Chapter Ninety Seven- Reunited

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"Miss McLaggen!" 
I froze in mid sentence my mouth still hanging slightly ajar as I stood in the all too familiar circular office. 
"I have forbidden it and that is the end of this conversation." Franklyn exclaimed in exasperation slamming his fist down on the table causing his glass of gin to wobble precariously. 

Holding my tongue I nodded my head stiffly before swiftly turning on my heel and stepping across the office and out of the door letting it slam shut behind me as I stood in the narrow corridor. 
"Dam him." I muttered to myself as I ran a hand through my hair, I took the monotonous daily route back to the atrium not bothering to speak to anyone that I passed along my way, my mind intently focused upon its own internally raging argument. 
I paused as I reached the fireplace one foot over the threshold, I bit down upon my lip. 
"Come on, some of us want to get home it's been a long day you know," a man grumbled from behind me. 
"Fuck it," I breathed as I stepped fully into the grate. Moments later I found myself stepping out of the fireplace of the Three Broomsticks, I brushed the soot from the shoulder of my cloak. 
"Ah Miss.McLaggen what might I get you this fine evening. The usual black cherry rum I presume?" The kindly faced bartender smiled, I could swear that he lost another tooth everytime  that I saw him. 
"Not tonight thank you Tom." I forced a smile as I made my way across the pub and towards the back alley. I cringed at the name... I knew it was silly, Tom was such a common place name but still... there was only one person who that name belonged to within my mind... 

Shaking my head I withdrew my wand and tapped the bricks rhythmically causing them to shudder before they parted to reveal the old archway to Diagon Alley. 
It was late it was already dark and the majority of the shops and ceased business for the day, the aged cobble streets empty but I was not here to browse the stores of Diagon Alley. I turned taking a sharp left down a dark narrow alley way, glancing at a rotting worn wooden sign post hammered into the damp moss covered bricks, 'Knockturn Alley'. I took a deep breath momentarily reconsidering my defiance before  stepping out of the alley and into the main street. Much the same as Diagon Alley all of the stores seemed to be closed for the evening, though there was the odd character that seemed to be still skulking about in the shadows here. 
I pulled the hood of my cloak over my head as I shrunk into the shadows myself, my eyes desperately searching the darkest corners of the street. This was the place, I glanced down at the pocket watch that hung on a golden chain around my neck and it was almost the time. I leaned back against the wall in the darkness counting down the minutes, three... two... one. 
Perfectly on que I shifted as I saw a tall slender silhouette walk swiftly down the street a briefcase in hand. I pushed myself from the wall casting a muffliato charm upon my own feet as I began to follow making sure to remain in the shadows. The figure turned sharply into a small side street quickly I apperated reapperating upon the top of one of the overhanging rooftops, I crouched down it would be difficult to hear what they were saying especially if they were apt enough to silence themselves but that was no matter I did not need to hear them. 
I watched as the first hooded figure, taller and slimmer than the second held out a gloved hand, there was a moment's hesitation in which I was unsure if words had been exchanged or not. But alas the second figure placed a bag of what one could only suspect was currency into the outstretched hand. The figure quickly appraised it before deeming it correct and holding out the briefcase towards the 'customer'. He did not hesitate this time and took it with vigor, the first figure's hand remained momentarily outstretched stretching their fingers before pulling their hand back towards them. The two accomplices were about to part here was my decision... did I apprehend the receiver of the goods or the supplier? If Franklyn would have agreed to the excursion then I would have a team to cover both bases but... as it was. I quickly made my decision, I appareted back into the street just outside of the alley way pressed against the shadows. The figure stepped out into the open pausing to slip off the gloves and place them into their pockets of his long black coat. I could tell now that the figure was male, he was not attempting to hide his face but the dark was doing a good enough job of disguising him from me. He began to walk again down the cobbles towards the tail end of the main street, I paused for a moment. There was something about the gate of his walk that made me uneasy it was as if it was somewhat... I shook my head it was just the darkness playing tricks with my mind and senses. I followed him for a few places before he paused again for less than a second before turning into one of the alleys, frowning I foolishly followed him. Once over half way down the alley he paused again before he slowly inclined his head behind him, I froze in the shadows holding my own breath. 
"You know it is not polite to follow someone." my eyes widened that voice... but before I could react a hand was around my throat and pinning me up against the cold damp bricks, I kicked out my legs uselessly. Dam it! I forced myself to look into the face of the man who had me at the end of his arm. 
My breath hitched, my beating heart froze, my skin turned to ice, I could not swallow, I could not even blink as I looked into that face, that face that I had not seen in over a years time. The same chilling blue eyes and pocaline skin pulled tightly over high cheekbones. His dark hair slightly longer than I remembered it and falling slightly over his forehead almost reaching his eye. 
"So reckless... who are you?" He whispered, I composed myself for a moment before raising up my arm, my neck beginning to throb from the pressure of his hand I threw back my hood. With his free hand he rose his wand the tip of it instantly illuminating causing my eyes to flinch from the sudden change in light. After a few seconds my eyes adjusted to the light and I could more clearly see the man before me, there was a glimmer of shock behind his blue eyes before he withdrew his hand from my throat causing me to drop to the ground I managed to stay on my feet staggering I reached out accidently taking a hold of his arm I quickly left go. 
"Good evening Riddle," I croaked with a bravado I certainly did not feel. I really wanted to attack him to punch him in the face, to shout at him, scream at him. All thoughts of my previous mission out of the window. 
"Grisha," He breathed, I froze again. I had not expected him to address me by my given name... not after all this time. "Some things seldon change..." 
I blinked... "I..." I stuttered. "You... After all this time that is all you have to say... I can assure you Riddle so very very much has changed." I shook my head. I gasped as I felt a strong hand push against my shoulder forcing me back against the wall, he held up his wand. I watched as his piercing blue eyes scanned me from head to toe, he pulled my cloak to the side revealing my badge which was emblazoned onto the heavy fabric. I smacked his arm away causing him to let go of me and take a step back from me. 
"An auror..." he commented a hint of amusement in his voice. "I suppose you are still dedicated to 'making the world a better place'." he mocked. 
"If it comforts you to mock me Riddle do continue," I replied as I pulled my hood back over my head I walked around him but felt his grasp upon my wrist, I turned my body to face him to see that he stood facing away from me his hand merely extended backwards to grab my own. 
"Is that it?" I could almost sense his smirk. "No attempted arrest?"
"Not yet Riddle, I need just a little more evidence." I replied pulling my arm from his grasp. 
"Why so formal Grisha?" he smirked turning his head towards me. "Perhaps I can help you." 
I froze my mouth half open in waiting for a witty response. 
"Help me?" I scoffed. 
"I expected your gatecrashing," he grinned. "Planned for it actually. Granted I did not expect it to be you."
The way he said that made me shiver, "Planned it?" I breathed unable to keep the curiosity out of my voice. 
"Naturally." he smirked taking a step towards me. "It would seem our paths have crossed once more little Gryffindor care for a drink?" 

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