Chapter Eleven- I messed up for you

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    I sat at the table in the common room, desperately trying to complete a potions essay for Professor Slughorn on antidotes to uncommon poisons, yet my mind would not focus, it kept returning to the conversation I had overheard in the corridor just a few nights prior. I bit my lip as I fiddled absently with my quill, oblivious to the large blots of ink flickering off of the end all over my nearly completely essay. Malfoy had addressed Tom as 'My Lord', I knew that they followed him like little lost puppies but I didn't realise it was so extreme... and Tom had seemed angry, very angry... what was it that Malfoy had failed to do? What could Tom have possibly asked him to do? And then there was the question of why Tom suddenly felt a presence, my presence in the corridor... my brain felt as if it wanted to explode, so focused on my thoughts was I that I jumped, knocking over my ink pot, now entirely covering my essay, as there was a loud tapping on the window in front of me. 

Juniper! I thought excitedly, all concerns instantly vanishing from the forefront of my mind, I swung open the window and ripped the envelope off of the owl's outstretched leg, she gave an indignant hoot and attempted to peck at my hand. I brushed her off and tore open the envelope fanatically, pulling out the parchment within.
'Dearest Grisha, Work is busy as usual, though I am back in England if you need more money transferring, but unfortunately I do not have much time to talk. Hoping you are well, Father.'
My brain whirled, normally I would be disappointed by my Father's less than detailed correspondence but this time, this time I had all the information that I needed. Forgetting that it had already turned nine o'clock in the evening I pulled on my robes for warmth and set off for the dungeons. 

I stood in the cold, drafty corridor, staring at the section of stone wall that guarded the Slytherin common room, a sudden realisation dawning upon me that I didn't know how to gain access, as luck would have it as I stood their biting my lip contemplating the next best thing I could do, the wall parted to reveal a tall, dark haired Slytherin I recognised instantly as another of Tom's friends, Rosier. 
His faced displayed shock, which quickly changed to indignation at the appearance of a third year Gryffindor outside of the Slytherin's lair.
"Can I help you little lion," He mocked, tipping his head to the side, he had an oddly regal and yet crazed look about him. Before I could reply, a girl that appeared to be at least a year my senior came to stand by Rosier, her blonde hair falling around her face elegantly, she reminded me of vela, an unearthly beauty. It soon became apparent that her beauty however stopped above the surface.
"Ew, send it away Rosier," She spat, screwing up her noise as if I was a bad smell, unable to stop myself I threw my hand to my hip and transferred my weight to one leg, my tongue pushing into my cheek as I shook my head. We spent the next few moments staring each other down, before Rosier spoke,
"I asked you a question," He prompted, seeming irritated now,
"I'm wondering if you would be so kind as to get Tom Riddle for me," I smiled sickeningly, the girl threw her head back in manic laughter,
"What would Tom want with a little wretch like you,"
"Now, now Celia play nice, I'm sure Miss..."
"McLaggen," I intersected,
"Miss McLaggen, has a perfectly good reason for disturbing Riddle so late, wouldn't you be so kind as to oblige this young witch and go and fetch him," He served me with a look that clearly said that he thought me disturbing Riddle was the greatest punishment he could give me. The sour faced girl did not share his thoughts however, as she gaped at him mouth agog,
"Now," Rosier hissed, to which she huffed loudly and disappeared from sight. There was an awkward silence between myself and Rosier, as he stood their looking down on me, a sea of questions swimming in his dark eyes. The atmosphere was broken however as Tom Riddle appeared in the doorway, the blonde girl snapping at his heels like a little lap dog. I had expected to have caught Riddle almost ready for bed, yet on the contrary he was fully dressed, his house scarf still draped loosely around his neck, I shivered had he been out late again? And what had he been doing? I shook my head, knowing Tom he had just been studying in the library since dinner, he looked tired again.
"Thank you Flint, thank you Rosier," he nodded to both of them, "I will take over from here," he added, they both looked a little reluctant but sulked away back into the depth of the Slytherin common room.
"Its nine pm McLaggen," he stated, his eyebrow raised,
"I've got something I need you to see, well hear, well I will have anyway," I blabbered, waving my hands around animatedly,
"I'm afraid I don't follow," he replied, his eye brow still raised, his head tilted to the side in contemplation,
"Look just trust me," I sighed exasperatedly, "We need to go somewhere private," I bit my lip, his eyebrow went if possible even higher, "Come on," I took off down the corridor, not once turning around to check that Tom was following me, I knew that he wouldn't leave a mystery undiscovered.

Slipping into the large wooden doors on the seventh corridor, I spun around excitedly to face Riddle.
"Well McLaggen you do know how to build suspense," He smirked,
"It will be worth it!" I beamed, well at least I hoped it would, I hadn't really imagined my plan not falling into place, I pushed that thought back out of my mind as it was too late to back out now.
"Let me introduce you to," I clicked my fingers, a puff of white smoke, a crack and an old wizened looking house elf stood in the middle of the room, looking around himself, confused, "Leo," I introduced, using my hand to gesture to where he stood.
Tom merely looked down at the elf in disbelief,
"An elf," he left an exaggerated pause between each word, "You brought me all the way up here, at this time of night, on a week day to meet an elf," his voice dripped with disbelief,
"This elf," I emphasised, "holds the answers to all our questions,"
The elf looked as confused as Tom did,
I addressed the small elf "Leo, I need you to search through my Fathers files,"
The elf's eyes widened, "Mistress wants Leo to go sifting through my Masters possessions without permission!" The elf looked flabbergasted, as if he had just been asked to jump into a raging fire.
"Yes Leo, I am your Mistress too and I forbid you to tell him what you are doing or that you have even been here do you understand?"
The elf eyes wider than ever,  he spluttered, " Master...yes" as he began to slap his self upon his wrinkled bald head.
"Stop that!" I instructed him firmly and he stopped instantly, big eyes looking up at me for mercy, but now was not the time for pity.
"Leo, the file in which I need you to find is any documentation relating to the 'Gaunt' family,"
I flicked my gaze towards Tom for a moment, he was looking now transfixed at the little elf,
"Yes Mistress," the elf replied through thick sobs,
"Oh and Leo?" the elf looked up at me, "Do not come back to me unless we are alone, Tom is okay," I gestured to Tom beside me, who the elf gave a nervous look towards and nodded.
"Okay, off you go then," I said, dismissing the elf, there was another puff of smoke and another echoing crack and me and Tom were left alone together in the room once more, there was a moments silence.
"I am... impressed," said Tom, leaning himself against the arm of one of the armchairs and crossing his arms across his chest. I felt an odd 'wooshing' feeling raise through my stomach and into my chest, as I grinned.
"What is it that your Father does?" he asked after a moment, he seemed to be tasting the words on his tongue first, deciding if the time was right to ask or not and due to my elated mood, he had read the situation as perfectly as ever as I replied causally,
"He works for the ministry, top secret, high security, that's all I know, I am not privy to any more information than that," there was a slight bitterness to the words but it was hardly noticeable through my disinterested expression, yet I'm sure Tom picked up on it as he replied, "He clearly underestimates you,"
I felt my cheeks burn, at this rare compliment, it was almost unheard of for Tom to offer a genuine compliment.
"If there are any Gaunt's left we will know," I said confidently, a burning desire to help Tom raging in my stomach. Tom smiled, but it was not a warm smile, it was hungry, it reeked of malice and contempt. Yet I was blind to it, I chose it ignore it, drunk from the respect my actions had gained me, excited at the rare prospect of offering Tom something that he could not get for himself.

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