Chapter Sixteen- A seeker of you

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We were now halfway through September, the first few weeks had consisted mainly of getting used to a new schedule and catching up with friends, Amber had already made sure to fill me in on the this years first rounds of gossip (how there was already gossip to be spread I did not know). However my mind had only room for one thing, 
"Oh come on Grisha! You know you would be great!" Amber whined beside me as we stood in front of the Gryffindor common room notice board, a new flyer had been put up there, 
'Quidditch Team TRY-OUTS. Meet at the Quidditch pitch promptly at 4pm this Saturday, September 19th.' 
I pulled my face in contemplation, I had adored Quidditch since I was a little girl and had followed the Gryffindor team since my very first year, now in my fourth year it was plausible that I could be considered for the team myself. I had spent much of my spare time over the years practicing my flying, it was the one of the few things I found relaxing, no matter what was going on at home or at school, soaring through the air made all of it momentarily drift away.
"You're the fastest and most agile on a broom I have ever seen! You just have to try-out!" Amber said excitedly, jumping up and down. 
"I'll think about it," I smirked, Amber squealed and grabbed me into an enthusiastic hug. 

"You're going for it right!" Lazarus grinned, 
"I don't know!" I replied exasperated, I had spent the entire day with people asking me the very same question, it would seem that either my flying skills are already renowned at Hogwarts or Amber has been spreading her own gossip around the school this time. 
"You do love Quidditch," Wiglaf added, "Its a good opportunity for you, anyhow Gryffindor need a good chance at beating Ravenclaw this year," he smirked,  Lazarus laughed, 
"Pfff you both would have to beat Hufflepuff first! On second thoughts I don't think you should try out Grisha," Lazarus winked, 
"Maybe I will now," I smirked,

"What say you Tom?" Lazarus asked, we were all sat by the waterfall just on the edge of the forbidden forest it was a new haven of ours hidden away from the school. Tom was leaning against the rock face looking out towards the water crashing down into the small pool below, he looked around,

"You know I don't follow Quidditch Lazarus,"  he replied disinterested,

"Running around on brooms, chasing flying balls," I smirked, re-quoting Tom's own words from three years prior back to him, he returned my smirk with a light chuckle and shake of his head,

"However I think that if Grisha wishes to try-out then I see no reason why she should not go and chase balls around," he added,  I laughed,

"So what position would you try-out for?" Lazarus asked, taking a bit out of a chocolate frog that he had just taken out of his pocket.

"I don't know..." I replied, 

"You're more a seeker are you not, you get what you want." Tom intersected, I looked at him inquisitively, an eyebrow raised, yet inside my heart raced.

"There is only one way to find out," Wiglaf replied, smiling.

"Are either of you going to try out for your house teams?" I asked, "I know you wont be," I laughed, looking at Tom, who had rolled his eyes.

Wiglaf shook his head, "I prefer to focus on my studies," he replied, "especially this year," he added seriously,

"I'm more of an avid spectator," Lazarus beamed,

"Thankfully for Hufflepuff," Tom chuckled as Lazarus made a face in jest.

"Of course if you was to try-out we would be there cheering you on," Lazarus continued, as he punched his hand up into the air as if demonstrating celebration, my stomach started to do loops,

"You really don't have to," I gulped,

"But we want to, don't we," Lazarus smiled, looking towards Wiglaf and Tom for agreement, oblivious to my dismissal of the idea of an audience, Wiglaf nodded, Tom however did not.

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