Chapter Seventy- Sneak

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I felt someone tug at my sleeve and so spun around to see Lazarus gripping onto my robes.
"What are you doing?" I whispered to him under my breath so that no one in the crowded corridor would take notice of us and his strange behaviour, he looked to be in highly aggravated about something. 
"I need to speak to you," he replied hastily looking around us he looked to be in a state of paranoia. 
"I'm on my way to class," I whispered back, It was now nearing the end of the first month back and the work was not getting any easier but Lazarus was looking at me with desperation, I sighed. 
"Five minutes," I grabbed hold of his arm and pulled him into the nearby empty classroom that was once our meeting place, it felt so long ago. 
"I followed him." he stated in hushed whispers his voice panicked.
"Who?" I asked frowning.
"Riddle," he replied his face stony. 
"You followed Tom? Why?" I asked now feeling intrigued. 
"Well I... I didn't mean to follow him that is to say we didn't." he replied. 
"Woah slow down Lazarus, we didn't?" I held my hands up to stop him what was he talking about?
"Wiglaf and I... we were walking back from dinner last night when we spotted one of the classroom doors was slightly a jar and we could hear muffled voices we approached the door and listened outside it was definitely Tom's voice though he was whispering I couldn't tell what he was saying so I peered through the crack I couldn't see much but from what I could see Tom was taking off a pair of black leather gloves, we then had to get out of sight before they both walked out of the room and down the corridor like nothing had happened!" Lazarus seemed enraptured in his own tale. 
"They could have just been talking..." I replied but there was little conviction in my own voice. I had seen Tom and his 'employees' with my own eyes I had no doubt that what Lazarus saw was one of his little business meetings. 
"Oh come off it Grisha! Why come and talk out of sight in an empty classroom!" He stated throwing his hands in the air, I raised my eyebrows as I looked around the room we were in. 
"Well yes okay but no this was different Grisha, I am mean why was he wearing leather gloves?" he crossed his arms across his chest as he looked for my response. 
"Well it is getting colder..." I replied that much was true it was not unheard of for Tom to have black gloves in the winter, granted that it was a particularly mild night. 
Lazarus rolled his eyes at me. "Look if you wont believe me Wiglaf will tell you!" he sighed. 

"Tell her Wiglaf tell her what we saw," Lazarus paced back and forth in front of the large pendalam of the clock tower. 
Wiglaf took a deep breath before placing his hands in his pockets.
"I am not entirely sure of what I saw." he reasoned looking thoughtful.
"Oh come on Wiglaf you saw it with your own eyes just like I did!" Lazarus exclaimed impatiently. 
"I saw Tom talking to Rosier in an empty classroom at curfew that is all I saw." he stated bluntly. 
"But you admit that it was strange don't you? He was wearing leather gloves inside on a mild evening!" Lazarus was desperate for someone to take his suspicions seriously. 
"I admit that the circumstances are a little curious but it there is no further information on which to accuse." Wiglaf replied placing a hand to his chin. 
"This is redicious," I breathed looking between the two of them. 
"You don't even know what they were talking about, they could have been talking about anything." I doubted my own words as I looked at Lazarus's wide dark eyes sparkling with passion.
"Nothing good." Lazarus scoffed. 
"What is it exactly you suspect?" I asked looking between the two boys who exchanged a look with one another. 
"Wiglaf," I begged with a helpless expression. 
"Innocent until proven guilty." Wiglaf stated, Lazarus rolled his eyes. 
"If there a darker truth then I will prove him guilty." Wiglaf whispered sternly. 
"We will prove him guilty." Lazarus corrected him. "Right Grisha?"
"I don't believe you two..." I breathed, "I will not spy on our friend, we are supposed to be the heirs, the four heirs." 
"It's not spying," Lazarus replied, "It's for the better, if there is nothing to find then Tom is innocent." 
"For the greater good" I scoffed causing both boys to look to the ground quickly upon hearing the phrase that had and still was causing so much pain all around the world. 
"Grisha," Wiglaf looked at me. "I want to believe that Tom is innocent that there is nothing to this but... we have to be sure. Do you remember the maze Grisha? That was a collaboration between Riddle and Rosier do you really want another one?" 
I shrugged and shook my head defeatedly "Do what you have to do." I stated before turning my back on them and walking back towards the Gryffindor Common Room the whole while all I could think about was what Tom was up to this time... him and his employees but one thing's for certain now that Wiglaf and Lazarus were suspicious he would have to be extremely careful. Perhaps I could get to him first... I would deal with him myself. 

"Grisha," Amber smiled as I stepped through the portrait hole and waved me over to the couch where she lay stretched out over Florians legs. 
I smiled weakly before walking over to her and dropping down in the armchair opposite them as Amber pulled herself up into a sitting position to face me. 
"Wow what's wrong? You look like you have a day of it." Amber asked me with a raised eyebrow. Amber had an uncanny ability to decipher people's slightest expression.
"Just work," I replied shaking her off. 
"It is starting to pile up isn't it." Florian replied with a frown. 
"Nonsense that it is work I don't care if you have a ten page essay you don't have a face like that." Amber butted in wafting away Florian who merely rolled his eyes and returned his attention to the newest addition of 'Seeker Weekly'. 
"I'm fine," I sighed looking into the flames. 
"Celia was talking about you before." She said offhandedly as she leaned forward to grab her glass of pumpkin juice, she took a small slip watching me over the brim of the glass. 
"She is my biggest fan." I replied. "She can say what she likes." Little old Celia was the least of my worries, if I was all she had to talk about then her life was taking a very dull turn. 
"I would have thought she would be too busy for such nonsense being head girl and all." Florian added still not looking up from his magazine. "What she said on the train was completely out of order. I reported her to Professor Slughorn but he brushed it off, course he did one of his 'best' Slytherin's isn't she."
"Honestly I can't believe it, two Slytherin's as head boy and girl." Amber shook her head. 
"Tom is a good leader." I replied. "As for Celia she can talk herself into the ground for all I care." 
"Good for you." Florian smiled. 
"No you can't let her get away with it!" Amber gasped. "I've been thinking of a really good rumour we can-" 
"No." I interrupted her sharply. "I will not sink to her level. Queen's do not compete with hoes." I spat under my breath. Florian wolf whistled as Amber rose her glass, 
"I'll toast to that." She smiled. 

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