Chapter Sixty Three- The attack

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I staired at my reflection absentmindedly as I pulled my hairbrush through my thick blonde hair preparing to retire for the night. I had been back 'home' for just over a week now and I already  felt homesick. I wondered what Wiglaf, Lazarus and Tom were doing right now... it was Tom who I worried for the most, my time here seemed almost pleasant in comparison. Suddenly a sound akin to smashing glass reverberated loudly through the previously silent house causing me to drop my hairbrush with a clatter as I stood frozen in my room. What was that? I slowly walked over to my door grasping the handle and drawing it open the corridor outside my room was empty. 
"Father? Leo?" I called quietly... nothing. "Leo!" I called a little louder but the elf did not respond to my summoning... something was not right I drew my wand and walked down the long corridor in the direction of the staircase. I kept my wand held out in front of me but I saw no one the house was still and quiet once more, as I reached the staircase I leaned gingerly over the banister to the entrance hall below I opened my mouth to call out once more but something urged me to remain silent as I walked as lightly as I could down the large wooden stairs. 
Just as I reached the last stair a sound in the next room caused me to twirl around quickly my wand still out stretched. 
"Hello?" I called as I walked slowly towards the room from which I had heard the noise. "Father is that you?" I pushed open the door revealing the large formal living space... it was empty. 
All of a sudden a bright light momentarily blinded me with a crack causing me to scream out in surprise as I ducked down and shielded my eyes before turning on my heel to face the hall behind me. Stood in the hallway their wand outstretched towards me was a figure cloaked in dark brown robes. 
"Who are you?" I demanded advancing upon the stranger. "Show your face to me." In that moment all of the lights were snuffed out throwing me into an impenetrable darkness, quickly I illuminated my wand before wafting it in front of me I could see no figure. 
I crumpled as I felt a blow to the back of my head stumbling I managed to catch myself turning around quickly I cast a knockback jinx at the darkness behind me upon hearing a grone I ran forwards and grabbed into the darkness making contact with something hard I clasped my fist around a bunch of febric and dragged it towards me. 
I flicked my wand and relit the lights within the entrance hall casting a warm candlelight glow upon it once more allowing me to look upon the intruder. 
I was holding onto the man's brown robes his face still shaded my his heavy hood, using the tip of my wand I peeled it back revealing their face. It was a man, a man around my father's age, a weathered and unkept face of which I did not recognise. 
"Who are you?" I demanded again. "What are you doing in my house?" 
The man began to chuckle breaking into twisted crazed histeria, anger bubbling up inside of me I shook him roughly. 
"Answer me!?" I growled at him. 
I screamed as I felt a strong force drag me backwards, losing my grasp upon the man's clothing I fell back upon the hard floor with a wince. Before I could defend myself the man was towering over me his wand pointed at my chest. 
"How did you?..." I breathed. 
"You didn't think I came alone did you Princess?" he grinned revealing a set of crooked yellowing teeth. My stomach churned at the use of the nickname... how dare he!? My anger at this causing me to overlook the fact that he had just said that there were others... 
As if on que sounds of spells splintering wood and smashing glass echoed off of the hall ceilings. 
"What do you want!?" I yelled, the man laughed again and this time was joined by another man. 
Knowing that I needed to get myself out of such a vulnerable position I kicked out my leg hitting my attacker in the shin causing him to groan seeking the opportunity I scrambled to my feet and backed away my wand raised at the now two men. 
I took my stance. It was fight or flight and I would not flee in my own home, I threw the first curse the first man countered me our spells colliding with an electricity akin to lightning. I groaned as I used all my strength to hold my curse catching glimpse of the other man just in time I broke the connection diving to the left to avoid his on coming curse. 
It was two against one... for now... the sound of the destruction elsewhere in the house told me that I could very well be facing more than two... Was Father here? I needed to try to get to him. 
I decided that I needed to move, making sure to face my opponent's I backed across the entrance hall towards the right wing corridor still shooting and dodging curses as I went. 
I huffed as I banged into to something firm... I bit my lip hard as I braced, I felt a large hand grasp me around neck causing me to gasp for air and drop my wand as I was raised off of the ground. 
"My my who would have thought the little lion could roar." a gruff voice chortled. I struggled against him scratching desperately at his hand around my throat as I fought for air. 
As the a black sheet threatened to blanche my vision he threw me to the ground with a sickening crunch, I gasped out in pain. 
"What do you say Wagner? Dispose of the brat first?" the man growled. I lunged forwards towards my fallen wand but screamed out as a heavy black leather boot slammed down upon my wrist. 
"Ah ah not so fast lovely." he chuckled loudly, he then paused looking down at me and crouched down. 
"So pretty..." he snarled running a rough finger across my cheek. "Maybe... we could find a use for her..." he smirked looking up towards the other cloaked figures one I know knew as Wagner. 
The other men chuckled nodded their heads returning his smirk. 
His finger traveled down my neck and towards my chest pushing past the collar of my night shirt.
"No!" I yelled struggling against his strong grip. 
"Look at this," distracted he pulled lifted up my Lion's head pendent turning it over in his hands but almost immediately he dropped it with a yell falling away from me holding his hand, "It burned me!" he yelled. Taking my opportunity I grasped my wand and stumbled to my feet, my arm still pulsating painfully, I fingered grasp my pendant tightly in my free hand protectively my thoughts drifting to Tom... if only he was here.
I jumped backwards as the three men lunged towards me I shook my head my loss of concentration almost costing me dearly. I can't beat these alone, I bit down on my lip as I slipped the pendant back beneath my shirt I ran from the hallway hearing the men's pounding footsteps as the chased after me. 

I sped around corner after corner trying to lose them in the many corridors of the manor, I did not want to enter any of the rooms as then I would be trapped. My heart pounded in my chest as I stopped clutching the stitch in my side, I backed into a darkened corner. 
"Where did she go?" The gruff voice spat.
"I dunno," said another voice. "Let's split up."
"God I'm going to pound her when we get our hands on her the dirty little slut." he spat. 
I shivered at the thought contemplating my next move... if they were splitting up then I could pursue them one at a time... spying the first I began to sneak forwards my wand outstretched towards his back. 
Not usually one to strike from behind I decided to make an exception. 
"Reducto!" I yelled throwing the man face first into the hard stone wall, he fell to the floor in an unconscious heap. One down. 
I turned a corner my wand ready, I stopped frozen to the spot at the sight of the silhouette of another cloaked figure stood a few feet before me their own wand drawn upon me this was not one of the previous men... this figure was just as tall but much more slender. 
Just as I prepared to block the figure withdrew their wand... I frowned and cast my own curse at them which they quickly deflected. 
Just then one of the remaining men flung themselves around the corner and into the corridor, he froze as he spotted the mysterious figure looking between me and them feverishly before he crumpled to the floor caught off guard the new cloaked stranger had taken advantage and had struck him down. 
I illuminated my wand raising it up in front of me towards the figure who raised their hand pulling down their black hood. 
I gasped, hardly daring to believe my own eyes. His porcelain skin glowing in my wand light, his blue eyes gleaming, his dark parted hair falling down over his forehead. 
"Tom," I breathed weakly. 

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