Chapter Seventy Six- A Hogsmeade Meeting

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The end of November brought with it the first snowfall of winter, the rooftops of Hogwarts were sprinkled in  fresh white snowflakes and the sound of snowball fights and laughter could be heard throughout the grounds. 
Hagrid who was still undergoing his groundskeeper training was now large enough to carry the castles huge Christmas trees across the grounds all by himself, without the aid of magic of course. There was no mistaking that Christmas would soon be upon us as would the end of the first term back at Hogwarts... time was seeming to go faster and faster. I tried not to think about it as the thought of the end of the year loomed in my mind... this year would end like no other... this year marked a farewell to Wiglaf and to Tom... I shook my head there was no point wasting precious time by dreading the inevitable. 

"I'm guessing you have to go to this stupid prefects meeting too." Amber groaned breaking my train of thought. 
"What?" I murmured... I didn't know about any prefect meeting... did I? I frowned I had found myself very forgetful the last week. 
"The prefect meeting this Saturday." she said sulkily dropping down on the sofa opposite me and rubbing her hands in front of the roaring fire. 
"I thought it was Hogsmeade this Saturday..." I yawned. 
"It is!" Amber gushed throwing her hands up into the air. "Tom and Celia are apparently meeting all of the prefects down in front of the Hogs Head at one pm." she continued folding her arms across her chest. 
"Oh... then yes I guess I am." I replied, I was far too tired to wonder what it was about now. I had spent the last four days in addition to my regular lessons taking my extra apparition lessons which were so far nothing more than painstakingly frustrating. Myself and Lazarus had already come up with our own variation of the three d's... 
"Great." Amber huffed turning her head away from me. "I guess I will head for a butterbeer on my own then." 
I rolled my eyes, "Don't be such a drama queen. I'm sure it won't take all day besides you can take the opportunity to buy us all extravagant surprise gifts." I smirked. 
Sticking her tongue out at me she threw one of the pillows at me. 
"Hey!" I laughed and threw two back at her in return causing her to screech and hold up her arms in defence. 

Saturday came by in a flash, the snow had only gotten heavier and the carriages were struggling to tow themselves through the thick blanket of snow. I looked out of the window as we approached Hogsmeade. The scottish highlands were always breathtaking but never more so than during the winter months, the snow covered mountains surrounding us, the black lake sat motionless frozen in a glistening layer of ice. 

"You just need to stay calm." Wiglaf smirked as the carriage pulled into the Hogsmeade courtyard.
"Stay calm? My leg dematerialised!" Lazarus replied gesturing to his leg with a look of disbelief. 
"If you stayed calm then your leg or any other part of you would stay in tact." Wiglaf replied in exasperation, I shook my head and chuckled lightly. 
The carriage jolted to a stop prompting us to depart. Lazarus throw open the door and jumped from the carriage instantly holding out his hand for me to take. I looked down at him and smirked jumping elegantly from the carriage myself. 
Lazarus dropped his hand, his cheeks turning a little ruddier. I exchanged a smirk with Wiglaf as we walked across the courtyard towards the Hogs Head. 
"So..." Lazarus broke the silence. "Does anyone know what this meeting is actually about? It better not last long I need to go to Honeydukes before it closes." 

I laughed, "I doubt anything will take four hours Lazarus." 

"I don't know do I! Tom is one of the people leading this remember." he replied, I groaned. I had forgotten that our dear Celia would be co hosting the event. 
As we reached the Hog's Head we stared up for a moment at the delaperdated building. 
"Why on earth are we having it here and not in the Three Broomsticks?" Lazarus asked raising his eyebrows. 
"It's not as busy in here." Wiglaf replied pushing open the door with a loud creak. 
"I wonder why." Lazarus muttered dragging his finger along one of the window sills and disturbing a thick layer of dust. 
There was no one inside but a middle aged man with a greying beard stood behind the cuttered bar, we exchanged looks before walking up to the bar hesitantly. 
"Erm hello," I called quietly hoping not to startle the man as he muttered incoherently to a goat that for some reason was also working behind the bar... 
I cleared my throat again when he seemed not to respond, the man finely straightened up and turned around.
"Oh more of you lot, you've come for the meeting I presume?" I replied as if the fact that he had been having a full conversation with a goat was completely natural behaviour. 
"Yes..." Lazarus replied his voice drawn out as he looked over the bar down at the goat who was now headbutting some of the shelves. 
"Through the back." he pointed to a worn wooden door behind him. 
"Thank you," I smiled but paused before I continued to make my way towards the door. 
"Come on." Lazarus sang in my ear as he tried to pull me off towards the door. 
"It's cold we should at least get something to drink." I replied turning my attention back towards the bar.
"Why does she do this?" I heard Lazarus mutter to Wiglaf, I rolled my eyes. 
"Excuse me." I smiled warmly. "Could we have three hot butterbeers please." 
The man grunted and nodded before shufferling off towards the back of the bar striking up a conversation with the stray goat again. 
"Butterbeer?" Lazarus exclaimed. "From what century!"
"Oh shut up," I mocked. "Butterbeer improves with age." I smirked. 
"The only thing in here that has then." He replied pursing his lips and looking around the unkept building. 
The man eventually staggered back over carrying a tray of three steaming butterbears. 
"Thank you," I said handing over more money than I knew it would cost. 
"You've given me too much." The man croaked. "I'll get you some change." he murmured feeling his pockets. 
"No no, keep the change." I smiled. "Happy Christmas." I took the tray from them man who was looking at me as if I had just sprouted another head. 

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