guided me down the street and through the crowd. 
"Tonight?" I repeated. "What are we doing? We haven't even discussed a plan." 
"The plan is already in place. You will come to my dwellings at seven this evening. Come prepared," 
"Prepared for what?" I blurted in exasperation but Riddle had gone. I sighed loudly when I suddenly realised I was holding a piece of paper in clenched fist. Confused I uncurled my fist to reveal a small piece of parchment. Moving out of the way of the busy commuters and shoppers I unfolded it. 
"14A Knockturn Alley." Tom's home address... I had not actually previously thought of where Tom would have been living... I knew he wouldn't have stayed at the orphanage of course but I had certainly never expected him to 'invite me' even if it wasn't exactly for a cup of tea... I had thought. 

After spending the rest of my day helping Payton track down a few petty thieves it was drawing close to seven pm. It had started to rain as I walked down the now familiar streets of Knockturn Alley. There was a time walking in these parts would cause me unease but now it was as familiar to me Diagon Alley. I stopped as I reached a dark wooden door with the address '14A Knockturn Alley' carved into the plaque upon the wall. I raised my hand ready to knock on the door when suddenly an overwhelming sense of nerves came over me... I did not know why I was suddenly so nervous. It was not the plan or what awaited us later that was causing my nerves but merely Tom's home. Pulling myself together I knocked upon the door loudly and waited, trying to shield myself from the rain. 'Take your time Riddle, it's lovely out here.' I thought bitterly to myself. As if on cue the door swung inwards revealing a very steep and narrow staircase. I stepped inside, the door slamming shut behind me a few candles lining the wall's sprung into life. Shaking out some of the rain I began to ascend the steps. Tom's house smelt very strongly like him... fresh parchment, leather and cedar wood. At the top of the stairs was another door which I curiously pushed open, it led into the what I assumed was the main living area. The floorboards were a dark ebony, upon the wall's was a grey wallpaper emblazoned with elegant silver baroque patterns. There was a fireplace which was lit and crackling, surrounding it was a black leather sofa and armchair. An oak coffee table in the centre was littered with scrolls and quills. There was a large bookcase the stretched from floor to ceiling filled with various tombs... I wanted so much to browse his collection... 

Hearing movement I turned my head towards the back of the room. Tom was stood with his back to me at what I assumed was his desk upon it I could just make out to the side of him a candle stick and a pile of books. 
Not seeing any need to announce myself seeing as he let me in, in the first place I wandered over to the book shelf and began to browse the titles...
'Moste Potente Potions'... I scanned my eyes across to the left. 'Secrets of the Darkest Arts' I frowned and curious I grabbed the spine but before I could withdraw it from its place upon the shelf it was roughly pushed back and out of my hand which I drew back quickly in surprise. I looked up to see Tom standing over me his hand flat against the spine of the book holding it against the bookshelf his face was cold and emotionless. We just stared at each other for a moment, I looked him up and down he was not wearing his usual business suit but instead he had on a large black scarf which could be easier pulled up to disguise his face, a plain black coat which was clasped together at the middle, black pants and a pair of black ankle boots... ironically he looked a little like an auror but I resisted the urge to tell him this. 
 After what must have only been a few seconds he dropped his hand back down to his side. 
"Very cosy," I smiled sweetly as I was merely here for coffee. He merely looked at me his eyebrow raised he withdrew a piece of parchment from the pocket of his coat and handed it towards me. 
I took it, it was a photograph. A photograph of a man who looked to be in his mid forties, perhaps the same age as Grayson himself. But it was certainly not Grayson this man looked almost aristocratic, pristine and wealthy. 
"Who is this man?" I asked feeling slightly uncomfortable at feeling as if I had the lesser hand here and that Riddle knew far more than I did. 
"His name is Frederik Madson." he explained. 
"And what is his connection to Grayson?" I asked curiously. 
"He is Grayson's step brother." he replied as he began to pull on a pair of black leather gloves... I began to feel a little uneasy... what was it that we were doing. 
"And him and Grayson are close?" I reasoned, is this who Riddle had been referring to when he said we needed to find someone who meant the most to Grayson?
"Quite the opposite." Tom smirked. "Madson tries his very best to burn all ties to Grayson." 
"But you found some." I smirked, he smirked back at me. 

"Do you really think he will be willing then to give us information?" I asked skeptically. 

"Oh yes he will give us information. Willingly? Perhaps not." he grinned taking back the photograph and stowing it away in his coat. 

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