Chapter Eighty Eight- Work Experience

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Green smoke swirled around me clouding my vision as I stepped forwards out of the fireplace. The sound of hundreds of hurried footsteps and echoing voices filled my ears, the strong smell of musk hung in the air. I stared in awe as the air around me cleared. I was stood in the largest entrance way that I had ever stepped inside of, bigger than Hogwarts. The tall curved walls, the high arched ceilings were covered in small square emerald green tiles which gleamed and reflected in the light. Ornate fireplaces identical to the one that I had just stepped through lined the entire length of the hall on both sides. 

"Hogwarts students over here. Stay with me." I shook myself back to reality as I spun around to see Professor Merrythought waving her pointy cloth hat in the air a few feet away. It was then I noticed the extent of the volume of people rushing to and fro up and down the huge walkway, carrying briefcases, letters, piles upon piles of parchment tittering preciously in their arms. 
I made my way gingerly through the busy crowd towards Professor Merrythought. It was then that I spotted Lazarus also walking towards her his mouth still agog as he stared around. 
"Lazarus," I whispered as I drew close enough to him to grab hold of his robe sleeve. 
"Grisha!" he beamed. "Wow..." he breathed. "Look at this place," he added still staring with a look of apprehension on his thin face, I smiled. 
"Where have you been placed?" I asked. 
"The International Magical Office of Law," Lazarus replied hesitantly. 
"That sounds exciting!" I exclaimed encouragingly. "They have taken into account your interest in traveling." 
"Yeah... its the 'office' part which puts me  off... I doubt an 'office' does much traveling." he murmured. I chuckled elbowing him gently in the arm. 
"Well it's called the 'Auror Office' but Aurors don't spend day after day in the office." I grinned, I was actually becoming excited at the prospect of seeing the auror department in person. 
"I'm guessing you are going to the Auror Department?" Lazarus asked a knowing grin on his face.
"Yep." I smirked. "Wiglaf is too," I quickly added. 
"That's not fair that you both get to spend the day with someone you know so well." he groaned rolling his eyes. "I am bound to get lost at some point in here today."

I chuckled again, "I don't suppose you know where Tom is do you?" I asked curiously, Lazarus shook his head. I frowned stepping up onto my tip toes trying my hardest to see over the rest of the much taller students and ministry officials. 
"Now please make sure that you giving me your full attention or you run the risk of getting yourself lost." Professor Merrythought bellowed over the crowd her voice carrying well in the empty curved structure of the hall, she then went on to read out the name of each department and assign them to a line. Myself and Wiglaf joined the line for the Auror Department and Lazarus joined the line for the International Office of Law. I listened hard to the sorting of the other students until I heard Riddle's name, I craned my neck to see his tall slender frame walk gracefully through the crowd to join the line for the Wizengamot. I felt my mouth drop open a little, Riddle would be heading to the office responsible to the trailing of those who had broken wizarding law... would he actually attend a court hearing!? I bubbled with excitement at the thought of questioning him at the end of the day, yet Tom himself did not look overly enthusiastic with his usual stony expression. 
I hurried along beside Wiglaf as we scurried through the atrium into a large open circular room which within the centre stood the magnificent fountain of magical brethren depicting the golden figures of a wizard, witch, centaur, goblin, and a house-elf standing together in arms. I flinched as a purple blur shot in front of my face causing my hair to ripple in the breeze as it sped by, I glanced up to see that it was a small purple paper airplane and there was in fact many more speeding to and from the many different bay windows which towered up and around the atrium itself.
"This way! Don't dawdle." Our guide called to us in a gruff voice over the chatter. Mr. Valter, he was a tall, stocky, man who had an incredibly shiny bald head and dark goatee. He wore a long black leather trench coat and large buckled to the knee boots which rattled as he marched across the tiled floor. 
He held out his arm towards a tall golden grate which slid to the side upon que, I exchanged a quick glance with Wiglaf before we squoze ourselves into the small crowded elevator just before the grate clattered shut again. I glanced around to see that Riddle and his small group along with the odd few others also stood shoulder to shoulder.  I for a second worried that the elevator was grossly over packed but before I could concern myself any further Mr.Valter interrupted my train of thought. 
"Make sure that you are holding on tightly." He instructed firmly, quickly taking heed of his warning I grabbed a hold of small piece of rope that hung from the ceiling with a purple tassel hanging off of it. I was just in time as I squeaked as I felt my stomach shoot up into my mouth as we plummeted downwards at speed, eventually we stopped abruptly. Just as I was about to release my grip upon the rope we were slung backwards causing some of us to stagger around and fall into one another. I flinched as I felt myself collide with Riddle's arm but I did not bother to try to turn around. 
Again we slammed to a sudden stop, I let out a breath of relief as the grate slid open causing us to pile out like bunched up cattle. 
'Level Two- Department of Magical Law Enforcement' a female's sing song voice echoed around the hall tiled walls. I glanced towards Riddle who looked utterly disgusted, more than likely at the less than dignified means of getting around the place. 
"Now Auror Department follow me." Mr.Valter boomed his voice echoing down here even more than it did up in the atrium. The rest of the students were also met by their respective guides who led them off in opposite directions. 
I walked alongside Wiglaf as we made our way down a tall arched corridor, still lined in the small emerald green tiles. Suddenly we came to a pair of oak double doors. 
"Welcome," Mr.Valter smirked as he placed his arm across the doors. "To the Auror Department." he declared as he swung open the doors. My breath hitched in my throat as I stared into the large cavernous room before me. The were around forty to fifty desks at which a witch of wizard sat busy scribbling on parchment, sending or receiving letters or recording messages by patronus. All along the walls were 'wanted' posters and rows upon rows of filing compartments from which files seemed to float around filing themselves and occasionally unfiling themselves and making their way across the room towards an outstretched hand sat at one of the desks. The whole place ozzed authority and rigorous hard work. 
"Follow me." Valter led the way through the room, not one of the men or women looked up in acknowledgment of our presence they were far too focused upon their tasks. I noticed however that there did not seem to many women at all, in fact there was only one but then I could not truly tell... Valter stopped as he reached a large pin board attached to the back wall. Upon it were dozens of small photographs, letters, notes all connected by a web of string. 
"Here is the current investigation board." he informed us, "You will likely become more familiar with this as the day progresses." He then led us towards another door off to the side of the main hall. 
"Through this door is our training facility." he exclaimed swinging open the door to reveal a room even bigger than the room we were currently standing within. It was filled with obstacle courses, training dummies and other strange looking contraptions. Mr. Valter continued to tour us around the Department before he assigned us a 'buddy' for the day. 
"Miss. McLaggen." Valter smirked as he looked at me, his eyebrow slightly arched. "You will be shadowing Mr. Curt Rental." ignoring the mocking expression from Valter, I turned to smile at my 'buddy'... He did not return my smile.He was also a very tall man dressed in all brown leather, his trench coat reaching down to the ankles of his large heavy looking boots, I scanned my eyes up towards his face. He had narrow deep green eyes, a scruffy looking beard and his dirty blonde hair pulled back into a tight bun. 
"A girl," He grunted as I approached him. I straightened myself up, crossing my arms across my chest. 
"Yes." I said indignantly. "Is that a problem?" I asked, acting a little braver than I felt anger taking over me, he chuckled. 
"Not at all..." he replied a smirk upon his face. "We just don't normally see girls wanting to undertake such work." 
"Well today you do." I replied incredulously, he simply seemed to consider me for a moment before nodding curtly. 

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