Chapter Fifty Seven- Prefects meeting

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It was now the start of June, exam week was over and it felt as if a huge weight had been lifted. Me and Tom had spoken animatedly when we had been forced together during prefect patrols and during our meetings in the room of requirement but neither of us had spoken about the night in the library. I had cut myself off from Amber as well hoping that my doing so she wouldn't get the chance to talk more about Celia... I had noticed Tom with her around the castle but had quickly made to get away whenever they were nearby. 
 I looked down at the small piece of parchment that a small first year boy with shoulder length ginger hair had just thrust into my hand before running away, I sighed as I began to read. 
'Prefect meeting tonight at six thirty this evening in the meeting room just off of the library.'
I rolled my eyes stuffing it into my pocket I had really wanted to focus on getting in some extra quidditch practice before the final against Slytherin but it seemed it would have to wait. 

I yawned as I looked a the large grandfather clock, twenty past six. I picked up my bag and brushed down my robes as I stood up from my comfortable spot beside the common room fire and made my way to the library, as I entered the library I approached the small room hidden before a thin wooden door and knocked upon it. 
"Enter." Slughorns voice called out from behind the door taking his invitation I pushed open the door and slipped inside. I looked towards the large table to see that most people were already seated heads of house, Slughorn, Dumbledore, Merrythought and Professor Grubblyplank sat at the top of the table with Rosier and Fodder. I shared a small smile with Wiglaf, Lazarus and Tom and sat in the last remaining seat on their side of the table which happened to be beside Tom. 
He looked at me as I sat down but I quickly averted my eyes from him and struck up a casual conversation with Fodder discussing the upcoming quidditch match and this years house cup . Fodder was still a little bit jumpy since the incident with the maze and kept flinching everytime that she heard Rosier speak. 
Once everyone had finished arriving Slughorn cleared his thought as Dumbledore smiled at him with an amused expression a slight twinkle in his eye which forced me hide a grin. 
"Now this is a very important and a very exciting Prefect meeting." he beamed looking towards Fodder and  Rosier, Fodder seemed to rise in her seat a little as opposed to Rosier who uncharacteristically shrunk away from the limelight as best he could. Fodder clearly seizing the shock opportunity to take charge nervously cleared her thought and shifted in her seat before stuttering a little. 
"Erm... yes... it's... it's a first for Hogwarts." she smiled. "We are going to organise and hold our own charity event." 
There was a mutter of voices around the table which made Fodder flinch a little and shrink back into her seat nervously. I could sense Tom tense up beside me, 
"With all due respect I feel as if we are all a little confused..." Tom called over the chatter causing everyone to fall silent as he took charge of the conversation, power and control radiating off of him, the only person in the room who did not seem phased by his commanding presence was myself, Wiglaf and Lazarus who were used to him by now and Dumbledore who was smiling warmly at him his chin resting upon his interlocked fingers. Satisfied that he had everyone's attention he continued. 
"What exactly is this charity for?" he asked tilting his head as if deeply interested, yet I knew this was just one of his shows. 
"I'm very glad you asked Mr.Riddle." Dumbledore smiled instantly taking away the control from Tom which did not go unnoticed by him as Tom's jaw clenched. 
"The funds raised by the event will go towards helping those who have been affected by the wizarding war all across Europe." Dumbledore smiled. 
"A charity for the victims of Grindlewald?" Tom repeated lightly drumming his long fingers upon the table absentmindedly. 
"Well yes for the survivors and their families." Dumbledore replied still smiling, Tom seemed irritated that his attempted rebuttal had not worked in unsettling Dumbledore. 
"In what form is it to take?" I asked, Dumbledore now turned his eyes upon me their seemed to be a warmer and more inviting change to his demeanor as he addressed me. 
"A fair of sorts Miss.McLaggen." he smiled. 
"Where exactly would this be held?" Tom interrupted quickly before anyone could contribute. "Surely such an event could not be held inside of Hogwarts grounds."
"Quite right Tom it can not there is far too much security upon the castle for that." Slughorn smiled clapping his chubby hands together, "The event will be held on a nearby piece of land owned by my own very good friend Soven Cattlewin." Slughorn explained. 
   Of course security for the event will be in place." Professor Merrythought added quickly, Tom nodded slowly.   

"What will be within the event itself?" Wiglaf asked taking the opportunity to speak.

"Now that is where you come in."  Professor Grublyplank smiled. 
"We are to come up with ideas to make money within the fair?" Lazarus asked looking around the table. 
"Indeed." Dumbledore smirked.
"I have an idea..." Florian spoke up raising his hand unnecessary quickly realising the odd stares he was receiving he awkwardly took down his arm and continued. 
"Perhaps we could have a gobstones competition were people have to pay to enter and then there is a prize for the winner." he shrugged nervously.
"A wonderful idea Florian." Professor Grubblyplank nodded as Fodder began scribbling it down upon her parchment. 
"We could have a quidditch competition?" I suggested my mind still unable to pull itself away from upcoming match. 
"Yes! But instead of it being the usual teams it should be teams made up of us prefects and people make bets on who will win! It's more amusing if its not made up of just skillful players. People are more likely to bet upon who they think will fall off of their brooms or get struck by bludgers!" Lazarus laughed. 
"I don't think that's a-" Tom began but was cut off by Dumbledore who chuckled. 
"Thank you for volunteering yourself and all your fellow students here in this room." He grinned, "I'm rather fond of the idea well done for playing your part everyone." some people laughed, others looked nervous but Tom looked furious. 
"This is ridiculous," he muttered. "Perhaps people could just try to end the Merlin forsaken war instead of playing stupid games." he hissed causing me to roll my eyes. 
"It's called moral and support Riddle." I hissed quietly from the side of my mouth. 
"Moral for who?" he muttered sarcastically. 
An hour passed in which many suggestions had been made from sweet stalls to a bring and fly sale all the while Tom had puffed more times down my ear than the Hogwarts Express. 
"I have a suggestion." Dumbledore smiled just before the meeting was ready to be concluded, everyone eyes fell curiously upon him.
"I've always wanted a turn on one of these and so I admit the suggestion is a little bit selfish." he grinned serenely. "A bouncy castle." 
We all looked around the table at one another... a bouncy castle? Lazarus said what we were all clearly thinking.
"A castle that's bouncy Sir...? What do you do with it?"
Dumbledore chuckled, "It is a muggle invention perhaps you Tom will have experience with one of these given your muggle background." he smiled causing me to almost choke upon the lung full of air I had just taken in, I remember back when I had not long met Tom when I was only a second year and I had so much as hinted at Tom's muggle background... I cringed at the memory. The room when silent, the atmosphere thick.
"The orphanage didn't really supply us with such things such as bouncy castles Professor." Tom spat. 
"Well now is your chance to make up for lost time. A bouncy castle is an inflatable replication of a small scale castle on which you jump upon it looks like tremendous fun." Dumbledore grinned, I could almost feel the heat off of Tom beside me. 
"Wonderful." Slughorn chuckled, "I'm sure we can arrange something Professor." 

"Grisha," Tom called after me as we walked out of the meeting room. I froze before reluctantly turning around to face him. 
"What?" I breathed but just as Tom opened his mouth Slughorn slapped a hand down upon his shoulder almost knocking him off balance, he cursed under his breath in frustration causing me to frown what was he going to say? I never got to find out however as Slughorn began hammering onto him about the his 'marvelous' potions essay guiding him away towards a desk off to the side of the room. 

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