Chapter Twenty- Damage Control

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I opened the letter, my hands shaking, recognising the familiar cursive handwriting written across the envelope.  My Father. I had not heard from him in months, in fact I hadn't heard from him since returning to Hogwarts.
'I have sent more money to you, it should be attached to your owl on recite of this letter. Confirm to me that you have received it. Your Father.' 
I looked down at the letter, a lump sinking in my throat, his letters were becoming less and less personal, he was more like my own personal Gringotts account. I felt guilty, disgusting taking this money from a man that was becoming more and more of a stranger. I detached the large and heavy pouch from Junipers leg,
"You must be tired after carrying that all that way Juniper," I cooed, stroking the small owl a top her soft feathered head as she hooted in agreement, I reached into my fur coat pocket and retrieved a small dead mouse which I offered to her as payment, she took it hungrily with another hoot. 
"She is a good owl," a voice behind me made me jump and spin around, I swallowed hard. I had avoided Tom over the last week or so after our meeting. I had needed time to process what had happened, I still did not understand and I knew that the more time I spent around him that the greater the pull of a attraction I felt. He was wearing a heavy black winter coat with a silver serpent clasp. I realised with a start that he was wearing the green scarf that I had gifted to him the previous year for his birthday, it suited him. He smiled at me and came to stand next to me, he leaned upon one of the small open windows as he looked at me,
"You have been avoiding me Grisha," He smiled, although the air outside was bitter cold I felt my face heat up.

"You doubt me," He continued, still staring at me with those sky blue eyes, I did not reply but averted my eyes to looking out of the high window out onto the grounds and lake beyond. Tom began to stroke Juniper with his long index finger,

"My business, it is for the good of us all. My associates, my friends they are a collection of the noble, the rich and the powerful." he stated smoothly, still giving Juniper his affections, which she was more than happy to receive,  it seemed he even had animals tamed into his trance.

"You forget the obnoxious, the racist and the cheats," I added, looking at him from the corner of my eyes rather than fully face him. He chuckled darkly,

"That may be so but they are a valuable asset to have, in time you will see. In time all will become clear but for now I need this to be between us. I need you to trust me." He leaned towards me, I looked into his eyes (no attempt to enter his mind this time), his pocaliane skin glowed in the low winter sunlight that gleamed through the small windows, he looked like an angel even though I knew he was anything but. Yet I choose to believe him, I needed to believe him.
"I know what you are thinking Grisha and people like them need to be controlled and kept in line to be used for good." I blinked rapidly, I had not felt him enter my mind and yet he had seemed to read my thoughts, I nodded my head.

"Your Father looks after you well I see," he inclined his head towards the large pouch that I had rested upon the small window ledge.

"Money is about all I get from him," I spat bitterly, "He thinks he can buy my affections,"

"And can he?" Tom asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No!" I blurted, a feeling of outrage bubbling inside.

"No, he can not and that is because we are not like them Grisha. We desire more from people, that is what makes us different, powerful. We can not be bought." he replied calmly,

I looked up at him, I considered the moment before saying,

"How does it feel? When you realise that your parents don't care about you," I asked, looking down at the stone floor covered in owl droppings, hoping that I hadn't pushed it too far.

"It feels like this," He replied, his voice still soft and calm. 

"It's bloody late to call us up here Tom," Lazarus yawned sleepily, 
"I didn't know you could tell the time Laz," Tom smirked, wearing an impressed expression. 
"Shut up," Lazarus mumbled, 
"What is it Riddle?" Wiglaf questioned, he was suspicious of Tom since the ball. He had somehow pieced together that our shared disappearance had led to me leaving early, what he had thought had happened I wasn't sure and I was not going to ask. 
"Patience is a virtue Wiglaf, I do hope you have more patients regarding Miss Clearwater," Tom smiled, enjoying every minute of the suspense, Wiglaf glared at him, how Tom had found out about Charlotte I didn't know and nor did Lazarus as he gave me a fleeting look of shock. Tom smirked and walked over to the wooden desk, where he unrolled a large piece of worn parchment. 
"This has taken much searching and a little bit of blood, sweat and tears to get my hands on, however I think we will find it of great use to us," Tom held the parchment straight as we  approached the desk to see what Tom had found, I gasped at what I saw. 
"The founders plans..." I breathed.
"It can not be," Wiglaf whispered, "How?" 
Lazarus was looking at the parchment mouth agog. All the doubts I had, had for Tom recently melted away, he was with us, he was an Heir. 
Upon the parchment was the Hogwarts crest, surrounding it the house mascots and their related treasures, a sword, a locket, a cup and a diadem. 
"This proves that the treasures of the Founders exist, that they... that they when combined,"
"Hold the answer." Wiglaf finished, 
"What is this?" I asked, pointing to what looked like a picture of a dark cave or a cavern that seemed to be hidden behind the crest.
Tom looked at me, "What do you think it means?" He asked, curiosity burning in his eyes.
"I don't know. It could be where some or all of them are hidden?" I suggested, 
"It could... but why..." Wiglaf replied, he had started to pace backwards and forwards. 
"If we do find them we could  put a stop to Grindlewald. We could put a stop to the muggle war, we could be responsible for order. We would be the most powerful." Lazarus breathed, a dreamy look on his face. Tom looked at him a ghost of a smirk on his handsome face. 

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