Chapter Thirty Six- The definition of invincible

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The first of September had seemed to take an age to arrive as I finely found myself strolling down the Kings Cross purposefully, scanning the people around me in a mild panic, small children were stood around crying holding onto their parents for dear life strange ugly masks hanging around their necks with cards that said their name, smoke filled the air covering everything in a thick dust, I covered my mouth with my sleeve as I slipped between the crowds. I couldn't see him, panic swilled in my chest as the image of the front of the muggle newspaper stand swirled around my head. 
'London Afire: Hundreds die!' 
I reached the wall between platforms 9 and 10 and gave a shuddering sigh as I rallied myself to push through the barrier before it closed, closing my eyes I tightened my fingers around my trunk and ran at the wall, a cold feeling washed over me before I opened my eyes to find myself on the familiar platform. 
The mood within the wizarding world was not much better than that of the muggle world, the war against Grindlewald was raging oversees it was only a matter of time before he attacked Great Britain too, I hardly seen my Father over the summer holidays (as was the usual these days), I had spent most of the days writing letters to my friends or reading up on next years lessons, after all I would have my OWL examinations this year... 
I looked around the platform hoping that I would see him, but he was still nowhere to be seen, I put down my trunk and slumped down upon it I did not want to get onto the train just yet... 
"Grisha," a familiar voice called my name behind me my eyes widening I burst into a smile as I stood up and quickly turned around.

"You're still alive," I breathed, he looked at me with a raised eyebrow, "Don't sound so disappointed Grisha I may start to think that you don't like me," Tom smirked,
 Without thinking I threw my arms around him, I felt his body tense at the contact and feeling his discomfort I broke myself away and looked down to the floor feeling a little embarrassed at my outburst. 
Suddenly the awkwardness was punctured by the sound of the bell signalling the final calling to board the train, in silence we picked up our trunks and boarded the train I could feel Tom's eyes on me the whole time. 
"I see you are a prefect now," Tom said coldly, "Congratulations," 
I followed Tom's gaze and looked down at the shining red prefect badge pinned to my robes, I let out a breath I had almost forgotten! I had gotten the later accompanied with my badge around a week before the start of term, I had been so excited to tell Father but soon discovered he had already left again and that I wouldn't see him again now until most probably next summer...

"Although you do not look overly thrilled?" Tom's voice brought me out of my thoughts and I shook my head, 
"No, no I am I was just never-mind," I muttered, Tom's eyed me suspiciously. 
"Lazarus is a Prefect too," I said trying to detract the attention from myself. 
Tom nodded, "We better get to the meeting," he said in a very business like tone. 
He led the small distance down the train towards a rather large compartment towards the front of the train that I had never seen before. 
Through the glass doors I could already see that a number of people were already gathered inside, Wiglaf and Lazarus among them. Tom slid the door open and all conversation died in the air as every eye shot straight to him, when Tom entered a room he demanded respect and attention and he was never left wanting, the only people not looked fazed by his arrival with Wiglaf and Lazarus who simply smiled at us. 
I took a seat beside Lazarus and Wiglaf, greeting them briefly with a warm smile. The other people (that I knew by more than name alone) in the compartment comprised of Malfoy, Flint, Rosier and Florian who I gave a small wave to. 
Tom sat lazily slouched opposite me a smirk in place, "Can I introduce to you our new Head Boy and Head Girl, Caspian Rosier and Phoebe Fodder," I frowned, who put Tom in charge? The Head Boy and Head Girl couldn't even introduce themselves? I felt as if their titles were a mere formality as I felt sure that I knew who person in charge was... 
Rosier gave a sickly smile and a nod of his head, while the Ravenclaw Head Girl Phoebe gave a nervous little wave, "Hi everyone," she smiled I smiled at her trying to relieve the awkwardness building up in the small space. 
Tom gestured from them to speak, Rosier of course was the one to rise to the job. 
"This year will be an exciting year I intend for it be the most extravagant one yet why I am in charge. Our main efforts will be on events and house competitions, friendly of course." he added with another one of his sickening smiles causing me to fight rolling my eyes at him. 
"What sort of competitions?" Wiglaf asked his voiced filled with loathing for the new Head Boy already. 
"Now that would be telling wouldn't it?" Rosier smirked looking towards Tom,
"It will an opportunity for all of those who wish to prove themselves... worthy." Tom added. 
"We don't want to ruin anything now do we? For now you will continue your Prefect duties. Here are your patrol schedules which will commence as soon as we arrive at Hogwarts. No rest for the wicked," he winked as pieces of parchment floated threw the air to all of us. I looked down at my schedule, I would patrol with either Tom or Lazarus alternating... I frowned as I saw that Tom would also be patrolling with Celia Flint... I felt strange feeling burned in my chest as I saw her look at Tom and wink at him. 
"That will be all I will be seeing you all very soon let us look forward to a... show stopping year," he smiled giving Tom get another glance and showing every one of his large white teeth. Poor Phoebe just looked shell shocked as she sat beside him completely over shadowed, I rolled my eyes  I doubted very much whether she was up for the job or whether or not Tom intended to allow her to do it either way. Tom was planning something I could feel it all of my insides felt as if they were squirming around. 
Everyone rose to leave the compartment as I made to follow Lazarus and Wiglaf down the corridor I felt someone grab onto my wrist causing me to stop and turn around preparing to hit someone I stopped as I saw it was Tom, 
"You didn't really think muggles could hurt me did you?" He smirked I frowned was he talking about the bombing?
"Well seeing as we still are not permitted to perform magic outside of school and that it is illegal to perform magic in front of muggles... I would say that bombs could certainly pose a threat, no one is invincible." I replied crossing my arms across my chest. Tom merely smirked back at me, 
"The definition of invincible is not to be conquered or subdued, one can certainly be invincible." He smirked before I could contemplate when he meant by this he let go of my wrist and walked past me leaving me stood in the threshold of the compartment. 

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