Chapter One Hundred and Five- Intimidation is a skill

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Tom extended his arm towards me, his face expressionless. Gingerly I took a hold of it, I gripped tightly as we spun and spun in a whirl of colours and shape before our feet finely slammed onto the hard pavement. I looked around we were stood on one side of a long wide street facing a row of expensive looking townhouses, on the whole a rather unremarkable upper class dare I say it muggle looking street. 
I looked up to Tom who was stood beside me, he seemed to be staring straight at one of the houses in particular. It was set off a little down the street the right it was in darkness apart from one of his middle floor windows was illuminated. 

"Madson's house," I stated, Tom didn't reply as he begun to walk towards it. I followed him closely wondering what his plan was for being let inside a complete stranger's house. 

We had finally reached the wrote iron gate before Riddle turned to me. 
"You have your badge?" He asked raising his eyebrow at me. I nodded before reaching into my pocket and withdrawing my ministry identity badge, he smirked. 
"Then follow my lead." he instructed as he pushed open the gate causing it to creak breaking the thick silence of the street. Tom led the way up the concrete steps towards the tall black wooden door, reaching out one gloved hand he gracefully tapped the silver door knocker. The seconds that followed seemed to drag on before muffled footsteps could be heard on the other side of the door followed by a jingle of chains before the door creaked open. At the threshold it was just possible to make out the shadowed thin face of a middle aged man a little shorter than Riddle with dark short hair that appeared to be receding. Riddle smiled at him politely, if only this man had any idea how quickly that smile could turn. 
"Good evening Mr.Madson." he greeted, the tone of his voice so uncharastically gentle and warm. But Mr.Madson kept his door half closed as he peered out with beady dark eyes. 
"Who are you? What do you want?" he asked suspiciously, there was certainly fear in his voice. Fear was something that Tom feeded on, Madson was only building Tom's confidence without evening realising it. 
"I Sir am Mr.Riddle and this is my partner," he turned his head to be a knowing glint in his eye. Recognising my que I held up my card. "Miss. McLaggen." I smiled. I did not fear sharing my identity I doubted very much that Madson would be remembering this meeting. 
"May we come in," Tom smiled, Madson seemed to battle with himself for a moment before opening the door a little more so that now his full body was visible.
"I assure you we won't take up too much of your time." Tom smiled. "Of course if  you would rather we could arrange for you to come into the ministry and answer questions more formally if that would better suit you Sir." I bit back a smirk, there was no denying Tom's skill in manipulation. He had already weighed up Madson's whole personality in just a few short moments, he knew that Madson had a very nervous disposition and showed signs of recoil at having seen Ministry identification. Tom knew that he would not rather come into the Ministry for a formal interview. 
"No... no come in, come in but... but I was about to turn in for the night soon so... so I don't have long." he stuttered as he moved out of the way allowing us clear entry into his home.  
"Of course Sir," Tom grinned before striding confidently into the hallway, I followed suit making sure to close the door behind me. 
"After you," Tom gestured still smiling kindly at the confused poor man. The man seemed to twitch for a moment before looking around him in thought as if he was suddenly unaware of where he was. 
"Erm here, this way, this way we'll go in here." He finally said turning to the door directly on his right and pushing it open. The candelabra burst into life as we stepped into the room. It fashioned some kind of living space. There was a large fireplace surrounded by a large leather sofa and armchair. The whole room was covered in polished oak wood tables and shelving units adorned with expensive looking trinkets and books. 

"Sit down, sit down." Madson indicated with a shaking hand before taking a seat in the armchair himself. I sat beside Riddle on the sofa, wondering how Riddle was going to approach this. 
"We are terribly sorry to be bothering you Mr. Madson. We just have a few questions and then we will be leaving you in peace." Madson was already fidgeting and looking extremely nervous. If I truly was interviewing Madson in relation to any crime he certainly would not be convincing me of his innocence, if there was one thing I did not think he was going to be much of a lier, at least not a good one. 

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