Chapter Forty Three- Entering the Maze

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A week or so had passed bringing us swifty into the month of December. The preparations for the maze had been well underway and where finely complete and the announcenent of the event would be during this evening's feast.

I walked into the Great Hall to an usual amount of chatter and excitement in the air at the revelation that there was to be a great announcement. Weaving through the crowds I took my seat beside Amber and Florian.
"What's going on?" Amber asked before I could even greet her. "Florian won't tell me anything other than he forbids me to take part!" she said glaring at him, Florian just looked at me guiltily.
"It's not safe. I can't even believe it has been agreed!" he huffed crossing his arms.

"What is it!?" Amber groaned exasperated, I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off by the dulcet tones of Headmaster Dippet ringing around the hall.
"Settle down, settle down." The hall fell silent at once, every eye in the hall fell upon the old headmaster. "Now I know that you have all heard that there will be an announcement tonight and that you are as such full of anticipation but I must ask you to listen carefully." he continued firmly. My stomach started to whirl inside, my thoughts kept returning to Rosier... Was this whole event planned by an arrogant seventeen year old? How was it agreed? Then I remembered D Rosier's own words... 'Tom here supported me with that'..
"This festive season will see a new event at Hogwarts but it is not a party or a feast... it is a game." The sound of chattering erupted around the hall in whispers, who's game? Rosier's game.. Tom's game...
"Silence." Dippet called returning the hall to a deathly quiet. "This event created by our Head Boy and a girl Caspian Rosier and Phoebe Fodder will provide you the opportunity to push and challenge yourselves in the hopes of acquiring house points for your house at the end of the festive season before you all disperse for the holidays the winning house will be announced." the headmaster paused for a moment to allow the information to sink in and gave all of the students the opportunity to discuss it with one another but I remained silent...
"A game!?" Amber said jumping up and down upon her seat causing Florian to grab her arm and pull her back down to the table trying to keep her still.
"However," Dippet called loudly causing the students to stop their conversation immediately.
"I must stress to you that this is not a game of Quiddich. This game is not for the faint of heart or weak of mind. Due to the content of the game you must be at least thirteen years of age or above to participate."
Florian looked to Amber with a grave expression as her excitement faded a little.
"Thise wishing to participate will enter the maze where they will be faced with a variety of various... obstacles to overcome. The aim of the game is simple complete the maze."
My eyes scanned the top table, many of the Professors with the exception of Professor Slughorn who looked positively ready to burst with anticipation looked anxious. Professor Dumble was tapping his finger tips together as he stared directly towards the Slytherin table I followed his gaze which had landed upon Tom Riddle, Tom was staring back at him innocently.
"The game will begin for those wishing to participate at seven pm tomorrow evening." Dippet finished.

All concerns for the event gone Lazarus was drunk of the prospects of glory and honour. "You are all going to be playing of course!" Lazarus said excitedly at lunch the next day.
I looked to Wiglaf and Tom who sat opposite us in silence.
"I don't play games Lazarus," sighed Wiglaf.
"Oh come on Wiglaf!" Lazarus exclaimed throwing his hands up into the air dramatically and almost knocking over his gobject of pumpkin juice.
"I will be." I said confidently, jumping at the opportunity to test myself, to prove myself, Lazarus beamed at me and patted me on the back.
"You will be entering the maze?" Tom asked raising an eyebrow at me.
"Of course." I replied indignantly. "Why does that surprise you Riddle?" I countered defensively.
"Not at all..." He smirked.
"I suppose you will be." I gestured to him to which he smiled.
"Of course." He smirked, repeating my words back to me.
"Wiglaf care to remain the odd one out?" Lazarus grinned.
"Fine." Wiglaf hissed, "If you can't beat them join them." he muttered to himself, "but this will not end well mark my words." Tom smirked as I felt dread rise up within my chest but I would not show it, could not show it.

That evening the rain poured down fast and hard as we walked through the grounds towards the magically errected colosseum. It towered above us so large that the people stood within the stands were miniscule in the distance no larger than an army of ants.
I took in a deep breath as I followed the rest of the participants into the centre arena to meet with Headmaster Dippet and Professor Dumbledore, there must have been around twenty of us at least. We all wore a long black overcoat with our house badge embellished upon the front, with a number in our respective house colour upon the back I was number 8. I looked to Tom, Wiglaf and Lazarus who were walking beside me, Tom number 7, Lazarus number 3 and Wiglaf number 5. Completing our uniform was a pair of black laced up leather boots which came to our mid calf and a pair of thick black leather fingerless gloves.
As soon as we stepped over the threshold the crowd around us erupted into cheers and cat calls, trumpets and horns sounded echoing around the large open space. I squinted through the rain at the foreboding hedge rows before us which rose higher than the colosseum itself casting the whole grounds in shadow. The narrow pathway entrance shrouded in darkness, I could feel my breathing quickening as I grabbed more tightly onto my wand under my overcoat sleeve.
"MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE!" Headmaster Dippet called loudly causing the trumpets and cheers to come to an abrupt stop.
"Here before me stand those within our sacred school who have chosen to challenge themselves and represent their house, their family." Dippet said dramatically. "I must once again insist upon you," he said now turning his attention to us, the participants. "That beyond that entrance lies things that are beyond your wildest dreams, this will not be easy... Should you find yourself in trouble you will send off red sparks into the sky with your wand and you will be extracted immediately. Do not hesitate." his voice was firm as Dumbledore stood beside him, his eyes once again boring into Tom who was ignoring him and placing his attention on Dippet.
"This is a momentous occasion for you all, seize the day!" Dippet cried enthusiastically punching the air with his fist.
"I think I've seized the wrong day..." muttered Lazarus to my left who now looked less excited and far more nervous.

"On the count of three." Dippet shouted loudly. "One..." I looked to Lazarus, who looked pale and almost sickly, "Two..." I looked to Wiglaf, who stared blankly ahead his jaw tensed. "Three." I looked to Tom who was looking at Rosier stood beside him and smirking. "Let the game begin!"
I let out a breath I did not realise I had been holding as I followed the rest of the participants in through the entrance of the maze the sounds of the shouting crowd fading away. I can do this, I thought. Even if i can't, I have to.
As I stepped through the archway a strong wind whipped all around me causing me to yell in surprise and close my eyes to protect them from the dust and debris, when I opened them once more I was no longer at the entrance of the maze...

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