Chapter Twenty Six- St Valentine

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Did you know you were awakening the monster within?

January had grown old and passed us by, February was fresh and young and with it brought decorations of pink and red heart banners and streamers, along with the giggling of young girls and the subtle competition between the boys. 
"It's absolutely ridiculous," Tom hissed as we leaned against one of the balustrades watching  many of the other students walk past completely enthralled in their idle chatter and excitement. 
"What is?" I smirked, knowing full well what it was that Tom found ridiculous,
He raised his eyebrow at me, "Christmas," he replied, 
"Oh ha-ha," I mocked, "What's wrong with sharing the love?" I laughed, shrugging. "Its just harmless fun isn't it?" I taunted,

" Whatever you love, that is your weakness." he replied coldly.

"Then what about the common phrase of finding your other half," I challenged, somewhere in the pits of my stomach I felt something stir,

"I'm not searching for my other half because I am not a half," he replied silkily. I felt the strange feeling in my stomach drop. 

There was sudden high pitched giggle followed by "Mmmm hello Tom,". Tom had a look of disgust on his face as he looked at the small scrawny girl stood looking at us, I just smiled unsure of what else to do. 
"Oooo you're just so handsome...I just want to bite you," she giggled before growling and pouncing a little towards Tom. Tom's eyebrows shot up to his hair line as he looked at her as if he had never saw anything as repulsive in his life. She then skipped away, continuing to look back and growl a little until she was out of sight. 
"Did that just happen?" I asked, staring at the spot at which she had just disappeared around a corner, 

"Whose hit you with a tickling jinx?" Lazarus had stopped to talk to us on his way down the corridor, he had charms for his last lesson of the day on a Wednesday. 
"I think you had a lucky escape," I laughed, "Myrtle's a biter apparently and she thinks Tom looks pretty tasty," both of us fell into fits of laughter,  Tom stared at us with a incredulous expression. 
"Well if she ever takes a bite don't forget to come and get me," he sighed, wiping a tear from his eye as he hurried down the corridor,
"I wish more people were fluent in silence," Tom hissed quietly,
"Well think of it this way its Lazarus's fault she has taken such an interest in you, its only since he brought her to Slughorns party," I smirked, Tom took large intake of breath and pursed his lips together in exasperation. 

I groaned as I turned over still half asleep,
"Grisha, Grisha wake up!" I could feel someone tugging me on my shoulder as I groaned,
"Good morning!" sang a cheerful familiar voice, 
"No," I grumbled turning away from her.
"I believe the proper response is good morning," she replied mischievously, 
"No," I groaned again,

"Yes but-"
"No" I pulled my pillow over my head blocking out the sunlight and Amber's voice.

The pillow was grabbed off of me now roughly, I opened my eyes to protest and was met by a red envelope being thrust into my face making my blue eyes cross eyed. Drawing back and refocusing I pulled myself into a sitting position and hesitantly took the envelope, turning it over in my hands suspiciously. 
"Happy Valentines Day!" Amber grinned, 
"Well... I never knew you felt that way," I smirked, Amber rolled her eyes and jumped up and down while still sitting cross legged at the end of my bed, she looked like a child on Christmas morning. "Go on open it!" she groaned impatiently, 
Gingerly I ran a finger across it breaking the seal, I had no idea who would be sending me a Valentine... I pulled out the card and looked at it, It was a bright red with a Lion on the front who was wearing a golden crown. Raising an eyebrow I flicked it open, the person who had sent the card had obviously not wanted to reveal themselves at all as there was not so much as handwriting on the card, instead just a heart that had been drawn in the center. 
"Well lets not pretend we don't know who that is from," Amber said excitedly,
"We know who its from?" I asked one eyebrow still raised at her, 
"Don't play dumb," she winked, "After Slughorn's party who else could it be," I burst into laughter, 
"Whats so funny?" She pouted, 
"Riddle did not send this," I said calming my laughter, "Trust me," 
"Hmm why aren't you to just dating already?"
"Because I'd destroy him," I replied, thinking about what he had said about love being a weakness to him. 
"He'd be into that," Amber winked, we both burst into laughter as I threw the card at her. 

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